- 50 Year Behemoth
- A Sniff Too Far
- Adjule
- Akira Ito
- Akkorokamui
- Alejandro Rosenbaum
- Amphesian
- Amy
- Angela Crabtree
- Angelica Collins
- Aqualure
- Augustus
- Australian Elephant Bat
- Banshee
- Basilisk
- Batteries Not Included
- Battle Cruiser
- Behemoth
- Bianca Stonehouse
- Blaster
- Blood Thrasher
- Borlak
- Bowease
- Brain Gorb
- Brian
- Brittany Ledbetter
- Bucket O' Flounder
- Bulbous Tree Monster
- Bunyip
- Cadence's Hut
- Cadence Nash
- Cadence Nash/Gallery
- Cadence and Hayley
- Cadley/Gallery
- Calimobie
- Cast
- Cecillia
- Chino Nash
- Chupacabra
- Circutron
- Claudia
- Cockatrice
- Critter
- Cuddy
- Danker
- Declan Patrick
- Dimension Mites
- Dimension Mites Supression Unit
- Do The Worm
- Do the Worm/Gallery
- Don't Talk to Dr. Cranius
- Doom Hound
- Doom Hound (Episode)
- Doom Hound (Monster)
- Double Felix
- Doulos
- Dr. Brandenburg
- Dr. Cranius
- Dragon
- Drop Bear
- Dryad
- Electro Raptor
- Elroy
- Entrusian Snot Slug
- Episodes
- Eris Fairie
- Eris Fairie (Speed)
- Eris Returns
- Estrine Gorg
- Etayley
- Etienne
- Evil Robot
- Evolvosaurus
- Felix-Bot
- Felix Garcia
- Felix Garcia/Gallery
- Festering Harpie
- Fire Salamander
- Flaying Pincher Mole
- Flowering Matilda
- Flying Ice Slicer
- Fog Monster
- Forest Grump
- Fraido
- Freeze Ray
- Freeze Ring
- Fungus Monster
- Gage Golightly
- Galese
- Gallery:Welcome To The Jungle
- Gas Leak
- Gelatinous Cube
- Gibbering Troolis
- Gleegor
- Globular Hydrodragon
- Griffin
- Grimoire of Hideous Beasties
- Grootslang
- Half-Animal Half-Fish Creature
- Hallway Horror
- Hannigan's Awesomeotorium
- Hayley's cats
- Hayley Steele
- Hayley Steele/Gallery
- Hayley and Felix
- Hayley and Felix on the Side
- Hazmat Suit
- Healthy Boy Ice Cream Factory
- Helmatrop
- Hideocute
- Hive Monster
- Hooved Mxylterynoopsis
- Horned Mountain Troll
- Huggie Bear
- Human World
- Husking Drak
- I, Monster
- Ice Ghoul
- Ice Hassles
- Ice Hassles /Gallery
- Images
- Invisible Boring Xylums
- It's All in the Game
- Itty Bitty Baby Dragon
- Jake, Hayley and Cadence
- Jake Collins
- Jake Collins/Gallery
- Jake Weapon
- Jake and Cadence
- Jake and Felix
- Jake and Hayley
- Jake and Hayley / Gallery
- Jake and Kirby
- Jake and Phoebe
- Jake c
- Jayldence Video Gallery
- Jayley Video Gallery
- Jetpack
- Kaiju
- Keiko Tanaka
- Kirbence Video Gallery
- Kirby Bankroft Cadworth III
- Kirby Cadworth Bankroft III Gallery
- Kirby and Cadence
- Kirby and Cadence / Gallery
- Kirby and Hayley
- Kloxnixonanelsus
- Lakewood
- Lakewood High
- Lakewood Snark
- Lance Donovan
- Langarfljots Worm
- Laurel
- Lee Stanley
- Like a Moth to the Spotlight
- Locht
- Lost in Translation
- Lost in Translation/Gallery
- Magnetron
- Malese Jow
- Matlese
- Matt Shively
- Max Burnett
- Mazie Nackamora
- Medusa
- Mind Leech
- Minor Pairings
- Mirror World
- Mirrors
- Mngwa
- Mongolian Death Worm
- Monocular
- Monster Compendium
- Monster Compenduim
- Monster Magnet
- Monster World
- Monster World traps
- Morgan Gray
- Mr. Burker
- Mr. Spezza
- Mr. Stockley
- Mrs. Burker
- My Gus Is Back, and You're Gonna Be In Trouble
- Nage
- Niatlese
- Nicholas Purcell
- Nilese
- No More Master Nice Guy
- Oculypse
- Oh, Brother
- One-Horned Diablo
- Orang-Bati
- Oscillating Rainbow Slug
- Pajama Game...of Death
- Peacock Monster
- Peruvian Swamp Slug
- Phoebe Collins
- Pink Sea Cobra
- Portal
- Pukwudgie
- Purple Flying Monster
- Purple Humanoid Monster
- Quadro-Gob
- Quantum Integrated Reciprocating Pulse Laser Ray
- Randall
- Ratadon
- Reflecto Luponis
- Repticore
- Return of the Behemoth
- Rex
- Road Trip
- Robot Kirby
- Roxanne
- Sam
- Sam (Dragon)
- Sanjay
- Scab-Crusted Gnarl
- Scaramari
- Scaramari Struggle
- Scarff Brothers
- Screaming Tree Weasel
- Season 1
- Seven-Winged Kritlak
- Shaman
- Sharla Hammer
- Slender Man
- Slithering Fanged Bantoo
- Smart Rocket Launcher
- Snake Monster
- Snark
- Snarked Up
- Sniffer
- Sonic Bolas
- Spark Monster
- Speed
- Start Me Up
- Swarm Monsters
- Swiss Alps Unidentified Winged Creature
- T-Shirt Cannon
- Tail Monster
- Taming of the Cube
- Tentacle Face
- Tentacle Monster
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ickie Doll
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ickie Doll/Gallery
- The Great Punkin
- The Monster Within
- The Next Stop: Lakewood
- The Prisoner of Lakewood
- The Substitute
- The Triangle
- The Troop
- The Troop (Organization)
- The Troop (disgambiguation)
- The Troop (organization)/Gallery
- The Troop Wiki
- The Wrath of the Wraith
- Theme Songs
- There Is No "I" in Monster Hunter
- This Bird You Cannot Change
- Through the Looking Glass
- Timeline
- Todd
- Troop Badge
- Troop Deville
- Troop Field Manual
- Troop Grid
- Troop Grid (Website)
- Troop Grid (Website)/Gallery
- Troop HQ
- Troop Manual
- Two-Headed Zylork
- Unicorn
- Unpleasantville
- Userboxes
- Utility Belt
- Vampire Giraffe
- Vampire Moth
- Vampsters
- Vampsters (Episode)
- Vampsters (Monster)
- Vapor Monster
- Venomous Trog
- Vercingetorix
- Verniculated Rasplort
- Vespinox
- Vespinox Escape
- Vrog
- Watchcom
- Welcome to The Troop
- Welcome to the Jungle
- Wraith
- You
- Yuki Kobayashi
- Zombies