“ | Squidward, you're my favorite grandson... because you're my only grandson! | ” |
— Granny Tentacles, "Backpay Payback"
Granny Tentacles,[4] also known as Grandma Tentacles[5] is Squidward and his cousin's paternal grandmother, Jeff Tentacles' mother and Mrs. Tentacles' mother-in-law first seen in the episode "Chum Fricassee." She later becomes a recurring character in The Patrick Star Show.
Quick Answers
What is the relationship between Granny Tentacles and Squidward in Spongebob?
What is the first episode in which Granny Tentacles appears?
What is the distinctive feature of Granny Tentacles' appearance in The Patrick Star Show?
What is the color of Granny Tentacles' dress and slippers?
Who are the family members of Granny Tentacles in Spongebob?
She has red eyes and wears a long dark pink dress and light green slippers. Her skin color is similar to Squidward's, only slightly darker and with wrinkles. She has gold earrings and white hair. In The Patrick Star Show, her skin is lighter, her dress is light pink, she wears matching pink slippers and has darker hair, a crinkled nose and liver spots on her head.
While she initially appears unassuming and acts nice, Granny Tentacles is actually mean and frequently insults others under her breath. She dislikes all of the Stars, except for GrandPat, whom she is dating. She has a particular hatred of Patrick and his show, often trying to sabotage it when it disrupts her day. In "Backpay Payback," she is sarcastic and rude to Squidward, but still helps him get his money back to uphold a family tradition.

Granny Tentacles as a child.

Cave Granny Tentacles.

A picture of a younger Granny Tentacles.
Granny Tentacles is mentioned in many episodes. She makes her first physical appearance in "Chum Fricassee."
In prehistoric times, Granny Tentacles wears a bone in her hair and an animal-skin dress. She is still the Star family's neighbor, and the CaveStars end up getting trapped in her backyard tar pit, which she laughs at them for. She is then eaten by the Bubblebassasaurus.
Granny Tentacles grew up in the 1920s, when she was known as Squigley. She went on adventures with Mr. Krabs, Mrs. Puff, Old Man Walker, and GrandPat Star.
In "Backpay Payback," Granny Tentacles shows Squidward pictures of his tough relatives to motivate him to get his money back from Cecil, including one of her.
She currently lives across the street from the Star family in a teapot house. She hates Patrick and his show for regularly interrupting her sleep, and has attempted to sabotage it.
Roles in series[]
SpongeBob SquarePants[]
"Chum Fricassee"[]
She goes into the Chum Bucket and finds out that Squidward has been using her chum fricassee recipe and tells the customers to tear him apart.
On Squidward's show, Everyone is Horrible, Granny Tentacles is one of the people he is angry with, but he gets canceled before he can discuss it in detail. In this appearance, she uses her design from The Patrick Star Show.
"We ♥ Hoops"[]
She appears in the TV show that SpongeBob and Patrick are watching, The Kelpbed Kids. In this episode, she and her gang get intimidated by Ajax Magee, until Hoops comes in and saves the day.
The Patrick Star Show[]
"I Smell a Pat"[]
When Patrick and Squidina are trying to find where a bad smell is coming from, they visit her house. They find out that her her pickle cabbage surprise was the source of the smell. Granny Tentacles then unleashes her grocery golem on the town.
"Who's a Big Boy?"[]
She is seen relaxing with GrandPat in the coffee tub on top of the Star house. Patrick drinks both of them. They come out of his mouth after he is shrunk.
"Terror at 20,000 Leagues"[]
She stars in her own movie, Granny Tentacles' Pantry of Doom. Here, she is overworked and created voodoo dolls to enslave the townsfolk into doing her chores. When she tries to enslave Patrick, his head is literally empty, and her beam bounces off and hypnotizes her instead. She then acts as the Stars' servant.
"Nitwit Neighborhood News"[]
Patrick and Squidina interview her, where she shows them a plant she has grown to get rid of reporters. It eats them and spits them away.
"Mid-Season Finale"[]
She and GrandPat mock the Patrick Show from a balcony seat. When they disagree, they get into a sky battle using their houses. Although both houses are destroyed, they reunite and hug.
Granny Tentacles hosts a segment called Granny Tentacles' Zombie Makeover. She builds and puts makeup on Lady Zombie, who dislikes it and shrinks her in a hairdressing chair. When Granny Tentacles insults the Stars, Bunny sucks her up with her vacuum.
"Backpay Payback"[]
Granny Tentacles helps Squidward get his money back from Cecil, believing he is too weak to do it himself, and wanting to uphold Tentacles family tradition. She threatens Cecil into paying up, but he gives her fake money and gets away. In this episode, GrandPat states that Granny Tentacles is his girlfriend.
"Home ECCH!"[]
Squidina tries putting a diaper on her during a home ec project.
"The Prehistoric Patrick Star Show"[]
Her prehistoric version, Cave Granny Tentacles, appears. The CaveStars end up getting stuck in her tar pit, while Granny Tentacles herself is eaten by a Bubblebassasaurus.
"The Starry Awards"[]
After the spotlights interrupt her sleep, she tries to sabotage the Starry Awards. Every attempt fails, and even brighter spotlights are repeatedly installed. Her last plan is to put a bomb into one of the awards, which turns out to be for her: the Best Neighbor Ever award. As she's accepting it, it explodes, killing her, Patrick, and Squidina, and they all come back as ghosts.
"Get Off My Lawnie"[]
Granny Tentacles insults Patrick's show, but the audience believe she is a character on the show and love her. They stalk her during her morning routine and when she visits the park. Granny Tentacles attempts to escape them by taking a bus, but they follow her. Squidina decides to give her a spin-off show, which leads her to embrace her fame. However, everyone loses interest almost immediately. Granny Tentacles then decides to hate-watch the show that replaced hers.
"Super Stars"[]
Granny Tentacles gets her purse stolen by a criminal. Patrick helps get her purse back. Later, when the Super Stars are menaced by a supervillain, it turns out to be Granny Tentacles. She explains that the citizens hate the Super Stars for the destruction they cause while trying to help, and everyone likes her for trying to stop them. The Stars embrace being evil, with Squidina tying up Granny Tentacles in an ink web and sticking her as they go off to cause chaos.
"There Goes the Neighborhood"[]
Patrick and Squidina try to interview Granny Tentacles, but she refuses to answer. She excuses herself, lifts up her house, and walks away.
"The Commode Episode"[]
Granny Tentacles overhears the Stars' unsuccessful attempts at deep breathing to calm themselves down. Mistaking them for a bad barbershop quartet, she comes into the bathroom, but locks herself in.
"Too Many Patricks"[]
She briefly appears from inside the time closet when Bug Patrick gets kicked out of the ring.
"5 Star Restaurant"[]
GrandPat takes her to the Krusty Krab for a date, but he cheaps out on her meal, so Granny Tentacles steals his scooter and wallet and takes off.
"All Bot Myself"[]
Pat-Tron throws Cecil's barbecue grill away. It crashes into Granny Tentacles' house, lighting it on fire and making her run outside screaming.
"Who's the Dummy Now?"[]
When Granny Tentacles sees the Stars playing tennis under the control of the Foster family, she comments that she did not think they could get any stupider. Later, the Stars get rid of the Fosters by having them attach themselves to Granny's tentacles.
Granny Tentacles is briefly heard exclaiming when Squidina drives through her house.
Later, she shows up for a date with GrandPat, only for Squidina, who is taking GrandPat's place, to answer. Squidina takes her on a date to Fancy!, and the rest of the family take GrandPat's place throughout the date. Granny Tentacles enjoys the date and asks for marriage, marrying the entire Star family, who are still posing as GrandPat.
- In SpongeBob SquarePants, she was voiced by Mary Jo Catlett, who is also the voice actor of Mrs. Puff.
- Squidward mentions her in his dream in the episode "Sandy's Rocket."
- Her appearance in The Patrick Star Show is very similar to her daughter-in-law Mrs. Tentacles.
- She is shown to be dating GrandPat in The Patrick Star Show, which may imply that her husband either divorced her or has died.
- ^ Super Evil Aquatic Villain Team Up is Go! and Chum Fricassee (credits)
- ^ Squidina's Little Helper and I Smell a Pat (credits)
- ^ "Cree [...] Summer also voices Grandma Tentacles, Squidward's grandma."
- ^ Name in many episode credits in The Patrick Star Show.
- ^ Super Evil Aquatic Villain Team Up is Go! and Chum Fricassee (credits)