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The Good, the Bad, and the Ickie Doll
The Good, the Bad, and the Ickie Doll is the 11th episode of The Troop Jake and Hayley discover that the hot Christmas toy, the "Ickie Doll", has been invaded by a Vapor Monster, turning -
Jake and Hayley
Jake is Hayley's main love interest. At the start of the show they could not stand each other. Hayley thought Jake was immature and a slacker, while Jake thought Hayley was bossy and overbearing -
Augustus, also known as Gus, is the main human antagonist of the first series. He is a mousy nerd who is constantly picked on, but is known as one of the Troop's worst enemies -
Hayley Steele
Hayley Steele is the popular girly girl member of the Troop, but that does not mean she can not kick the monsters butts! Mostly everyone likes her, but she can be control freak sometimes. She -
Repticores are massive, reptilian monsters which are attracted by Salamander goo and eat their victims alive and whole. It is a wildly-accepted theory in the Troop that Repticores were encountered and tamed by the -
Kaiju are small, but deadly, monsters which strangle their victims with their tentacles. They have a symbiotic relation with Mind Leeches. At an unknown point, a Kaiju was captured by the Lakewood Troop. -
Snarks are cute, fuzzy monsters with a song that erases memories. They are frequently used by the Troop to erase memories of monster attacks. Baby Snarks will latch onto their "mother" to raise them until -
Vespinox are large, wasp-like monsters which lay eggs that can invade a human host. A Vespinox lays eggs under the Lakewood High stands and attacks the Troop when they search for it. The Vespinox -
Cadence Nash
Cadence is the new bad girl to Lakewood. It is pretty obvious she didn't like Hayley Steele at first, when Jake was going to ask Hayley out Cadence tricked him into asking her out -
Felix Garcia
The nerd of the school, Felix is complex. He is just dying to tell someone about his involvement in the group so he can be the cool guy, but because of his oath he does -
Jake Collins
Jake Collins is the newest member of the Troop, a group of teenagers who defend the world from monsters and creatures, and is amazed to find out that instead of drawing superheroes he can be -
Ratadons are large, destructive monsters, and natural enemies of Gibbering Troolises. Helmatrops are a type of Ratadon. At an unknown point, a Ratadon was captured by the Lakewood Troop. -
Borlaks are aquatic monsters which dwell in lakes and lagoons. According to Hayley, never before has a Borlak been captured by a Troop and all those who tried it have been killed. -
Mongolian Death Worm
Mongolian Death Worms are giant, worm-like monsters and Class 1 burrowers. They are sensitive to vibrations and are known to eat humans. A Mongolian Death Worm is attracted to a construction site by vibrations -
Pajama Game...of Death
Jake and Felix must infiltrate Hayley's slumber party to find out which one of them is hosting a horrible wasp monster. The episode begins with the Lakewood Troop going near the Lakewood High bleachers -
The Troop Wiki
The wiki about Nickelodeon's show "The Troop" that anyone can edit. There are currently 8,454 edits to this wiki and 1 active users. -
Monster World
The Monster World (also known as the Other World the Other Dimension, or the Monster Dimension) is the alternate dimension. It is accessible through portals and is populated by hostile monsters, where they originate from -
Vampsters (Monster)
Vampsters are part-vampire, part-hamster monsters. A trio of Vampsters called the Scarff Brothers appeared in Lakewood and attended Lakewood High. When Troop International realize they are Vampsters, Jake is able to go undercover -
Gibbering Troolis
Gibbering Troolis is a species of monster with a call that attracts other monsters. At an unknown point, a Gibbering Troolis was captured by the Lakewood Troop. -
Dr. Cranius
Dr. Gunther Cranius is a manipulative, megalomaniacal monster who physically resembles a car wash sponge. Dr. Cranius was educated at Harvard (whether it was the "human" Harvard or some kind of monster university of the -
Lochts are dangerous, shapeshifting monsters. They are intelligent, cunning, and highly dangerous. When disguised as a human, a Locht is completely identical, except for a second face on its stomach. -
Blood Thrasher
Blood Thrashers, also called Thrashers for short, are fast, strong and deadly monsters with a voracious appetite for other creatures. Cadence Nash, a half-Blood Thrasher, possesses a near-uncontrollable taste for other monsters, as -
An Evolvosaurus is a shapeshifting monster which can swap forms with other creatures through touch. An Evolvosaurus took the place of a boy at a funfair. -
Helmatrops are large, destructive monsters, and natural enemies of Gibbering Troolises. A Helmatrop appears in a Troop training simulation. -
One-Horned Diablo
The One-Horned Diablo is a unique monster which can take the shape of anything it eats. According to Hayley's Troop profile, the One-Horned Diablo was captured while trying to eat an old
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