



"Chagras and Xelian were brother and sister—two of the seven children of Vilia Calimondra."
―Arkadia Calimondra[4]

Xelian, also known as Xelian the Destroyer, was a Human female Sith who lived during the Republic Dark Age. One of seven children of the Sith Lord Vilia Calimondra, Xelian fought in a war between the siblings, to decide which one would become their mother's heir. Xelian also bore two children, Odion and Daiman, and her preference for Daiman over his brother caused the pair to develop a sibling rivalry. Eventually, Xelian's brother Chagras emerged as the victor of Calimondra's contest, and Xelian died.


"When her bid began failing, Xelian—Odion and Daiman's mother—declared war on Chagras."
―Arkadia Calimondra[4]
Xelian and family

Xelian, holding up Daiman for her followers to see

Xelian, known to some by the sobriquet "Xelian the Destroyer," was a Human[3] female[4] Sith Lord[1] who lived during the Republic Dark Age.[5] She was one of seven children born to Vilia Calimondra, a Sith Lord who had acquired a large empire in the Grumani sector, and Xelian claimed the right to become her mother's only heir. However, Xelian's brother Chagras and their five other siblings all made similar claims, so Calimondra instigated a contest—the Charge Matrica[4]—in 1066 BBY,[6] to decide which of her children would become her heir. The siblings were tasked with the expansion of Calimondra's holdings, and the Sith Lord planned to appoint as her heir the individual who expanded her territories the farthest. For a time, Xelian and the other siblings cooperated, but eventually Xelian's bid began to flounder. As a result, she declared war on Chagras, which caused all of the siblings to initiate hostilities against each other.[4] To aid her campaign, Xelian had her armies adopt a variant of the Crucible training system, which was first developed by the ancient Sith Lord Ieldis prior to the Great Hyperspace War.[1] She also established a headquarters for herself, inside a temple-like structure.[3]

At some point, Xelian gave birth to a son, Odion,[4] who became her heir.[3] In 1057 BBY,[7] she bore another child, who she named Daiman,[4] and following his birth, she stood atop a rocky outcrop next to her temple residence and held up her new baby for her followers to see. Daiman quickly displaced Odion as the subject of Xelian's affections, and a sibling rivalry soon developed between the two brothers.[3] Xelian also eventually became an aunt to Chagras' children, Dromika, Quillan, and Arkadia Calimondra.[4] During 1052 BBY,[8] Xelian seduced the aging Sith Lord Mandragall and subsequently killed him during the night.[4] By 1050 BBY,[9] Chagras was the only one of Calimondra's children who remained active in the Grumani sector, and he became their mother's heir.[4] Xelian herself eventually died,[1] at some point prior to 1032 BBY.[1][2]

Personality and traits[]

"But this isn't some silly Republic holodrama where mama liked pretty little Daiman more than ugly Odion. So she found me repulsive, what did it matter?"
―Odion, on Xelian and his upbringing[3]

Xelian had fair skin and dark-colored hair.[3] She preferred her son Daiman over her oldest child Odion, considering Daiman to be pretty and Odion ugly.[3] The mercenary leader Jarrow Rusher thought Xelian to be a monstrous individual.[4]


At some point, Xelian wore red robes. While showing Daiman to her followers, she donned a black outfit with a red cape and gold boots.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Xelian was first mentioned in the 2011 novel Knight Errant, written by John Jackson Miller.[4] She was first pictured in a flashback in the thirteenth issue of the Star Wars: Knight Errant comic-book series, which was also written by Miller, penciled by Marco Castiello,[3] and released on August 8, 2012.[10]


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Knight Errant: Escape 1
  2. 2.0 2.1 StarWars Engineering with LEGOs: Creating the Ships of Knight Errant on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 Knight Errant: Escape 3
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 Knight Errant
  5. The StarWars.com article Engineering with LEGOs: Creating the Ships of Knight Errant states that the Knight Errant novel is set in 1032 BBY, and that Xelian lived during the years preceding the novel. The New Essential Chronology identifies this time frame as being part of the Republic Dark Age.
  6. The Knight Errant novel mentions that the Charge Matrica began 34 years before the events of the book. As the StarWars.com article Engineering with LEGOs: Creating the Ships of Knight Errant states that Knight Errant is set in 1032 BBY, this places the start of the contest in 1066 BBY.
  7. The Knight Errant novel mentions that Daiman was born 25 years before the events of the book. As the StarWars.com article Engineering with LEGOs: Creating the Ships of Knight Errant states that Knight Errant is set in 1032 BBY, this dates Daiman's birth to 1057 BBY.
  8. The Knight Errant novel mentions that Mandragall died 20 years before the events of the book. As the StarWars.com article Engineering with LEGOs: Creating the Ships of Knight Errant states that Knight Errant is set in 1032 BBY, this dates Mandragall's death to 1052 BBY.
  9. The Knight Errant novel mentions that Kerra Holt was born during the period of peace that followed the conclusion of the Charge Matrica. As the StarWars.com article Engineering with LEGOs: Creating the Ships of Knight Errant states that Knight Errant is set in 1032 BBY, and the novel states that Holt was 18 years old during the events of the book, this places the conclusion of the Charge Matrica at sometime before or during 1050 BBY.
  10. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Knight Errant - Escape (2012) #3 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)