

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"I'm a soldier, like you. This is what I was bred for."
―99's last words — (audio) Listen (file info)[5]

Clone 99, or simply 99, was a human male clone of Jango Fett bred to be a clone trooper for the Galactic Republic's Grand Army. However, he was rendered genetically defective in the cloning process, and instead of serving in the army, he was assigned to be a maintenance duty clone on his home planet of Kamino. During his time on Kamino, he grew attached to clone cadets as they trained to become troopers, viewing them all as brothers and individuals rather than just clone numbers. He befriended Domino Squad during their time training despite the squad's struggles. 99 stopped trooper CT-782, who he dubbed "Hevy," a member of Domino Squad, from abandoning them when they came close to failing their final tests, inspiring Hevy and urging him to see himself as a valuable member of a team. This led to the squad overcoming their struggles in training as they neared their graduation. After they were officially inducted into the army, Hevy gave 99 his medal in both thanks and as a reason to come back to visit him on Kamino.

Later in the war, Domino Squad graduates Fives and Echo returned to Kamino along with many other clones when the threat of a Separatist invasion loomed. 99 was happy to see the pair, but was saddened to hear that Hevy had perished. Despite this, he was determined to help in any way he could. 99 the clones fight the invading battle droids, losing his life during the battle when he tried to help resupply his brothers. After emerging victorious, the clones mourned 99, who regarded his efforts during the battle as a sign that he had been one of them—a true soldier. At one point, Clone Force 99, a Republic clone commando squad composed of genetically mutated clones, was named in 99's honor.


Maintenance clone[]

"99, would you please send a cleaning crew to the training ground."
"Yes, Mistress. We'll take care of the mess."
―Shaak Ti and 99 after Domino Squad's training exercise — (audio) Listen (file info)[4]

Clone 99[3] was a clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, created on the planet Kamino to be a soldier of the Grand Army of the Republic.[1] However, 99 was physically disabled due to genetic errors during the cloning process.[4] As a result, he aged faster than his fellow clones.[6] As other clones trained on Kamino and left to serve the Galactic Republic in the Clone Wars, 99 stayed on his home planet and served as[4] a maintenance duty clone, working in Tipoca City's Military Complex.[7]

Mentoring Domino Squad[]

"Well, maybe you should embrace the fact that you have a team. See, I never had that. But you need them, and they need you."
―99 gives advice to CT-782[4]

99 remained on Kamino instead of going to serve in the war

During 99's service, he saw many clone cadets graduate and become clone troopers.[4] In 22 BBY,[8] he witnessed the Siniteen[9] bounty hunter Bric, who had been hired to assist in clone cadet training, belittle Domino Squad, a group of clone cadets who were struggling in the latter stages of their training as their graduation approached. 99 took it upon himself to help Domino Squad, offering them advice and encouragement, specifically to the brash trooper designated CT-782. After they failed a battle simulation in the Tipoca City Training Facility,[10] 99 was summoned by the Togruta Jedi Master Shaak Ti, who oversaw the clone's training, to clean up the droids. The cadets apologized to 99 for the mess on their way out, and 99 reassured them that it was alright and complimented them for their attempt despite the fact that they come up short.[4]

In the barracks, CT-782 threw his helmet in frustration, which bounced into 99's leg. The older clone told him that he should not worry and that most clones passed their final tests. CT-782 agreed that most clones did, but not all of them. As Domino Squad argued amongst themselves, 99 watched as CT-782 and CT-1409, who the former derogatorily called "Echo" for his tendency to repeat orders, got into a fistfight. Bric soon arrived and broke up the scuffle, making the clones stand to attention and telling them that even 99 had more sense then them and that he was only a maintenance clone, causing 99 lower his head and say that he was not giving the squad enough credit. Bric added that they were a waste of his time before storming off.[4]

Despite 99's intentions, the squad failed the Citadel Challenge, their final test before graduation, leaving their training unfinished. That night, 99 overheard Bric and the fellow bounty hunter El-Les talking about Domino Squad's failure in the barracks. Limping after them, 99 listened as El-Les say that he was going to appeal for Domino Squad to have another shot at their final test. However, Bric only laughed and said that he had put in his own request, wishing for them to be assigned to maintenance.[4]

Later that night, 99 spotted CT-782 in the barracks and witnessed him packing up his gear. When 99 asked what he was doing, CT-782 replied that he was leaving because he and his squad were failures. 99 encouraged him not to give up on himself or his brothers, but CT-782 adamantly responded that he had no choice. 99 delivered an impassioned speech, telling him not to throw away his chance, which was a chance that he had never been afforded as a genetically defective clone. He told CT-782 that he could not to give up as long as his brothers were at his side, referring to him as "Hevy." CT-782 lashed out at the older clone, saying that he did not have a name and that he was just a number, but 99 replied that to him, he had always had a name. Reconsidering his actions, "Hevy" embraced his nickname and, with a newfound determination, was ready for his squad's retake of their final test the next day. Hevy became the leader that his squad needed him to be, coming together and passing the challenge.[4]


99 helped Domino Squad, and specifically Hevy, find their way

99 witnessed the squad receiving their graduation medals in the barracks. After the ceremony, Hevy turned to 99 and said that he had been right about everything. 99 smiled and said that he had heard that Hevy had been quite the leader. Hevy reaffirmed that he was not the squad's leader and that they were all a team, causing 99 to smile. The older clone told Hevy that the army was lucky to have him, and Hevy responded that he was lucky to have a brother like him, presenting 99 with his graduation medal as a gift. 99 told him that he could not accept the gift, but Hevy only smiled and said goodbye to his friend, telling him he would get it back from him later.[4]

Defending Kamino[]

"We lost a true soldier."
"He really was one of us."
―Commander Cody and Captain Rex mourning 99. — (audio) Listen (file info)[5]

99 is reunited with Echo and Fives

When many clones were called back to their homeworld to defend Kamino from an impending Separatist invasion, 99's role changed from maintenance to assisting in defense preparations. He helped distribute weapons to the other clones, and was carrying several DC-15A blaster rifles when he noticed Domino Squad members Echo and Fives in the hallways. He greeted them by name, which surprised the two clones, but 99 insisted that he remembered all of his brothers. He asked them where Hevy was, and the two mournfully revealed that Hevy had been killed on a incident on the Rishi Moon, adding that he had saved their lives. 99 was saddened by the news and revealed that he had been hoping to return Hevy's graduation medal, showed the two clones that Hevy had given it to him, which Echo and Fives were shocked to learn. 99 then offered to help them in any way he could.[5]


99 dies in Echo's arms

When the Separatist forces led by General Grievous arrived, 99 witnessed the death of ARC Trooper Havoc. Later, he ran in to Echo and Fives again, who were helping a group of young cadets who had gotten lost. 99 led the group to the armory and set up an ambush for the droids in the barracks. Together, with Clone Captain Rex and Clone Marshal Commander Cody now among their ranks, they lured the droids into the barracks and allowed the cadets, who had hidden in the bunks, to launch a surprise attack at their enemy from above. As Fives and Echo used the last of their EMP grenades, 99 ran to get more but was brought down by enemy fire. 99 died in Echo's arms, reassuring them that he was willing to die as a soldier, as it was what he was bred for.[5]


"Experimental unit Clone Force 99, they're defective clones with, uh…desirable mutations."
"Ninety-nine, eh? Nice touch."
―Commander Cody and Captain Rex[11]

Clone Force 99, nicknamed "the Bad Batch," a clone commando squad composed of clones who also had genetic mutations, was named in his honor.[11] The squad also had a tactical code phrase called Plan 99, which consisted of a member sacrificing their life for the sake of their squad in the event of the squad's safety being in jeopardy. Bad Batch member Tech executed this plan on the[12] planet[13] Eriadu, sacrificing himself like his deformed brother had years before him.[12] Years later, the special forces Imperial stormtrooper known as Task Force 99 was modeled after Clone Force 99.[14]

Personality and traits[]


99 was kind to all of his brothers

99 was a kind and knowledgeable individual, helping him to take the cadets of Domino Squad under his wing.[6] He took pride in his clone heritage and was always helpful and supportive to his brothers, particularly cadets. Even though he did not become a soldier, he had a knowledge of military tactics.[3] 99 never had a chance to train as a soldier and was saddened to have missed out on the chance to work as part of a squad. His perspective made him want to especially help his brothers that did not value such things, notably Hevy. Although Hevy did not initially take to his advice, he still respected his brother and lovingly called him "Shorty" on at least one occasion. Eventually, Hevy came to be even more thankful for 99's support.[4] 99 considered all of the clones as his brothers and remembered them by name.[5]

As a clone of Jango Fett, 99 had brown eyes and light skin. However,[4] his significant physical defects meant that[15] he was only 1.68 meters (5 ft, 6 in) tall,[3] with a hunched back, wrinkled skin, and a limp in his stride.[4]



Notes and references[]
