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Little is known about the robotomy process. It appears that it consists of living beings having their entire bodies mechanized into existing Badnik designs such as Caterkillers or Egg Pawns. As described by Dr. Eggman, robotomy also leaves its patients mentally disabled following the process, making them unable to think independently, essentially turning them into mindless robotic slaves working for the doctor. Also, due to its patients having been turned into battle robots, they have weapons equipped in their bodies; and cannot eat, sleep, and breathe.[2][1] It is not known how much of the original organic beings remains after they are reconstructed into Badniks.
Accordingly, robotomy is a "free advantage" that is given upon joining the Eggman Empire.[1]
In Sonic Forces, robotomy is not mentioned by name in-game. However, it appears in the propaganda video "Come Join the Eggman Empire!" to promote the game, in which it is the only method for surviving in the polluted enviroments of the Eggman Empire.[2]
Before the term appeared, a similar process, known as "roboticization", appeared in Sonic spin-off media in the West during the early 1990s. Like robotomy, roboticization mechanized its subjects and turned them into mindless slaves working for Dr. Robotnik. However, in the case of roboticization, the transformation is especially drastic not unlike the effects of being turned into a Zombot by the Metal Virus; also, the end result is a weaponized robotic version of the original organism rather than a standard Badnik.
In The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, when the player character pleads to Eggman to not turn them into robots, he taunts the player by saying he would turn them all into robots to give Sage some "new toys" for her to play with.