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"Rogue Group, use your harpoons and tow cables. Go for the legs. It might be our only chance of stopping them."
Luke Skywalker[2]

The power harpoon launcher, commonly referred to as a harpoon and tow cable, was an industrial towing mechanism that was modified by the Alliance to work as a weapon system.


Manufactured by Ubrikkian, the power harpoon launcher consisted of a magnetic accelerator, spools of high-tension cable, and multiple fusion disks. The launcher was usually mounted at the rear of the craft, and a swivel mount allowed for a degree of movement to allow the power harpoon to hit its target. An electronic sight was used to target the launcher, and this could be linked to a standard targeting computer.[1]

The launcher's magnetic accelerator fired a fusion disk attached to a tow cable. The fusion disk was capable of attaching to any metallic surface, securely connecting to a target. Once the fusion disk was secured, the cable slack was taken in and locked in place. The launcher had a maximum range of two hundred meters, although its optimum range was only one hundred meters. The power harpoon launcher could hold three spools of cable measuring two hundred meters long, and hold three fusion disks.[1]

Some models had an attached fusioncutter which could be used to cut the tow cable. The cable could then be left to drift free, or another fusion disk could be attached to it. This allowed several barges and skiffs to be linked together, or to allow cargo to be transferred to another two vehicle.[1]

Ubrikkian Transports manufactured the Mo/Dk power harpoon, which was commonly fitted to snowspeeders modified by Alliance technicians.[3]


Power harpoons and tow cables were used across the galaxy as a means to tow cargo. They were attached to tugs and airspeeders and then fixed to loaded cargo skiffs. Because the skiffs were being towed by another vehicle that was providing the forward momentum, the skiffs could carry a lot more cargo since their repulsorlifts could focus solely on providing lift.[1]

Alliance to Restore the Republic tactician Beryl Chiffonage, in conjunction with Commander Luke Skywalker, developed an offensive use for the power harpoon to combat All Terrain Armored Transports. The tactic was used prominently during the Battle of Hoth.

Operated by the gunner onboard a snowspeeder, the harpoon, tipped with a fusion disk, would be fired at the leg of an Imperial AT-AT walker. The pilot of the snowspeeder would then make several rotations around the walker to wrap the flexisteel cable around its legs. The walker would then become ensnared and fall over, effectively neutralized. Harpoons and tow cables were able to bring down a few AT-ATs at Hoth and were the Alliance's most effective method of dealing with the lethal Imperial walkers.

Besides the harpoon and tow cables themselves, there were also some types of weapons, such as the tow-cable bomb, that were developed specifically for power harpoons in mind.[4]

It was employed by the Galactic Empire as a boarding weapon, employed by assault shuttles to immobilize starships in preparation for a boarding action conducted by Zero-G assault stormtroopers.[5]


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