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This article is about the New Republic Council. You may be looking for another use of the word.

"The great speed brake on the ship of state."
Admiral Ackbar[2]

The New Republic Ruling Council was the senior decision making body of the New Republic and was composed of the Chief of State and and the senators that chaired each of the six sub-committees of the New Republic Senate. If a Vote of No Confidence was brought against the Chief of State, the council would review its legitimacy, then vote on whether or not the motion should be brought before the Senate. The Chief of State could bypass a vote by declaring a leave of absence and nominating one of the council to become caretaker Chief of State. It was the replacement of the New Republic Provisional Council.

In 28 ABY, the Ruling Council was replaced by the Galactic Alliance High Council.

Members of the Ruling Council in 13 ABY[]

Members of the Ruling Council in 16 ABY[]



Notes and references[]

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