Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 10 is the tenth issue of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series published by Archie Comics.
Official solicitation[]
Revenge of the Nerbs[]
- While attempting to steal power from Robotropolis, the Freedom Fighters are caught in an electric force field. And before the Swatbot Armada can come to claim their prize, the Freedom Fighters escape through a hole in the ground dug for them by a Nerb, part of an underground-dwelling nasty acting, ungrateful race of underground nerds. The King Nerbs maintains that contact with surface-dwellers is bad news, but their air vents and water supply are being threatened by construction activity above ground. The Freedom Fighters, now disgusted head towards the surface and discovers one of the old Mobian sewer pipes and come to find Robotnik doing some excavating to build an new underground installation and three Nerb prisoners!
Twan With the Wind[]
- The Freedom Fighters use Antoine's hot air balloon to scout out a suitable location for their picnic. When Buzzbombers attack the balloon, Robotnik learns of the picnic and decides to crash it! Can cowardly Antoine patch the balloon and rescue his friends, or are his plans full of hot air?
Featured stories[]
Cover Corner Box[]
Rotor tells Sonic to chill as Robotnik freezes him.
Revenge of the Nerbs![]
- Writer: Angelo DeCesare
- Pencils: Dave Manak
- Inks: Art Mawhinney
- Colors & Production: Barry Grossman
- Letters: Bill Yoshida
- Editorial team: Victor Gorelick and Paul Castiglia
- Editor-in-Chief: Richard Goldwater
Part I[]
On this mission, the Freedom Fighters attempt to locate one of Dr. Robotnik's power cables in order to steal power for Freedom HQ. Following Sonic the Hedgehog's reckless but thorough detonation of several land mines, they succeed in locating two cables. However, one of them turns out to be booby-trapped, leaving them imprisoned inside a giant force field dome with an army of SWATbot closing in. Suddenly, a Nerb emerges from a tunnel directly beneath them and behaves quite rudely. Ignoring his manners, the Freedom Fighters use the tunnel to escape the force field, following the tunnel to the city of Nerberhood.

The Freedom Fighters in Nerberhood.
Despite their best efforts, the ruler of the Nerbs proved as rude as his subjects and refused to provide them with any help. Additionally, he blamed the Freedom Fighters for disrupting the city's water and air supplies with underground construction, which in truth was the fault of Dr. Robotnik. Forced to leave, they found their way to the Mobius Sewer System, which Sonic opened. Hearing a loud noise, he sped off to investigate.
Part II[]
Upon reaching the source of the noise, Sonic discovers Robotnik operating a massive digging robot in the center of a large construction project, as well as three captured Nerbs. After tricking Robotnik into destroying the force field holding them prisoner, Sonic saved the three Nerbs to the other Freedom Fighters and asked them to go to safety and seal the sewer entrance.
Sonic then races to a door holding back the Mobius River, opened it, and let the river flood the sewer. Running away from the flood, Sonic tunnels his way to the surface and creates a small geyser, while the rest of the river went into lifting the entire city of Robotropolis. Afterwards, another geyser sends Robotnik and his wrecked digging robot flying. The Nerbs thank the heroes for saving them by making them honorary Nerbs with their own Nerb attire, much the Freedom Fighter's dismay.
- Badnik Horde
- SWATbot (multiple)
- Dr. Ivo Robotnik
- Knothole Freedom Fighters
- Nerb King (only appearance)
Races and species:
- Mobian
- Nerb (first appearance)
- Overlander
- Prime Zone
- Mobius
- Northamer
- Great Forest
- Robotropolis
- Mobian Sewer System (only appearance)
- Mobius River (only appearance)
- Nerb Kingdom (only appearance)
- Nerberhood (only appearance)
- Northamer
- Mobius

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' cameo.
- During Sonic's trek through the sewers, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles make a cameo in the background of one panel, commenting that they are in the wrong comic book (Fittingly, Archie had also been publishing a comic based on the Ninja Turtles license at the time).
- The title "Revenge of the Nerbs" is a reference to the Revenge of the Nerds film series.
Twan With the Wind[]
- Writer: Angelo Decesare
- Pencils: Art Mawhinney
On their way to the annual Freedom Fighters Picnic, the Freedom Fighters use Antoine's hot-air balloon, which he claimed as a souvenir from his days as head of the King of Mobius' Head of Balloons. Unfortunately, they're spotted by a pair of Buzzbombers, who quickly bring the balloon down. The other Freedom Fighters are quick to declare the balloon's uselessness in the face of Robotnik's threat, which Antoine is quick to deny. Meanwhile, back in Robotropolis, the two Buzzbombers report to Robotnik, who learned from Snively that the Freedom Fighters were looking for a picnic location. Robotnik then hatches a plan to ambush them.
The next day, Tails finds Antoine sulking about his balloon and what the other Freedom Fighters said. He leaves, saying he will prove he isn't useless and will upgrade the balloon. As the other Freedom Fighters enjoy their picnic, the Buzzbombers return, accompanied by Robotnik and a horde of SWATbots. Luckily, Antoine returned with the repaired balloon and was able to thwart the Buzzbombers by tossing mud on them, making them unable to fly. He then dropped explosives on Robotnik's forces and sent them running before air-lifting Robotnik to the nearest lake and dropping him in. Afterwards, the Freedom Fighters head for home, their damaged hot air burner easily replaced by a boastful Antoine's hot air.
- Badnik Horde
- Buzzbomber (multiple)
- Cluck
- SWATbot (multiple)
- Dr. Ivo Robotnik
- Knothole Freedom Fighters
- Maximillian Acorn (flashback)
- Snively Robotnik
Races and species:
- Freedom Fighter Finder
- Sonic's sneakers
- "Twan With the Wind" is a reference to the film Gone with the Wind.
- Sonic: Oh, no! I don't remember the way back to the exit! Wat-er predicament!
- Sonic: Way cool! I raised the entire city of Robotropolis! Talk about an uplifting experience!
- Sonic: I liked it better when they weren't friendly!
- Sally: It's the Revenge of the Nerbs!
- Tails: ...that's Nerds!
- This was the first issue Art Mawhinney penciled for the Sonic comics.
- Despite Crabmeat being on the cover for this issue, he does not appear in any of the stories featured in the issue.
Preview pages[]
Gallery |
External links[]
- Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 10 at Mobius Encyclopaedia, the Archie Sonic wiki.
- Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 10 at Sonic Retro