During the early days of the Galactic War, an Imperial task force ambushed the Valor-class cruiser Intercessor above the planet Vondoru. Three Terminus-class destroyers engaged the Intercessor and damaged the ship, but Republic reinforcements in the form of several Defender-class light corvettes and three Thranta-clas corvettes arrived near Vondoru.
However, fighters from the elite Empire's Fury starfighter squadron soon came to the Imperial destroyers' aid, and the task force engaged the Republic ships in the atmosphere of Vondoru. The Intercessor and its escorts released many Talon-class starfighters, but the Emperor's Fury fighters inflicted heavy damage on the Republic corvettes and disabled the Intercessor's shield generators and defenses, allowing the Imperials to capture the crippled flagship.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic (First appearance)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Star Wars: The Old Republic — Space Combat: "Clouds of Vondoru"
- ↑ Forums: Dear Story Team, What Year Are We Currently In? on The Old Republic's official website (backup link) and Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia establish that the Battle of Ilum and the end of Act III for the class storylines of Star Wars: The Old Republic occur in late 3640 BBY and prior to the events of The Old Republic: Annihilation, which is also set in 3640 BBY per The Essential Reader's Companion. Annihilation establishes that the Treaty of Coruscant collapsed approximately eighteen months prior, or in 3641 BBY, and as Act III occurs after the treaty's collapse, the act begins sometime between 3641 BBY and 3640 BBY.
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