

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

Ambria was an unpleasant desert planet, in tune with the dark side of the Force, that was located in the galaxy's Inner Rim. At some point, a human female was seen beside a lake on Ambria. It was rumored that Darth Bane, creator of the Rule of Two and the Great Plan, was killed by his Sith apprentice Darth Zannah in a duel on Ambria.[3]

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Behind the scenes[]

Ambria was first mentioned in the current Star Wars canon in the forty-seventh issue of the De Agostini magazine Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon,[5] published around November 25, 2015.[6] In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Ambria first appeared in the third issue of the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi comic miniseries, written by Tom Veitch, penciled by Janine Johnston, and published by Dark Horse Comics[7] on December 21, 1993.[8] The planet was first pictured in the second issue of De Agostini's Star Wars Helmet Collection magazine series, published in 2016. The issue used a comic image featuring a woman beside a lake[3] originally printed in Tales of the Jedi 3[7] to depict the planet.[3] In the comic, the woman and the lake in question were identified as Nomi Sunrider and Lake Natth respectively[7] but this is not confirmed to also be the case in canon.


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game
  2. Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game places Ambria in the area of space Star Wars: The Galactic Explorer's Guide identifies as the Slice.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 2 (Databank A-Z: Alzoc III–Antilles)
  4. The Essential Atlas and Galactic Cartography: Official Discussion on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; posted by jasonfry on December 11, 2007 at 7:59 AM; accessed February 2, 2024): "I wouldn't get your hopes up re alien homeworlds, beyond simple stuff like the Planetnamian species getting a Planetnamia on the map or things Dan and I can account for with a relatively quick reference." (backup link) Jason Fry, co-author of The Essential Atlas, stated his intention to create homeworlds for numerous species based on context implied from their names. This article treats Ambria as one such homeworld with regard to the Ambrian staga species.
  5. Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 47 (Guide to the Galaxy: Visiting Taanab)
  6. The second issue of the De Agostini weekly magazine Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon was set to be published on January 14, 2015, according to De Agostini Publishing: Build the Millennium Falcon Magazine & Model by Chris Wyman on TheForce.net (January 8, 2015) (archived from the original on November 6, 2016). Therefore, Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 47 was published around November 25, 2015.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Tales of the Jedi 3
  8. Marvel-TemplateLogo Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi (1993) #3 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)