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مهما تفوقت الآلات
يبقى العقل هو الأقدر
سخر علمك للخيرات
وابعد عن طرقات الشر
عيلم الشرير
عالم مجنون
يكره الجمال
بالشر مفتون
يكره الجمال
بالشر مفتون
عيلم الشرير
عالم مجنون
مهما تفوقت الآلات
يبقى العقل هو الأقدر
سخر علمك للخيرات
وابعد عن طرقات الشر
مغامرات قنفوذ
Adventures of Sonic Adventures of Qanfoodh Adventures of Sonic Adventures of Qanfoodh
Qanfoodh the brave Funny and beloved Well mannered Smart and gifted Quick-witted Has a rich imagination Let's keep it, his image in our minds
Adventures of Sonic Adventures of Qanfoodh Adventures of Sonic Adventures of Qanfoodh
No matter how the machines excel the (human) brain remains more capable Use your knowledge for good And stay away from the paths of evil
The evil 'Ailam A mad scientist Hates beauty Fascinated by evil Hates beauty Fascinated by evil The evil 'Ailam A mad scientist
No matter how the machines excel the (human) brain remains more capable Use your knowledge for good And stay away from the paths of evil
Adventures of Qanfoodh
"Qanfoodh" was Sonic's Arabic name in the early episodes.
"'Ailam" (a possible pun on "'Alim", Arabic for scientist) is the Arabic name for Dr. Ivo Robotnik