"Mid-Season Finale" is a The Patrick Star Show episode from season 1. In this episode, The Patrick Show! presents the conclusion to the first half of its first season.
- Patrick Star
- Mascot Patrick (debut)
- Cave Patrick
- Jester Patrick
- Pat the Hapless
- Ballet dancing Patricks
- Squidina Star
- Pearl Krabs
- SpongeBob SquarePants (as a hat)
- Squidward Tentacles
- Eugene H. Krabs
- Sandy Cheeks
- Cecil Star
- Bunny Star
- GrandPat Star
- Granny Tentacles
- Perch Perkins
- Flying Dutchman
- Slappy
- Slippy (debut)
- SpongeMonster
- Dr. Plankenstein
- Shrimp
- Fentin Finkle
- Crabina Finkle
- Caveman Jenkins
- Mommy pterodactyl
- Squidasaurus Rex
- Admiral Smash
- Pat-Tron
- Fish with Squidward-like nose[4] (cut)
- Goofy Manager
- Incidentals
- Incidental 174
- Incidental 168
- Incidental 163
- Incidental 166
- Incidental 169
- Incidental 152
- Incidental 47
- Incidental 167
- Helen the Felon
- Incidental 7
- Carol
- Incidental 93
- Incidental 70
- Incidental 184
- Incidental 183
- Stretch
- Incidental 181
- Incidental 115
- Incidental 171
- Incidental 159
- Incidental BB2
- Lenny
- Incidental 11
- Incidental 69
- Incidental 151
- Incidental 18
- Judy
- Mr. What Zit Tooya
- Incidental 14
- Incidental 20
- Incidental 172
- Incidental 182
- Gale
- Harris
- Incidental 25
- Joe
- Incidental CM19
- Steven
- Incidental 6
- Incidental 118
- Incidental 24
- Incidental 8
- Incidental 41
- Incidental 21 (looks different)
- Incidental 30
- Incidental 27
- Fred
- Old Man Walker
- French Narrator
- FlimFlam Brothers
- Tinkle
- Worker fish
- Short construction worker
- Underbite worker
- Greaser fish
- TV remote
- Bootsy Collins (single appearance)
This list is incomplete, but you can help Encyclopedia SpongeBobia by expanding it.

Patrick and Squidina on stage.
Perch Perkins announces the Patrick Show Mid-Season Finale, where a full audience awaits. Patrick and Squidina arrive in a limousine, mistakenly injuring Perch. Patrick is wearing SpongeBob's underwear, while Squidina is wearing SpongeBob himself as a hat. Patrick and Squidina pose for some photos, then walk down the red carpet, but trip and are sent rolling through the door of the house. They quickly get dressed and go on stage, where the audience cheers. Patrick announces a surprise celebrity guest coming later.
First, Patrick and Squidina do a skit where they have arrived on the moon, because Patrick had to fart. GrandPat and Granny Tentacles heckle this joke from the balcony. The next act is Bunny and her living tattoos. However, she shakes her body too hard, causing them to fall off and run away. Next, the scene cuts to a live-action Patrick in a mascot suit skates past a diner, crashing backwards into a dumpster.
Slappy walks on stage for a poetry reading, where he takes out a dead flower and covers himself with it. This attracts the attention of Slippy, who falls in love with him, and they walk off stage together, to GrandPat and Granny Tentacles' disgust.
Pearl and Squidina pop out of paintings on the wall. Pearl asks if Squidina can keep a secret, and when Squidina eagerly says she can, Pearl responds, "Good! So can I!". Squidina is frustrated, and closes the window. Next, Sandy and the Flying Dutchman show up from the floor, with the Dutchman reading newspaper obituaries to see who is single. The FlimFlam Brothers arrive on stage, and when GrandPat tries to throw tomatoes at him, they phase right through their bodies.

Patrick repeatedly pops out of items to say today's "magic word", only for Squidina to stop him before he can say what it is. His voice travels through Squidina's arm, revealing the word to be "Explosion!" Patrick explodes, as a charred Squidina comments, "I told him not to say it."
Tinkle then stars in his own segment, biting various people and making them fall into a well. The segment cuts off early for a shot of various Patricks in a waiting room. The Goofy Manager calls caveman Patrick on-stage, to the real Patrick's frustration. The Patricks begin fighting, and the Goofy Manager fires them all in favor of ballet-dancing Patricks.
SpongeMonster delivers the setup to a joke: "What did the electric general say to his battery army?" Dr. Plankenstein shouts "Charge!" and electrocutes them both as they laugh. Patrick shows up in a test pattern, reminding the audience to "stay turned" for the celebrity guest.
After some static, Bunny and Cecil talk about how proud they are that Patrick has gotten so far. Cecil says, "Now let's see how far our daughter goes!", as he prepares to launch Squidina from a catapult. After releasing the hold, they launch themselves instead, with Squidina saying that she is proud of her parents.
The time closet transitions to a scene set in prehistoric times, where caveman Patrick hosts a game show called Guess What Me Thinking?. He produces a thought bubble with a group of indecipherable squiggles. Caveman Jenkins guesses correctly, hitting the thought bubble with his club to reveal snakes. He wins, only to be eaten by a pterodactyl, and then Squidasaurus Rex. Patrick hesitantly says that Squidasaurus Rex is the winner.
Cecil and Bunny act out a Victorian-era romance story. Cecil reads a disgusting bit of poetry, and they kiss. Squidward shows up, asking for money for Cecil, and he runs off. A mime walks up and tries to kiss Bunny instead, but she slaps him and he falls over, playing dead.
Patrick waits anxiously for the special guest to be announced, but Squidina tells him they cannot do it yet. Just then, Admiral Smash appears on stage, handing Patrick a note that he has passed his "clown exam." Patrick wears a clown outfit, then sprays Squidina with seltzer and throws a pie in her face, to her annoyance. Smash then hands a notice to Squidina that she has passed her "evil ventriloquist dummy exam," so she transforms into one and chases Patrick around on-stage.
GrandPat and Granny Tentacles argue over if the skit is funny, and launch into a sky battle using both of their houses. GrandPat pours coffee over Granny Tentacles' house, so she drops scones that send his house falling out of the sky. After crashing, they hug each other, to the audience's approval. Patrick and Squidina, in wizard outfits, use a time-lapse to fix the set.
Patrick and Squidina slide back on-stage to announce their ending. However, Patrick cannot remember where they put the ending. GrandPat rides by on his scooter, sending them through various skits throughout the episode, until they crash into the couch. Patrick finds the TV remote and suggests that they fast-forward through the show to reach the ending.
Squidina fast-forwards, playing clips of various segments. Captain Doug Quasar fights a space monster, a man in a monkey mask is shown as energetic music plays, and the conclusion to Tinkle's segment shows various people stuck in the well. Back at the show, Squidina asks Patrick where the celebrity guest is. Another Patrick runs on-stage, saying that he was in the bathroom. The first Patrick reveals himself to be the real special guest: Bootsy Collins. Patrick thanks him for being on the show, and the entire crowd says "Explosion!" in unison, leaving only Squidina behind.
The mascot Patrick surfaces from the dumpster, holding balloons and throwing confetti, before the episode ends.
This episode was in production during 2021.[1] It was in production prior to the episode "There Will Be Grease."[4]
This episode was confirmed by Cartoonlounge.de on February 25, 2022.[5]
Promotional art[]
- Posted by Kaz.[6]
Character design[]
- Plussed by Ibrahim J. Corona,[4] revisions by Eliza Herndon[2][3] and Carl Edward Monagan.[1]
- The full "Explosion!" sequence of this episode's storyboard can be found on her website.
Production notes[]
Eliza Herndon:
- When rewatching the episode, Herndon remembered how crazy the episode was, making it very fun. She felt so honored to play a teeny part in the episode's production.[3]
- The "EXPLOSION" gag placed near-midway through the episode was originally pitched by Eliza Herndon as flashing words across the screen à la Pee-wee's Playhouse, but Dave Cunningham "took it one step further" by suggesting a Schoolhouse Rock homage (as seen by the style of the letters). Herndon said it "REALLY worked well contributing to the overall playfulness" and called it "a very memorable sequence."[9]
- As a footnote, Herndon said that she "genuinely love[s] that [she has] a job where [she gets] paid to draw canine toilets.[10]
Carl Ed Monagan:
- Monagan "got lucky" to do revision work for this episode near the end of her tenure at the Nick Artists Program, with the "That's Tinkle" segment being her first TV screen credit, which she loved.[1]
- "Drawing [Old Man Walker] in a really tall hat checked something off my bucket list for sure."[1]
( ‣ ) Production music |
( • ) Original music |
( ◦ ) SpongeBob music |
‣ Variety Performance - Cedric Palmer [Opening.]
‣ One Zero Zero - Harry Breuer, Jean-Jacques Perrey [Patrick and Squidina get dressed/Squidina thanks her allowance.]
‣ ? [Drum roll.]
‣ Karate Funk - Dominic Glynn, Martin Smith ["We have a big surprise celebrity guest!"]
• ? - Ego Plum [Patrick & Squidina as astronauts.]
‣ Mississippi Paddle Wheel - Keith Nichols ["That'll teach ya to tell stinky jokes!"]
‣ Stars and Games - Alf Saro [Patrick introduces Bunny's tattoo act.]
‣ Honolulu March - Hans Haider [Bunny dancing.]
‣ Merry as a Grig - Van Phillips [Live-action Patrick falls into a dumpster]
‣ Harp Glissando (N) - Jim Rattigan ["Slappy's Poem Corner" segment.]
‣ ? [Rimshot.]
‣ Cocktail Lounge - Dick Walter [Slappy and Slippy fall in love.]
• Steel Licks 40 - Jeremy Wakefield [GrandPat and Granny Tentacles disgusted.]
‣ Central Park Breakdown B - Paul Lenart, Bill Novick [Pearl tells a joke to Squidina.]
• Trawler Shenanigans - Ego Plum [Sandy talks to the Flying Dutchman.]
• ? - Ego Plum ["Today's magic word is..."]
• ? - Ego Plum [Patrick explodes]
‣ Springtime for Lovers - Len Stevens ["That's Tinkle" segment.]
‣ Bahia Baby - Wolfgang Katenbach [Multiple Patricks sitting on a couch.]
• Spooky Antics Revisited - Ego Plum [SpongeMonster tells a joke.]
‣ ? ["Remember to stay turned for our special celebrity guest!"]
‣ Nice Swing - Marc Durst [Squidina on a catapult.]
• ? - Ego Plum [Transition.]
‣ Jet Generation - Sammy Burdson ["Guess What Me Thinking?" gameshow.]
‣ ? [Caveman Jenkins trying to guess what Caveman Patrick is thinking.]
‣ King of the Giants F - John Fox, Otto Sieben ["Snakes! Snakes!"]
‣ Jet Generation - Sammy Burdson [Caveman Jenkins wins.]
• ? - Ego Plum [Transition.]
‣ Happiness Castle - Maurice De Courpalay [Bunny and Cecil tell poetry.]
‣ Tarentule - Eric Gemsa, Dominique Vernhes [Mime tries to kiss Bunny.]
‣ Swinging Trombone - Boris Schoska ["I can't wait anymore, Squidina!"]
‣ Acrobats and Clowns A - Alfi Kabiljo [Patrick dressed as a clown.]
‣ Carrousel Du Diable - Jean-Michel Bernard ["What a coincidence! I just passed my evil ventriloquist dummy exam!"]
‣ Verfolgung - Dieter Kindl, Steohan Liebold, Peter Grabinger, Hans Hepp ["Clowns aren't funny! I can't believe we're related!"]
‣ Battle March Link (3) - Keith Mansfield [GrandPat and Granny Tentacles prepare for battle.]
‣ ? [Drum roll.]
‣ Attack - Anthony Hymas [GrandPat and Granny Tentacles fighting with the houses.]
‣ V for Victory - Sam Fonteyn [Granny Tentacles wins.]
• ? - Ego Plum [Timelapse.]
‣ Kitsch Latin Cool - Malcolm Lockyer [Patrick and Squidina slide back on-stage.]
‣ Melodrama - Eric Spear [Patrick forgot where he put the ending.]
‣ Death Clock E - Dick de Benedictis ["Well, it's gotta be around here somewhere."]
◦ Where Are You Ending? - Eban Schletter, Mr. Lawrence [Plays while Patrick and Squidina look for the ending.]
‣ Halloween Antics A - Kevin Riepl [Captain Quasar fighting an alien.]
‣ Jungle Baby - Hans Ehrlinger [Live-action monkey is shown.]
‣ Springtime for Lovers - Len Stevens [Clip of "That's Tinkle" segment.]
‣ Nabis - Marc-Olivier Dupin ["Wait a barnacle. If you're the real Patrick, then who are you?"]
‣ ? [Bootsy Collins was disguised as Patrick.]
‣ ? [Rimshot.]
‣ Merry as a Grig - Van Phillips [Ending.]
This list is incomplete, but you can help Encyclopedia SpongeBobia by expanding it.
- This episode is available on The Patrick Star Show Season 1, Volume 1 DVD.
- This episode was released on The Patrick Star Show Season 1, Volume 1 DVD, one month before airing on American television.
- This episode was originally going to be titled "The Patrick Show Mid-Season Finale."[5]
- This makes it the first episode of The Patrick Star Show to be renamed.
- "My leg!": Fred screams this when he hits the bottom of the well during the "That's Tinkle" segment.
- Ouchie is the only main character absent from this episode.
- With 18 credited voice actors, this episode has the most amount of voice credits of any 11-minute episode in the franchise.
- After Squidina shows off SpongeBob as her hat, Perch can be seen being carried off on a stretcher in the background.
- The "That's Tinkle" segment has the copyright date of 2022, the same year that is listed in this and its sister episode's credits. However, even as late as the final storyboards for this episode, the date listed is 2021, likely being a last-minute change during production.[1]
- In the storyboards, a fish with a Squidward-like nose can seen, yelling at the many different Patricks at the studio.[4] He would be replaced by the Goofy Manager in the final episode.
- On the official Nicktoons YouTube channel, this is called the season finale episode, despite that being "Patrick's Prison Pals."[11]
Episode references[]
- Various characters and occurrences from previous episodes reappear here:
- Squidina transforms into Pearl's ventriloquist dummy from "Pearl Wants to Be a Star."
- The sentient TV remote from "Lost in Couch" returns, where Patrick pulls it out of the couch cushions.
- Caveman Jenkins and the pterodactyl from "Just in Time for Christmas" return.
- Fentin and Crabina from "Squidina's Little Helper" make a brief reappearance.
- The FlimFlam Brothers return from "The Haunting of Star House."
- Admiral Smash returns from "Who's a Big Boy?"
- Patrick asking about the "magic word" is a reference to "Patrick's Alley."
- The mime from "The Yard Sale" reappears.
Cultural references[]
- The episode is a parody of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In and it includes specific elements from the 1960s-1970s sketch comedy series such as "Slappy's Poem Corner," which is similar to a segment on Laugh-In with Henry Gibson, and the joke wall.
- GrandPat and Granny Tentacles sit in a balcony seat and make jokes about the show, akin to Statler and Waldorf from The Muppets.
- "That's Tinkle" is a parody of the 1954 TV series Lassie.
- One interruption is a recreation of the Indian-head test pattern, but with Patrick's head replacing the Native American's.
- "Where Are You Ending?" is a parody of the Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! theme song.
Names in other languages[]
Language | Name | Meaning |
Russian | Последний эпизод середины сезона Posledniy epizod serediny sezona |
Last Episode of the Middle of the Season |
Spanish (American) | Final de mitad de temporada | Mid-Season Finale |
Spanish (European) | Gala final de media temporada | Mid-Season Finale Gala |
- ^ a b c d e f Carl Edward Monagan on Instagram - "here are some..."
- ^ a b Eliza Herndon Art - Storyboards
- ^ a b c Eliza Herndon on Twitter - "Here's a little handful..."
- ^ a b c d Ibrahim J. Corona on Twitter - "As the year warps up, I would..."
- ^ a b DIE PATRICK STAR SHOW - EPISODE GUIDE | Cartoonlounge.de
- ^ Kaz on Facebook - "HEY, SPONGEBOB FANS! Tonight..."
- ^ Character Design | Joann Chang
- ^ Adam T. Reed on Instagram - "Just realized that..."
- ^ Eliza Herndon on Twitter - "I originally pitched..."
- ^ Eliza Herndon on Twitter - "(Footnote: I genuinely..."
- ^ Patrick's Comedy Show! ⭐️ ft. SpongeBob, Squidina, + More! | The Patrick Star Show | Nickelodeon - YouTube
- ^ Also listed as "PAT026" in the segment's storyboards, and simply "026" in its model sheets.