Race / Attributes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Beast 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 |
Demon 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 |
Dragon 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 |
Elf 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 |
Human 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 |
God 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 |
Machina 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 |
Level Up | Evolve | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Water 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Fire 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Earth 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 |
Light 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Dark 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
ID | 1771 | Name | Meruem | Attribute | Earth | Race | Demon | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
6000K | Max Exp |
6000000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 24 | Series | Ultimate Lords | |
Lv1 HP |
1444 | Lv1 ATK |
1379 | Lv1 Rec |
99 | Max HP |
2687 | Max Atk |
2470 | Max Rec |
437 | |
Active Skill | Aura Synthesis For 1 Round, Attack of all enemies -50%, adding the deducted Attack basic value to the Character's Attack. |
Leader Skill | Kingdom of Chimera Ants When the Team consists of only Elves and Demons, Team Attack increases every time a Runestone is dissolved, to the max x 7. |
ID | 1777 | Name | Sphinx | Attribute | Earth | Race | Level Up Elements | |||||
Max Lv |
15 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
10205 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 8 | Series | Materials | |
Lv1 HP |
1200 | Lv1 ATK |
800 | Lv1 Rec |
300 | Max HP |
1200 | Max Atk |
800 | Max Rec |
300 | |
Active Skill | Nil Nil |
Leader Skill | Cure of Light Light Recovery x 1.5 |
ID | 1782 | Name | Source of Vitality - Roger | Attribute | Earth | Race | Human | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
1500K | Max Exp |
1500000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 15 | Series | The Magi | ||
Lv1 HP |
1682 | Lv1 ATK |
807 | Lv1 Rec |
252 | Max HP |
3302 | Max Atk |
1586 | Max Rec |
566 | ||
Active Skill | Shelter of Forest For 1 Round, no attacks could be launched by the Monster; Damage received -60%; Damage received -90% in the next Round. Launch an Earth Counterattack as much as 50x the Monster's Attack, regardless of Defense. |
Leader Skill | Sorcery of Spring Leaves Human Attack x 3.5; by dissolving 6 or more Fire or Earth Runestones in total, Human Attack x 1.5 additionally. Fire & Earth Damage received -30%. |
Evolve |
ID | 1790 | Name | Kurama | Attribute | Earth | Race | Elf | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 16 | Series | Yu☆Yu☆Hakusho | |
Lv1 HP |
839 | Lv1 ATK |
585 | Lv1 Rec |
292 | Max HP |
1980 | Max Atk |
1382 | Max Rec |
845 | |
Active Skill | Rose Whip Thorn Wheel Randomly change Attributes of all Runestones; increase the Occurrence rate of Earth Runestones while Earth Runestones will become Elf Runestones. | Active Skill | The Demonic Fox Switch. Active Skill CDs of Elves and Demons -1 (except "Kurama"). Unlimited Runestone movement without dissolving for 1 Round. |
Leader Skill | Petal Whirlwind When the Team includes only Elves and Demons, Team Attack x 4; HP & Recovery x 1.3; all Attributive Runestones also possess 25% effect of Heart Runestones (effects can be superimposed). |
ID | 1791 | Name | Yoko Kurama | Attribute | Earth | Race | Elf | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 18 | Series | Yu☆Yu☆Hakusho | |
Lv1 HP |
1130 | Lv1 ATK |
780 | Lv1 Rec |
387 | Max HP |
2154 | Max Atk |
1489 | Max Rec |
875 | |
Active Skill | Binding Fist of the Demonic Vine For 2 Rounds: I. The Character's Attack x 4 II. If an enemy is defeated by Initial Direct Damage or Attack-damage upon the Round of Skill activation, ⇒ the Skill stays in play. | Active Skill | Summon of Demonic Plants For 1 Round, Earth Attack and Elf Attack x 2.5; explode the columns of Runestones on the far left and far right sides to generate Enchanted Earth Elf Runestones; explode other columns of Runestones to generate Enchanted Runestones. |
Leader Skill | Petal Whirlwind - EX When the Team includes only Elves and Demons, Team Attack x 4; HP & Reocvery x 1.3; all Attributive Runestones also possess 50% effect of Heart Runestones (effects can be superimposed). |
ID | 1799 | Name | Yomi | Attribute | Earth | Race | Elf | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 40 | Series | Coliseum | |
Lv1 HP |
816 | Lv1 ATK |
607 | Lv1 Rec |
307 | Max HP |
1926 | Max Atk |
1434 | Max Rec |
887 | |
Active Skill | Demon Absorption Wall Modify Earth Runestones to become Elf Runestones. For 1 Round, absorb the first Attack-damage and Damage received from Boss Skills deducting a specific % of Summoner's HP such as "Bloody Scythe" etc. of the enemy in the Round. Launch an Earth Counterattack as much as 50x the absorbed attack to it. |
Leader Skill | Core of Spirits Elf Attack x 3. All Attributive Runestones also possess 25% effect of Heart Runestones (effects can be superimposed). |
ID | 1800 | Name | Harpy Knight - Madhead | Attribute | Earth | Race | Level Up Elements | |||||
Max Lv |
1 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
0 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 45 | Series | Madhead | |
Lv1 HP |
2600 | Lv1 ATK |
100 | Lv1 Rec |
100 | Max HP |
2600 | Max Atk |
100 | Max Rec |
100 | |
Active Skill | Freeze Freeze all enemies to inactivate them and change their Attribute into Water for 3 Rounds. |
Leader Skill | Ultimate Soul Reaping When the enemy's HP is <40%, ⇒ the Team launches 1 extra non-Attributive Afterattack as much as 6x the Character's Attack basic value to all enemies regardless of Defense. |
ID | 1805 | Name | Jin | Attribute | Earth | Race | Elf | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
4000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 10 | Series | Fighters of Tournament | |
Lv1 HP |
931 | Lv1 ATK |
581 | Lv1 Rec |
268 | Max HP |
1777 | Max Atk |
1109 | Max Rec |
606 | |
Active Skill | Tornado Fist Arrange Earth Runestones from top left to bottom. For 1 Round, if a group of 5 or more Runestones is dissolved in a column, 2 Earth Elf Runestones will be generated in that column (only the first batch of Runestones dissolved will be counted). |
Leader Skill | Earth Bewitchment Earth Attack x 3; Earth Elf Attack x 4. |
ID | 1813 | Name | Withered Savant | Attribute | Earth | Race | Demon | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 20 | Series | Demon Savants | |
Lv1 HP |
1025 | Lv1 ATK |
1305 | Lv1 Rec |
102 | Max HP |
1907 | Max Atk |
2339 | Max Rec |
450 | |
Active Skill | Protective Field of Demons I. If there are ≥3 Demons in the Team: ⓵ Combo count +3. ⓶ Damage received -40%. II. If there are only Demons in the Team: ⓵ Combo count +3. ⓶ “Sticky” will be nullified. The Skill stays in play until Heart Runestones are dissolved in the first batch. |
Leader Skill | Demonic Magic - EX When the Team has only Demons: I. Team Attack x 9; HP x 2.5. II. When HP is full: ⓵ Team Attack x 2. ⓶ Damage received -40%. III. By dissolving Demon Runestones, ⇒ Team Attack x 5 additionally. |
ID | 1818 | Name | Glorious Amazon - Mesopotamia | Attribute | Earth | Race | Human | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
8000K | Max Exp |
8000000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 20 | Series | Genesis | ||
Lv1 HP |
1811 | Lv1 ATK |
926 | Lv1 Rec |
244 | Max HP |
3556 | Max Atk |
1818 | Max Rec |
547 | ||
Active Skill | Indomitable Will When 4 or more Combos are made, the Monster launches an extra Light attack and an extra Dark attack; when 6 or more Combos are made, the Monster's Attack x 3; when 8 or more Combos are made, the Monster's Damage will be dealt to enemies regardless of "Fixed Combo Shield". The Skill stays in play until no more than 3 Combos are made. |
Leader Skill | Selfless Heiress Earth Attack x 4; Earth Human Attack x 5. Extend Runestone-moving time regardlessly by 2.5 seconds. For every group of Light or Dark Runestones dissolved, turn 1 random Runestone into Enchanted Human Runestone at the end of the Round, to the max 30 Runestones to be turned (Earth and Heart Runestones rank first in priority). |
Power Release | |
ID | 1820 | Name | Baby Harpy Knight - Madhead | Attribute | Earth | Race | Level Up Elements | |||||
Max Lv |
1 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
0 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 40 | Series | Madhead | |
Lv1 HP |
2000 | Lv1 ATK |
50 | Lv1 Rec |
50 | Max HP |
2000 | Max Atk |
50 | Max Rec |
50 | |
Active Skill | Freeze Freeze all enemies to inactivate them and change their Attribute into Water for 3 Rounds. |
Leader Skill | Ultimate Soul Reaping When the enemy's HP is <40%, ⇒ the Team launches 1 extra non-Attributive Afterattack as much as 6x the Character's Attack basic value to all enemies regardless of Defense. |
ID | 1840 | Name | Parvati | Attribute | Earth | Race | God | ||||||
Max Lv |
50 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
1000000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 8 | Series | Hindu Gods | ||
Lv1 HP |
888 | Lv1 ATK |
385 | Lv1 Rec |
90 | Max HP |
1725 | Max Atk |
700 | Max Rec |
200 | ||
Active Skill | Earth Smash - EX Deal 10x Earth Damage to an enemy. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Gods God Attack x 4. |
Evolve |
ID | 1841 | Name | Divine Pureness - Parvati | Attribute | Earth | Race | God | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 14 | Series | Hindu Gods | ||
Lv1 HP |
1693 | Lv1 ATK |
735 | Lv1 Rec |
171 | Max HP |
3354 | Max Atk |
1359 | Max Rec |
389 | ||
Active Skill | Unswerving Support Leader & Ally Attack x 4 for 1 Round. For every extra God present in the Team, the number of Rounds the Skill stays in play +1, to the max 5 Rounds. |
Leader Skill | Vines of Godly Power I. Earth God Attack x 4.5. II. By dissolving God Runestones, Earth Attack x 1.5 additionally. |
Evolve |
ID | 1858 | Name | Ganesha the Elephant Deity | Attribute | Earth | Race | Beast | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
4000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 16 | Series | Arena | |
Lv1 HP |
1855 | Lv1 ATK |
957 | Lv1 Rec |
53 | Max HP |
3638 | Max Atk |
1739 | Max Rec |
124 | |
Active Skill | Stomping Strength Turn Earth Runestones into Enchanted Beast Runestones. Deal an Earth Damage as much as 25x of total Beast HP to all enemies. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Beasts Beast Attack x 4. |
ID | 1861 | Name | Emerald Mechbot | Attribute | Earth | Race | Machina | |||||
Max Lv |
30 | Exp Curve |
2000K | Max Exp |
175136 | Rarity | ★3 | Cost | 4 | Series | Mechbots | |
Lv1 HP |
675 | Lv1 ATK |
218 | Lv1 Rec |
36 | Max HP |
1259 | Max Atk |
416 | Max Rec |
98 | |
Active Skill | Machine Component - Earth Modify Earth Runestones to become Machina Runestones. |
Leader Skill | Power of the Woods Earth Attack x 1.5 |
ID | 1865 | Name | Lambda the Benevolent Healer | Attribute | Earth | Race | Machina | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
4000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 10 | Series | The Survivor of Oroz | |
Lv1 HP |
1640 | Lv1 ATK |
469 | Lv1 Rec |
104 | Max HP |
3157 | Max Atk |
922 | Max Rec |
300 | |
Active Skill | Burst of Potential For 1 Round, the higher the Team HP, the higher the Machina Attack and Fuel, to the max Attack x 2.2 and Fuel +40% for 40000 HP. |
Leader Skill | Anger of the Woods Earth Attack x 2 |
ID | 1869 | Name | Resonance of the World - Zana | Attribute | Earth | Race | Elf | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
6000K | Max Exp |
6000000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 45 | Series | Guardians of Mech City | |
Lv1 HP |
1548 | Lv1 ATK |
790 | Lv1 Rec |
482 | Max HP |
2952 | Max Atk |
1507 | Max Rec |
1090 | |
Active Skill | Melodic Tunes of Runes I. Unlimited Runestone movement in 12 seconds without dissolving. For 1 Round: II. Turn the Runestones touched while moving at first into Enchanted Earth Elf Runestones. III. Earth Attack & Elf Attack x 2. IV. Earth & Elf Damage will be dealt regardless of Trio Elemental Shield and Quintet Elemental Shield. |
Leader Skill | Melodies of Elfish Spirits When the Team has only Elves: I. Team Attack x 4.5; HP & Recovery x 1.3. II. All Attributive Runestones also possess 50% effect of Heart Runestones. |
ID | 1875 | Name | Glutinous Rice Chicken | Attribute | Earth | Race | Level Up Elements | |||||
Max Lv |
1 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
0 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 4 | Series | Dim Sum Delicacies | |
Lv1 HP |
2000 | Lv1 ATK |
0 | Lv1 Rec |
1000 | Max HP |
2000 | Max Atk |
0 | Max Rec |
1000 | |
Active Skill | Savory Dish - Earth The more Earth Members in the Team, the more the HP to be recovered, to the max 6000 HP. |
Leader Skill | Revival of Earth Earth Recovery x 2 |
ID | 1880 | Name | Mech Part - Wings | Attribute | Earth | Race | Machina | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
2500K | Max Exp |
2500000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 10 | Series | Creations of Wonderland | ||
Lv1 HP |
1266 | Lv1 ATK |
380 | Lv1 Rec |
79 | Max HP |
3482 | Max Atk |
1072 | Max Rec |
360 | ||
Active Skill | Input of Command For 1 Round, the Monster launches 3 extra attacks of random Attributes; by dissolving 3 or more Attributes of Runestones, Team Attack x 2 and recover 6000 HP. |
Leader Skill | Fury of Earth Earth Attack x 2.5 |
Combination |
ID | 1881 | Name | Total Annihilation - Robotron | Attribute | Earth | Race | Machina | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
2500K | Max Exp |
2500000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 80 | Series | Creations of Wonderland | ||
Lv1 HP |
8810 | Lv1 ATK |
2707 | Lv1 Rec |
539 | Max HP |
16956 | Max Atk |
5314 | Max Rec |
1543 | ||
Active Skill | Operation of Command For 1 Round, for each group of Water, Fire or Earth Runestones dissolved, the Monster launches an extra attack of a random Attribute as much as 2x the Monster's Attack; for each group of Light or Dark Runestones dissolved, recover 3000 HP (only the first batch of Runestones dissolved will be counted). | Active Skill | Triple Blast of Elements Explode the 2 bottom rows of Runestones 3 times successively to generate Enchanted Runestones and deal non-Atrributive Damage to all enemies. For 1 Round, all Attributive Runestones also possess the effects of Water, Fire and Earth Runestones. |
Leader Skill | Ire of Earth Earth Attack x 3 |
Combination |
ID | 1884 | Name | Panties Thief - Kazuma | Attribute | Earth | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 16 | Series | KonoSuba | |
Lv1 HP |
1558 | Lv1 ATK |
730 | Lv1 Rec |
202 | Max HP |
3059 | Max Atk |
1433 | Max Rec |
454 | |
Active Skill | Steal Explode the columns of Runestones below Monsters of "KonoSuba" to generate Enchanted Runestones. One of the following effects will be triggered randomly: Sword - Team Attack x 1.8 for 1 Round. Pants - Team Attack & Recovery x 2 for 1 Round. |
Leader Skill | Boundary Revolution Runestones can be dissolved by grouping 3 or more of them. Drop rate of all Runestones will not be affected by Amelioration or Skills (including those altering the Attribute of dropping Runestones). |
ID | 1889 | Name | Lightning Steal - Chris | Attribute | Earth | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 16 | Series | KonoSuba | |
Lv1 HP |
1484 | Lv1 ATK |
688 | Lv1 Rec |
240 | Max HP |
2914 | Max Atk |
1352 | Max Rec |
537 | |
Active Skill | Skill Lock Turn Dark, Light and Heart Runestones into Enchanted Water, Enchanted Fire and Enchanted Earth Runestones respectively. For 1 Round, Damage dealt to Demons by the Monster x 5. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Humans Human Attack x 4. |
ID | 1897 | Name | Cabbage | Attribute | Earth | Race | Level Up Elements | |||||
Max Lv |
15 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
10205 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 4 | Series | Creatures from Another World | |
Lv1 HP |
1200 | Lv1 ATK |
800 | Lv1 Rec |
300 | Max HP |
1200 | Max Atk |
800 | Max Rec |
300 | |
Active Skill | Nil Nil |
Leader Skill | Spirit of Earth Earth HP x 1.5 |
ID | 1901 | Name | Giant Toad - Earth | Attribute | Earth | Race | Beast | |||||
Max Lv |
1 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
0 | Rarity | ★4 | Cost | 4 | Series | Giant Toads | |
Lv1 HP |
854 | Lv1 ATK |
301 | Lv1 Rec |
30 | Max HP |
854 | Max Atk |
301 | Max Rec |
30 | |
Active Skill | Savory Dish - Earth The more Earth Members in the Team, the more the HP to be recovered, to the max 6000 HP. |
Leader Skill | Power of the Woods Earth Attack x 1.5 |
ID | 1905 | Name | Crunchy Juiciness - Green Apple | Attribute | Earth | Race | Elf | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
4000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 10 | Series | Frutties | |
Lv1 HP |
909 | Lv1 ATK |
491 | Lv1 Rec |
318 | Max HP |
1735 | Max Atk |
937 | Max Rec |
718 | |
Active Skill | Juicy Sweetie - Earth Modify Earth Runestones to become Elf Runestones. For 1 Round, Heart Runestones also possess 50% effect of Earth Runestones; if Runestones of 5 Attributes are dissolved in the same Round, the Monster's current Skill CD -2 (only the first batch of Runestones dissolved will be counted). |
Leader Skill | Rebirth of Elves Elf Recovery x 2.5 |
ID | 1908 | Name | Source Code of Magic - Android | Attribute | Earth | Race | Machina | |||||
Max Lv |
1 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
0 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 10 | Series | The Android | |
Lv1 HP |
1000 | Lv1 ATK |
500 | Lv1 Rec |
100 | Max HP |
1000 | Max Atk |
500 | Max Rec |
100 | |
Active Skill | Cog in the Machine - Earth Turn 3 random Earth Runestones into Enchanted Machina Runestones. |
Leader Skill | Nil Nil |
ID | 1918 | Name | Honourable Dedication - Serket | Attribute | Earth | Race | God | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 20 | Series | Imperiality of Egypt | |
Lv1 HP |
1920 | Lv1 ATK |
760 | Lv1 Rec |
176 | Max HP |
3804 | Max Atk |
1405 | Max Rec |
401 | |
Active Skill | Inheritance of Divine Earth I. Turn 6 Runestones into 3 Enchanted God Runestones of each specified Attribute (Earth and Heart). (non-Earth and non-Heart Runestones rank first in priority) For 1 Round: II. If there is “Shackles of Souls - Anubis” or “Wings of Tempest - Shu” in the Team: ⓵ Earth Members and Gods: ⇒ Attack x 1.5. ⓶ The Skill will be ready for reactivation immediately. (One reactivation each Wave.) |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Gods God Attack x 4. |
ID | 1925 | Name | Ghostie | Attribute | Earth | Race | Beast | ||||||
Max Lv |
50 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
1000000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 8 | Series | The Master Cathieves | ||
Lv1 HP |
1071 | Lv1 ATK |
399 | Lv1 Rec |
70 | Max HP |
2013 | Max Atk |
700 | Max Rec |
155 | ||
Active Skill | Shield Destructor Enemies' Defense -75% for 3 Rounds. |
Leader Skill | Ability of the Unnoticed When the Team consists of only Beasts, Team Attack x 5.5; HP x 2; 10% of total HP will be deducted every Round; recover 5% of total HP for each Beast Runestone dissolved. |
Evolve |
ID | 1926 | Name | Untraceable Moves - Ghostie | Attribute | Earth | Race | Beast | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 14 | Series | The Master Cathieves | ||
Lv1 HP |
1997 | Lv1 ATK |
747 | Lv1 Rec |
130 | Max HP |
3915 | Max Atk |
1359 | Max Rec |
302 | ||
Active Skill | Phenomenal Detonation Turn all Runestones into Enchanted Beast Runestones. When the Team consists of only Beasts, for 1 Round, Runestones can be dissolved singly or in groups of 2 or more. |
Leader Skill | Ability of the Unnoticed When the Team consists of only Beasts, Team Attack x 5.5; HP x 2; 10% of total HP will be deducted every Round; recover 5% of total HP for each Beast Runestone dissolved. |
Evolve |
ID | 1931 | Name | Wimpy | Attribute | Earth | Race | Beast | ||||||
Max Lv |
50 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
1000000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 8 | Series | The Master Cathieves | ||
Lv1 HP |
992 | Lv1 ATK |
406 | Lv1 Rec |
67 | Max HP |
1865 | Max Atk |
711 | Max Rec |
147 | ||
Active Skill | Shield Destructor Enemies' Defense -75% for 3 Rounds. |
Leader Skill | Ire of Earth Earth Attack x 3 |
Evolve |
ID | 1932 | Name | Astute Lockpicker - Wimpy | Attribute | Earth | Race | Beast | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 14 | Series | The Master Cathieves | ||
Lv1 HP |
1850 | Lv1 ATK |
760 | Lv1 Rec |
123 | Max HP |
3628 | Max Atk |
1382 | Max Rec |
287 | ||
Active Skill | The Master Key Release the locked Skills of all Beasts and Machinas. Turn the columns of Runestones below 3 Beasts or Machinas into Enchanted Runestones. This Skill will not be locked. |
Leader Skill | Trigger of Devices - Beasts When the Team has only Beasts: I. Team Attack x 3. II. Damage dealt to Machinas by Beasts x 2 additionally. |
Evolve |
ID | 1943 | Name | Versatile Stratagem - Tristan | Attribute | Earth | Race | Beast | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
3500K | Max Exp |
3500000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 10 | Series | The Triplets | |
Lv1 HP |
1339 | Lv1 ATK |
542 | Lv1 Rec |
68 | Max HP |
2956 | Max Atk |
1100 | Max Rec |
181 | |
Active Skill | Leafy Strikes For 1 Round, the Monster launches 2 extra Earth attacks as much as 3x its Attack; if there are Beast Runestones present upon Skill activation, the effect stays in play for 3 Rounds. |
Leader Skill | Elements of Beasts When there are 3 or more Attributes in the Team, Beast Attack x 4. |
ID | 1957 | Name | Sky Sorceress - Wendy | Attribute | Earth | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 16 | Series | FAIRY TAIL | |
Lv1 HP |
1556 | Lv1 ATK |
694 | Lv1 Rec |
195 | Max HP |
3055 | Max Atk |
1364 | Max Rec |
437 | |
Active Skill | Sky Dragon's Wing Attack For 1 Round, turn 3 random Runestones into Heart Runestones; Human Attack & Recovery x 1.3. The Skill may be ready for reactivation immediately (one activation each Wave). |
Leader Skill | Dragon Slayer Magic: Sky When the Team consists of only Humans, Team Attack x 3.5; Heart Runestones also possess 25% effect of Earth Runestones (effects can be superimposed); Damage of Members' Attribute dealt to Dragon enemies x 2.5 additionally. |
ID | 1968 | Name | Elite Cat - Panther Lily | Attribute | Earth | Race | Elf | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | Arena | |
Lv1 HP |
1190 | Lv1 ATK |
633 | Lv1 Rec |
361 | Max HP |
2269 | Max Atk |
1208 | Max Rec |
816 | |
Active Skill | Bustermarm Turn the top row of Runestones into Enchanted Earth Runestones. For 1 Round, Single Attack becomes Full Attack; by dissolving Runestones of 3 or more Attributes, the Monster's Attack x 8 (no sharing to other Team Members). |
Leader Skill | Nil Nil |
ID | 1974 | Name | Dancer of Execution - Selena | Attribute | Earth | Race | Elf | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | Ultimate Lords | |
Lv1 HP |
1180 | Lv1 ATK |
587 | Lv1 Rec |
397 | Max HP |
2250 | Max Atk |
1121 | Max Rec |
897 | |
Active Skill | Hanging Execution By dissolving a group of 5 or more Runestones, Team Attack increases for the Round; the more the groups dissolved, the higher the Team Attack, to the max x 2.6 for 3 groups dissolved in the same Round. The Skill stays in play within the Wave. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Elves & Demons Elf Attack and Demon Attack x 4. |
ID | 1975 | Name | Primate Conqueror - Yuan Zhen | Attribute | Earth | Race | Beast | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | Tournament of Duels | |
Lv1 HP |
1978 | Lv1 ATK |
828 | Lv1 Rec |
67 | Max HP |
3879 | Max Atk |
1505 | Max Rec |
156 | |
Active Skill | Madness of Beasts Turn the column of Runestones below the Monster into Enchanted Earth Beast Runestones. When the Team consists of only Beasts, turn 3 Runestones in the column below the Monster into Enchanted Earth Beast Runestones, until no Beast Runestones are dissolved. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Beasts Beast Attack x 4. |
ID | 1978 | Name | Terra Essence Soulstone | Attribute | Earth | Race | Level Up Elements | |||||
Max Lv |
1 | Exp Curve |
500K | Max Exp |
0 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 10 | Series | Essence Soulstones | |
Lv1 HP |
800 | Lv1 ATK |
800 | Lv1 Rec |
80 | Max HP |
800 | Max Atk |
800 | Max Rec |
80 | |
Active Skill | Land Strike - EX Deal 20x Earth Damage to all enemies |
Leader Skill | Fury of Earth Earth Attack x 2.5 |
ID | 1989 | Name | Witch of Catastrophe - Circe | Attribute | Earth | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | Witches of Era of Magic | |
Lv1 HP |
1411 | Lv1 ATK |
690 | Lv1 Rec |
179 | Max HP |
2771 | Max Atk |
1356 | Max Rec |
402 | |
Active Skill | Resonating Hearts I. Attack and Recovery can only be triggered when ≥3 Heart Runestones are dissolved. II. Recovery bonus +120% for Combos made (the Skill stays in play until deactivation or defeated). |
Leader Skill | Rise of Morale When there are 3 or more Attributes in the Team, Team Attack & Recovery x 3.5. |
ID | 1996 | Name | Flames Forsaken - Jason | Attribute | Earth | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
3500K | Max Exp |
3500000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 10 | Series | Jason | |
Lv1 HP |
1365 | Lv1 ATK |
554 | Lv1 Rec |
168 | Max HP |
3033 | Max Atk |
1234 | Max Rec |
434 | |
Active Skill | Flurry Slash I. Turn Light and Dark Runestones into Earth Runestones. For 1 Round: II. The Character and the neighboring Humans: ⇒ Launch an extra Water attack and an extra Fire attack as much as 25% of their own Attack. |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Humans Human Attack x 4. |
ID | 2010 | Name | Darwin | Attribute | Earth | Race | Machina | ||||||
Max Lv |
50 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
1000000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 8 | Series | Gifted Scientists | ||
Lv1 HP |
1149 | Lv1 ATK |
287 | Lv1 Rec |
70 | Max HP |
2155 | Max Atk |
549 | Max Rec |
194 | ||
Active Skill | Land Hit Deal 3x Earth Damage to all enemies |
Leader Skill | Flow of Golden Liquid When the Team consists of only Machinas, Team HP, Attack & Recovery x 2; by dissolving Runestones of 3 or more types, Team Attack x 3 additionally; Heart Runestones also possess 50% effects of all Attributive Runestones (the effects can be superimposed). |
Evolve |
ID | 2011 | Name | Mutated Biodiversity - Darwin | Attribute | Earth | Race | Machina | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 14 | Series | Gifted Scientists | ||
Lv1 HP |
2175 | Lv1 ATK |
543 | Lv1 Rec |
133 | Max HP |
4187 | Max Atk |
1067 | Max Rec |
381 | ||
Active Skill | Experiment of Elements Explode all Runestones to generate Enchanted Runestones. For 1 Round, the more the Attributes of Runestones exploded, the higher the Monster's Attack, to the max x 6. When Runestones of 5 Attributes are dissolved, the Monster's current Skill CD -3. |
Leader Skill | Flow of Golden Liquid When the Team consists of only Machinas, Team HP, Attack & Recovery x 2; by dissolving Runestones of 3 or more types, Team Attack x 3 additionally; Heart Runestones also possess 50% effects of all Attributive Runestones (the effects can be superimposed). |
Evolve |
ID | 2018 | Name | Socrates | Attribute | Earth | Race | Machina | ||||||
Max Lv |
50 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
1000000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 8 | Series | Gifted Scientists | ||
Lv1 HP |
1030 | Lv1 ATK |
332 | Lv1 Rec |
62 | Max HP |
1932 | Max Atk |
634 | Max Rec |
171 | ||
Active Skill | Land Hit Deal 3x Earth Damage to all enemies |
Leader Skill | Forces of Machines When there are Machinas of 3 or more Attributes in the Team, Team Attack x 3.5; when all Machinas in the Team have 100% Fuel, Team Attack x 1.5 additionally. |
Evolve |
ID | 2019 | Name | Method of Elenchus - Socrates | Attribute | Earth | Race | Machina | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 14 | Series | Gifted Scientists | ||
Lv1 HP |
1949 | Lv1 ATK |
628 | Lv1 Rec |
117 | Max HP |
3752 | Max Atk |
1233 | Max Rec |
335 | ||
Active Skill | The Robotic Arm For 1 Round, Machina Attack & Recovery x 1.6; when "Republic Theory - Plato" and "Ether Fission - Aristotle" have 100% Fuel at the end of the Round, the Monster's current Skill CD -5. |
Leader Skill | Forces of Machines When there are Machinas of 3 or more Attributes in the Team, Team Attack x 3.5; when all Machinas in the Team have 100% Fuel, Team Attack x 1.5 additionally. |
Evolve |
ID | 2026 | Name | The Last Judgment - Michelangelo | Attribute | Earth | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 40 | Series | Coliseum | |
Lv1 HP |
1686 | Lv1 ATK |
758 | Lv1 Rec |
181 | Max HP |
3311 | Max Atk |
1489 | Max Rec |
406 | |
Active Skill | The Hero in Marble Heart Runestones also possess the effect of Earth Runestones. Attack of the Leader and Ally x 1.5. The Skill stays in play until no more than 5 Combos are made. |
Leader Skill | Exceptional Talent I. Team Attack x 5. II. Damage will be dealt regardless of Attribute Relation. |
ID | 2032 | Name | Sceptical Scientist - Boyle | Attribute | Earth | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
3500K | Max Exp |
3500000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 10 | Series | Science & Philosophy | |
Lv1 HP |
1243 | Lv1 ATK |
609 | Lv1 Rec |
162 | Max HP |
2440 | Max Atk |
1197 | Max Rec |
364 | |
Active Skill | Pressure of Earth For 1 Round, the more the Earth Runestones dissolved, the higher the Monster's Attack, to the max x 10 for 30 Runestones dissolved (no sharing to other Team Members). |
Leader Skill | Human Spleen Human Attack x 3 |
ID | 2034 | Name | Best Pet - Poopeyed Egg | Attribute | Earth | Race | Machina | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
4000000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 20 | Series | Guild Event | |
Lv1 HP |
1965 | Lv1 ATK |
536 | Lv1 Rec |
124 | Max HP |
3783 | Max Atk |
1053 | Max Rec |
356 | |
Active Skill | Tech of Revival Team HP will be depleted to 1 (this Skill cannot be activated when Team HP is 1). The Damage received in the Round will not lead to your defeat. When all Machinas in the Team have 100% Fuel, fully recover HP at the end of the Round. |
Leader Skill | Invincibility of Machinas Machina Attack x 2. When HP >70%, the next Damage received will not lead to your defeat (one activation each Round). |
ID | 2035 | Name | Rookie Knight - Denise | Attribute | Earth | Race | Human | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
5000K | Max Exp |
5000000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 12 | Series | Versatile Knights | ||
Lv1 HP |
1106 | Lv1 ATK |
450 | Lv1 Rec |
166 | Max HP |
2459 | Max Atk |
1001 | Max Rec |
429 | ||
Active Skill | Spirit of Chivalry Explode Water Runestones to generate Enchanted non-Water Runestones. For 1 Round, the first batch of 15 Runestones to be dropped will be Human Runestones; the Monster launches an extra attack for every 3 Human Runestones dissolved, to the max 10 extra attacks to be launched. |
Leader Skill | Human Spleen Human Attack x 3 |
Evolve | |
ID | 2038 | Name | Demonic Vines - Denise | Attribute | Earth | Race | Demon | ||||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
1500K | Max Exp |
1500000 | Rarity | ★6 | Cost | 15 | Series | Versatile Knights | ||
Lv1 HP |
1100 | Lv1 ATK |
1244 | Lv1 Rec |
110 | Max HP |
2047 | Max Atk |
2228 | Max Rec |
485 | ||
Active Skill | Emblem of Demons I. By tapping a Runestone on the Magic Circle of Elements, explode Runestones of that type to generate Runestones not of that type. For 1 Round: II. Deal 100,000 Earth Damage to all enemies, regardless of Defense. III. The 1st batch of Runestones to be dropped will be Demon Runestones. |
Leader Skill | Soul of the Knight - Demons Demon Attack & Recovery x 4.5. When the Craft Apparatus is fully charged, Demon Attack x 1.5 additionally. For each Attribute of Runestones dissolved, turn 2 Runestones of that Attribute into Demon Runestones at the end of the Round (only the first batch of Runestones dissolved will be counted). |
Evolve |
ID | 2046 | Name | Weaponized Healer - Crescent | Attribute | Earth | Race | Human | |||||
Max Lv |
99 | Exp Curve |
6000K | Max Exp |
6000000 | Rarity | ★7 | Cost | 18 | Series | Revolutionary Heroes | |
Lv1 HP |
1865 | Lv1 ATK |
783 | Lv1 Rec |
266 | Max HP |
3429 | Max Atk |
1469 | Max Rec |
544 | |
Active Skill | Runestone Assimilation - Thorns EX Randomly turn 4 to 6 Runestones into Enchanted Earth Runestones (Water Runestones rank first in priority). If Team HP is full upon Skill activation, the Runestones turned will become Human Runestones. | Active Skill | Healing of Wood - EX Turn Heart Runestones into Enchanted Earth Human Runestones. The Monster's Attack increases by x 1 and recover 10% HP for each Runestone turned, to the max Attack x 8 and recover up to 100% HP. |
Leader Skill | Human Forces - Pricking Thorns Earth Attack x 4 and Human Attack x 1.5; Earth Human Attack x 6. |
ID | 2055 | Name | Longyang Jun | Attribute | Earth | Race | Elf | ||||||
Max Lv |
50 | Exp Curve |
4000K | Max Exp |
1000000 | Rarity | ★5 | Cost | 8 | Series | Unearthly Charms | ||
Lv1 HP |
1055 | Lv1 ATK |
442 | Lv1 Rec |
210 | Max HP |
1319 | Max Atk |
553 | Max Rec |
423 | ||
Active Skill | Land Strike - EX Deal 20x Earth Damage to all enemies |
Leader Skill | Ferocity of Elves & Demons Elf Attack and Demon Attack x 4. |
Evolve |
Race / Attributes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Beast 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 |
Demon 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 |
Dragon 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 |
Elf 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 |
Human 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 |
God 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 |
Machina 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 |
Level Up | Evolve | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Water 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Fire 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Earth 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 |
Light 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |
Dark 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 |