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"We'll deny the Trade Federation shipping rights on Kinyen and along the Trade Spine."
―Pax Teem to Darth Plagueis[7]

Kinyen was an agriworld in the Expansion Region, located on the Corellian Trade Spine at the junction to the Great Gran Run. It was the Gran homeworld,[8] with a recorded history dating back to 10,000 BBY. Though it was an outpost of the violent Rakata during the Pre-Republic era, during its recorded history, the planet has had no local wars. At the time of the Clone Wars, Senator Kharrus represented Kinyen in the Galactic Senate.


Located in the Kinyen system of the Western Reaches and Expansion Region's Bes Ber Bikade sector, Kinyen was a terrestrial agriworld, or farming planet. The planet's orbital period was 256 standard days, and each day lasted 28 standard hours. Kinyen was the homeworld of the Gran sentient species, and it lay on the hyperlanes known as the Corellian Trade Spine and Great Gran Run. The terrain of the planet featured multiple biomes, including fields, forests, and mountains. As as agriworld, Kinyen exported foodstuffs such as silvergrass and tubers, while importing technology. Silvergrass was a vegetable that formed the basis of the Gran diet and was widely cultivated on the planet.[2]

Multiple creatures lived on Kinyen. These included the gamwidge, which was herded by ranchers; the houjix, which was the most popular companion animal on the planet; the Tayan falcon, a bird of prey that was sacred to the Doellinist religion; the llaya, which preyed on gamwidges; and rodents and insects, both of which were eaten by the Tayan falcon, but otherwise would have targeted crops.[2]


Early history[]

The Gran evolved from herbivorous, mountain-dwelling creatures, who began to band together as protection from predators. 15,000 years before the Imperial Period, Kinyen's Gran began to trade with the Galactic Republic. Despite this trade, Kinyen remained closed to outsiders except for a single walled-off region of the planet's capital. During the Fifteenth Pius Dea Crusade[2] in 11,591 BBY,[6] Kinyen resisted the forces of Republic Chancellor Contispex the XI. Veterans of the war who followed the Doellinist religion eventually came together as the Tayan League, an organization originally designed to resist the crusade. After the heroic veterans were pressured to take political office, the Tayan League became a socialist political party whose influence eventually converted nearly all Gran to Doellinism. For ten thousand years, the Tayan League led the planet through an era of peace and prosperity, until progressives known as Neo-Tayans arose within the party.[2]

Around 1500 BBY,[9] the Neo-Tayans created new offworld quarters—districts of cities in which foreigners were permitted to live—and established a colonization program, which began to settle other worlds such as Malastare and Hok. These colonies brought enormous power, prestige, and wealth to Kinyen. The Gran also rose to prominence within the Trade Federation, a wealthy interstellar trading conglomerate. Although Kinyen had long been a waypoint for travelers moving Rimward along the Corellian Trade Spine, the planet's new influence within the Trade Federation allowed the Gran to create the Great Gran Run, a new hyperlane that made Kinyen a hub for traffic from many worlds beyond the Western Reaches. This in turn brought enormous wealth to the world.[2]

Ultimately, however, violence on the colony worlds, especially a conflict with Malastare's native Dugs, eroded the Gran's initial compassionate reputation. The Republic was forced to intervene in the conflict on Malastare, and though Kinyen used its wealth as leverage in the conflict mediation, the Neimoidian species took control of the Trade Federation. Afterwards, the Kinyen Gran cut off the residents of their colonies and became isolationist. The colonies formed the Gran Protectorate, a new government to replace the one on Kinyen. On Kinyen itself, the colonies were referred to as the "lost children of Kinyen." Though many Gran mourned the loss of their colonies through the Imperial Period, all the Gran living on them were effectively exiled from Kinyen.[2] By 67 BBY,[10] the Protectorate had overshadowed Kinyen itself. In that year, the Protectorate's Senator, Pax Teem, threatened to prevent the Trade Federation from being able to trade on Kinyen in an attempt to indicate the Protectorate's power to Sith Lord Darth Plagueis.[7]

Rise of the Empire[]

"That this tragedy should occur so deep within our borders points to the irrevocable damage already sustained by the Republic. It is not only a tragic loss to Malastare and Kinyen, but also a dire warning to the Supreme Chancellor."
―Ask Aak[11]

On the date 13:3:14 under the Great ReSynchronization, Kinyen's limmie team participated in the Galactic Cup on the planet Coruscant, and was defeated 2-0 by Yag'Dhul's team.[12] Later, on 13:4:4, an explosion killed Senator Aks Moe of Malastare. In a statement, acting representative Ask Aak described his death as a tragic event for both Malastare and Kinyen.[11] In 22 BBY,[13] during the Clone Wars between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Republic, Kinyen's Senator, Kharrus, was killed by pirates on Florrum. Due to the planet's ties to the Separatists through the Trade Federation, the Dugs prevented a new Senator from being appointed. This isolation, combined with mounting pressure from the the Confederacy, led to Kinyen becoming a staging ground for Separatist attacks along the Corellian Trade Spine.[2]

Imperial conquest and rule[]

Kinyen surrendered without a fight to the Galactic Empire after the Clone Wars. The terms of surrender allowed the Imperials to send troops to Kinyen's offworld quarters but not to land occupation forces on the planet itself. It could also use the planet as a staging area during its Western Reaches Campaign[2] in 16 BBY.[14] Meanwhile, Kinyen was allowed to continue its trade practices. The Empire initially upheld its side of the bargain, but eventually demanded an increase in food production and more access to the planet. The Gran refused. In response, the Empire landed occupation forces on the planet and bombarded the city of Malthee, destroying it. The protests that occurred on the planet afterward were crushed, and most of the Gran populace decided to patiently wait for the Empire to implode.[2]


The Gran[]

Gran by Balanescu

The Gran were the native sentient species of Kinyen.

1,983,000,000 individuals lived on Kinyen, of whom 96% were members of its native Gran species. Their primary languages were Gran and Galactic Basic. The Gran who lived on Kinyen followed a strict moral code that was not shared by Gran living on other worlds. Community and cooperation were the basis of Gran society, which made all of the planet's cities, no matter how large, retain the feel of a small town. Communication was important to the Gran, and their society was based around socialization. Festivals, galas, and other celebrations were observed across the planet, restaurants seated guests at communal tables, employers set aside time each day for social breaks, and most of the planet's transports were droid-piloted, allowing passengers to talk to one another more. The game bolo-ball was one of the few areas in which off-world culture infiltrated Kinyen's. The planet's team was intensely popular, and the massive Grand Khanum Stadium could seat 150,000 spectators.[2]

Most Gran were followers of Doellinism, a religion based around the goddess Doellin, her avatar Taya, and her enemy Byllaya. The Gran were seen as Doellin's crop, which Byllaya constantly sought to consume. Although by the Imperial Period the stories of Doellin and Byllaya were generally viewed as metaphorical rather than literal, they were still influential on Gran life. Violence was anathema to Doellinist belief, meaning that minor acts of aggression were treated as seriously on Kinyen as murder was on other worlds. Similarly, strong restrictions were placed on addictive substances such as alcohol and spice, violations of which bore heavy penalties such as exile or a death mark.[2]

After the Galactic Empire occupied Kinyen, a number of its residents joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Others, however, were content to wait patiently and peacefully for what they assumed was an inevitable implosion of the Empire. Even those that did join the Alliance were generally unwilling to commit acts of violence, and generally took support roles. Gorbek Fask was a resistance leader on Kinyen who funneled food and credits to the Alliance, although actual Alliance operations on the planet were banned by the government out of fear of another bombardment.[2]

Government and politics[]

Kinyen's government was a socialist demarchy led by the Tayan League, a political party. The planet's socialist government evolved as a result of the natural need of all Gran to congregate with one another. Long before the Imperial Period, all loner tendencies were eliminated from the Gran populace, allowing the socialist system to remain stable to an extent that confused political theorists. Most industries on Kinyen, such as food production and construction, were privatized. A few parts of the economy were semi-privatized, such as the shipping industry. The company Saeduree River Shipping had a privileged status within the government and had exclusive shipping rights for most of the continent on which it operated.[2]

Kinyen's government included two legislative bodies—the Field House and Hearth House—which met in Doellin's Ring, a structure that served as the center of Kinyen's government. The Field House was composed of randomly selected Gran with a limited education in politics. Its members served for one year each and had veto power over the Hearth House, which was responsible for creating most new laws and whose members were more extensively educated in political matters and served for life after being selected from a pool of candidates by the Field House. This arrangement helped ensure that the working class had a say in Kinyen's politics.[2]

All Gran children on Kinyen were placed in specialized education programs based on test results and needed jobs around the world. Because of this, Kinyen's unemployment rate was lower and gross domestic product higher than most other planets in the region. The only way a Gran could choose a job other than the one selected for them by the government was to join the Doellinist priesthood. An estimated one in ten Gran had some affiliation with the priesthood. Some priests bore the title of High Priest; these individuals carried Tayan staffs.[2]


Hundreds of cities were located on Kinyen, each of which was an architectural achievement. Cities on the planet included Capra and the capital, Aygion Mountain. The latter was located on a mountain of the same name, which was itself a part of the Pansat Mountain Range. Aygion Mountain had a population of 100 million and was located in the place held to be the ancestral homeland of the Gran. The city contained the First Temple of Doellin—the largest Doellinist temple in the world—as well as Doellin's Ring, an oval structure that served as the center of Kinyen's government.[2]

Capra was located along the Saeduree River. The city had tens of millions of residents and was originally founded as an intercontinental shipping hub. The city contained many tall spires, including the SRS Tower, headquarters of the Saeduree River Shipping company, which had been founded thousands of years prior to the Imperial Period. The city's spires were designed to capture the sense of flowing water, and as such were primarily colored in shades of blue and green, with umber and ultraviolet accents. Even the largest buildings contained few large atria, as the Gran preferred smaller spaces that promoted increased socialization. Capra was also home to a spaceport and Chorba Chuggers, a speakeasy that was one of the few places on the planet one could acquire alcohol.[2]

Malthee was another city on Kinyen. It was home to tens of millions of people, but during the Imperial Period it was bombarded and destroyed by the Galactic Empire, forming the Malthee Crater. In the aftermath, the Gran organized multiple week-long pilgrimages to the ruins, where they told stories of the dead and examined the names of those the Empire had killed, which had since been carved into rock. The Malthee Temple, a Doellinist cathedral, was also constructed in the ruins.[2]

Thousands of farming clusters were spread across Kinyen's surface. The Ayanee Farming Cluster was a typical farming cluster. It was a hexagonal region divided into six triangular farms. The residents of the cluster farmed silvergrass together with the goal of meeting government farming quotas. In addition to the six families of the cluster, each of whom lived in its own house, farm employees also lived and work in the cluster, and a few stores stood between the homes. During the Imperial Period, Tayala Lees led the cluster. Under instructions from Kinyen's government, she diverted ten percent of her crop to the Rebel Alliance.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Kinyen was first mentioned in West End Games' 1990 sourcebook Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi.[15] It made its first full appearance in the 1998 LucasArts video game Star Wars: Rebellion.[16]

Star Wars: Rebellion mistakenly places Kinyen in the Farfin sector (a misspelling of the Farrfin sector) of the Core Worlds.[16]



Notes and references[]

  1. The New Essential Guide to Alien Species
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 2.40 2.41 2.42 2.43 2.44 2.45 Strongholds of Resistance
  3. StarWars Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)—based on corresponding data for Kinyen system
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 The Essential Atlas
  5. HyperspaceIcon Dining at Dex's on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available)
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Essential Guide to Warfare
  7. 7.0 7.1 Darth Plagueis
  8. Ultimate Alien Anthology
  9. According to Strongholds of Resistance, the Neo-Tayans established the offworld quarters and Gran colonization program 1500 years before the Galactic Civil War
  10. The Essential Reader's Companion dates the events of Darth Plagueis to 67 BBY.
  11. 11.0 11.1 HNNsmall Senator Moe Killed in BlastHoloNet News Vol. 531 #50 (content now obsolete; backup link)
  12. HNNsmall Coruscant Eliminated in Galactic Cup Opening RoundHoloNet News Vol. 531 #47 (content now obsolete; backup link)
  13. The Essential Reader's Companion dates TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Gungan General" to 22 BBY
  14. The Declaration of a New Order is dated to 19 BBY by The New Essential Chronology. The Western Reaches Operation is dated to three years after the Declaration of a New Order by Strongholds of Resistance, meaning that it must have occurred in 16 BBY.
  15. Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi
  16. 16.0 16.1 Star Wars: Rebellion