- "The Rebellion has resisted more firmly than anticipated in the Farrfin and Dolomar sectors."
- ―Grand Admiral Thrawn to Captain Pellaeon
The Farrfin sector was located in the Core Worlds. Planets in the sector included Charmath, Firro, Phraetiss, and Farrfin itself. The sector contained one of the Galaxy's most complete historical archives, in the University of Charmath.
Both the Dolomar and Farrfin sector were major targets of offensives by Grand Admiral Thrawn. The sectors were heavily defended by the New Republic and Admiral Ackbar personally made a tour of the defenses in these areas.[5]
Behind the scenes[]
Star Wars: Rebellion incorrectly places Khomm, Bilbringi, Taanab, Byss, Kinyen, and Rishi in the Farrfin sector. Khomm is in the Deep Core; Bilbringi and Taanab are in the Inner Rim; Kinyen is in the Expansion Region; Byss and Rishi are in the Outer Rim. Rebellion and Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide also mistakenly spell the Farrfin sector as "Farfin sector."
- Star Wars: Rebellion
- The Last Command (and unabridged audiobook) (First mentioned, in book)
- Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide (as "Farfin Sector")
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)