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Episode Info

"Fluffleberry Quest" is the second segment of the 5th episode of the third season of Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, and the 36th overall episode in the series. It premiered in August 24, 2018.


The Snack Pack learn about Branch's Fluffleberry cake recipe.


The episode starts off giving the illusion of a giant-sized Smidge eating Troll Village. It turns out to be a desert made out of gingerbread that is a replica of Troll Village. Branch admits the dessert is good, but nowhere as good as Fluffleberry cake, his Grandma's specialty. Each week she would make it after visiting the market. Only one piece remains and Branch keeps it under lock. He explains that he finds it frustrating because he wants to eat it, but if he does then he wouldn't have Fluffleberry cake anymore, as no one knows the recipe.

Poppy plans to steal the cake and get the recipe in "Heist - Troll style". The Trolls misunderstand what that phrase means, and Smidge accidentally gets Branch to come out of his bunker by using a drill. Poppy takes the chance to sing a song to distract him so Smidge and Guy Diamond can steal the cake. The ruse works and they take the cake.

The cake appears to have aged quite a bit. Poppy gives the cake to Fuzzbert, who connects with the cake using a D.N.A. or "Desert Nutrient Assessment" test. Fuzzbert produces the recipe, and for the first time in a long period, Fluffleberry cake can be made. The recipe proves quite strange, with weird requirements to make it.

The group celebrates by trying out what they expected to be the most delicious dessert ever, but they end up finding it foul, unable to stand it at all. As they react in horror to the taste, Poppy goes over the recipe to find out what they did wrong. Smidge puts to a missing ingredient: "Plushroom", which is a type of mushroom found only at Slippery Slope, the most dangerous mountain known to Troll kind. Poppy admits defeat and now must return the cake, but in a blunder it is destroyed, making the only option now to be to get the Plushroom. The group ventures throughout the mountain, sliding over every peril along the way.

They reach the most dangerous part of the mountain: Soap Summit. Poppy can see the Plushroom over there. She carefully lowers herself down, but a very large bubble forms. Cooper can't resist the temptation to burst it, which sends Poppy falling as her hair lets go. Branch, who has been tracking them since they stole the cake, begs Poppy to pull herself up, even though she is so close to the Plushroom. Branch states he can live without the cake, but not without his best friend.

Poppy pulls herself up. As she talks about not getting to make him another slice. He says that he doubts there was Plushroom in the cake: that was what the plate was made out of. Poppy realizes that when she tossed the cake to Fuzzbert, the plate was included, which is why it was on the recipe. This means the cake she made was already correct to begin with.

Branch eats the last piece of the cake Poppy made, which the other Trolls, having tasted how horrible it is, find hard to watch.




Physical distribution

This episode is available on the "Trolls: The Beat Goes On! - Complete Seasons 1-4" DVD.


  • Branch's cake situation is based on the phrase "you can't have cake and eat it too", which refers to a situation wherein someone can't have both of two things. They've got to choose between either owning the cake or eating it; it's not possible to do both. This is a form of paradox caused by a failure of logic, often referred to as Branch stated a Catch-22 situation. The phrase "Catch-22" comes from a book of the same name.
  • Branch can't get another piece because, as explained in Trolls, Grandma Rosiepuff died when Chef grabbed her. Branch had been singing in the open lost in song and this attracted the Bergen's attention. To save Branch, Rosiepuff sacrified herself. This worked, but got her killed, causing Branch to suffer for 20 years due to guilt and making him turn grey.
  • Branch mentions that every week they'd go to the market and buy the ingredients for Fluffleberry cake. This has some issues with the events of Trolls as to when this took place. For example, Branch and Grandma Rosiepuff lived in the Troll Tree, which was surrounded by Bergen Town when she was alive; it starts a dispute over where they gathered the ingredients.
  • Satin's feet are completely purple in the scene where they show Slippery Slope. The most likely explanation is that the animators accidentally used Chenille's feet instead of Satin's to complete her, as Satin's tights are the same color as Chenille's feet. Since Satin doesn't move in this scene, the error was present throughout it, as her feet never had to switch to another pose.
  • When Cooper shouts "There can only be one!", he eats a gingerbread version of himself. This references a quote from the Highlander films.
  • The choice Poppy has to make between the Plushroom and her own safety is a reference to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, where Indiana Jones has to choose between escaping the Temple of the Sun and claiming the Holy Grail.
  • The gadget Poppy trips over wasn't present in previous scenes before that moment. It's possible that it was left over from an earlier draft of the animation and part of the plot changed, but not what Poppy tripped over.
  • The rescue scene is another reference to Branch and Poppy's relationship, this time when he says he can't live without his "best friend". Like all other references to the pair's relationship, it doesn't change their status quo.
  • The only members of The Snack Pack missing in this episode are Biggie and DJ Suki. This is one of the few episodes in which most of the group appears together, and one of the few episodes of the series in which Fuzzbert appears with them.
  • This episode is the second time where Poppy has blundered and lost an item in the series, the first being in "Bellow Bug Day". It would later occur again in the episodes "Dark Side Of The Lagoon" and "Gem Day". Coincidentally, the three episodes focus on the Poppy-Branch relationship in one way or another.


Trolls: The Beat Goes On! episodes
Season 1
A New Bergen-ing/Laugh Out Cloud • Two Party System/Fun Branch • Royal Review/Funishment • Bad News Bergens/Unhealthy Competition • Cloudy With A Chance Of Hugs/Creek Week • The Giver/Bellow Bug Day
Season 2
Prank Day/Adventures In Dinkles-Sitting • Eye'll Be Watching You/Sorry Not Sorry • Big Poppy/Neighbor War • Remote Out Of Control/Critter Comfort • The Poppy Horror Picture Show/Dinkles Dinkles Little Star • The Party Games/Trolly Tales • Model Behavior/Pillow War
Season 3
The Imposter/The Frenemy • Hair-Jitsu/Crushin' It • Meet The Peppy/Party Crash Course • Trolly Tales 2/Rainbowmageddon • Coop, Where's My Guy?/Fluffleberry Quest • FOMO-OPUP/Lost In The Woods
Season 4
Party Crashed • Weekend At Diamond's/Branchception • The Bunker List/The Interns • Three Trolls-Keteers/The Helper • Smidgician/DJ's Got Talent • Peril Patch/Sibling Quibbling • Musical Thrones/Branch Bum
Season 5
Wormhole/Ear Worm • Don't Worry Be Peppy/Two's A Cloud • Glitter Loss/New Anthem • Dark Side Of The Lagoon/Mr. Glittercakes • Snow Day/Guy Misses Out • Scrap To The Future/Bringing Up Birdy
Season 6
Blank Day/Haircuffed • Marshtato Fairy/Do The Biggie • Hitting The Sky Note/Hug Fest • Chummy Sparklestone/Giggleyum • Glamping/A Flower For Poppy • The Partier's Apprentice/Hair Ball
Season 7
Freeze Tag/Whimsy Wasps • The Fast And The Friendliest/Much Achoo About Nothing • Extreme Sleepover Club/Vega Swift • Scrapbookmobile/Troll Rangers • Doc Doc, Who's There?/Tour Guide Of Duty • Troll Playing Game/Finn Cascade • Gem Day/Bad Luck Branch
Season 8
Queen of the Castle/Truth or Dare • Friend Matching/Trolly Tales 3 • Apple of My Ire/Funsgiving • Bunker Break-In/To Catch A Critter • CJ's Wooferbug/What Did I Miss? • Tall Tail/BFFF • Switcher-Ruby/Bye Bye Bunker