Skylanders Wiki

“If There's a Drill, There's a Way!”
    —Grilla Drilla's official catchphrase

Grilla Drilla is a Drilla who is one of the SWAP Force Skylander in Skylanders: Swap Force. He is of the Life element, and his Swap Force Ability is Dig. He has a construction counterpart who is available in Lost Islands on May 2014.



Never one to think of himself, Grilla Drilla gave up his jungle throne to become a Skylander, knowing it would mean he could protect even more people![2] Grilla Drilla also follows rules to the letter - suspecting Boom Bloom's eagerness to become a Skylander but still going through the process to ask for Master Eon's advice on the matter.


In the distant jungles of what was once the sprawling subterranean city of the Drilla Empire, Grilla Drilla served among the guards for the Drilla King. Every seven years, the king would select the bravest and strongest guard to become their leader. It was during the last selection ceremony that a troll mining operation broke through the ground above them and quickly snatched the king, wanting to know the location of the famed Drilla Diamond. Having never ventured above ground, Grilla Drilla risked everything to defeat the trolls and rescue the Drilla King. In return for his bravery, Grilla was selected as the new leader. But he instead decided to join the Skylanders, where he could protect even more residents of Skylands.



These are the starting and maximum Statistics for this Skylander in the Skylanders games.

  • Health: 290 (max. 580)
  • Speed: 43 (max. 91)
  • Armor: 24 (max. 54)
  • Critical Hit: 4 (max. 54)
  • Elemental Power: 25 (max. 75)

Warning: These stats are not used in any of the Skylander games. They are only listed for completeness reasons.

  • Strength: 200
  • Defense: 130
  • Agility: 70
  • Luck: 70


Basic Ability and Upgrades
The primary ability is available from the start of the game. Skylanders can buy new abilities from Persephone/Power Pods.

Punchy Monkey Monkey Call Silverback Reaching Mandrill
Primary Ability
Press Attack 1 to punch at nearby enemies.
Price: 300
Press Attack 3 to summon a pair of crazy monkeys!
Price: 800
Press Attack 1 to unleash punches that deal increased damage.
Price: 1000
Press Attack 1 to punch at a longer range.
Monkey Master
View Drilling Punches
Call in more powerful monkeys that attack nearby enemies.
Drilling Punches
View Monkey Master
Use new drills to maximize punching power!
Soul Gem Ability
Requires Soul Gem from:
Iron Jaw Gulch
Team Monkey
Double Punch
King of the Jungle
Primate Power
Rings of the Golden Monkey
Price: 1500
Monkey Call summons four monkeys at once!
Price: 1500
Press Attack 1 three times to attack with both drills.
Price: 2000
Monkey Call does increased damage. They're going bananas!
Price: 2000
Double Punch does increased damage. POW!
Price: 3500
Arm Drills become shiny gold, making punch attacks do extra damage.

Basic Ability and Upgrades
The primary ability is available from the start of the game. Skylanders can buy new abilities from Persephone/Power Pods.

Planted Turret Explosive Growth Spreading Like Weeds Nature's Bounty
Primary Ability
Press Attack 2 to plant a coconut turret that attacks nearby enemies.
Price: 300
Hold Attack 2 to charge a turret, release to plant a bomb plant that explodes and damages enemies nearby.
Price: 800
Explosive Growth bomb plants will explode into three smaller bombs.
Price: 1000
Press Attack 2 to plant a coconut turret that shoots at nearby enemies. Press Attack 2 again to plant another.
Coconut Caretaker
View Banana Blaster
Grow all new coconut turrets that do damage to large groups of enemies!
Banana Blaster
View Coconut Caretaker
Grow new banana turrets that rapidly fire bananas at enemies!
Soul Gem Ability
Requires Soul Gem from:
Iron Jaw Gulch
This Is Coconuts!
Banana Split
Coconut Mayhem
Go Bananas!
Adaptive Nature
Price: 1500
Turret projectiles now explode, causing damage to enemies in a small area.
Price: 1500
Coconut turret upgrades into a rapid shooting Banana turret.
Price: 2000
Coconuts do increased damage. Go nuts for the new and improved Coconut Blaster!
Price: 2000
Bananas do increased damage. Delicious!
Price: 3500
All plants gain thorns that damage and push back enemies that step on them.

Skylanders can use abilities depending on their level.

Starting Powers

  • Going Ape (Primary Attack): Press (Y) to perform a series of punches. Holding (Y) will hold the punch and activate the drill arms.
  • BARREL! (Secondary Attack): Press (X) to lob a barrel at enemies.
  • SWAPpower (SWAP Force Power): SWAPpowerdesc


  • Aerial Drill Strike (requires level: 3): Press (Y) while in the air to summon a drill that bursts through the ground beneath you, damaging enemies nearby.
  • Savage Foliage (requires level: 6): Sprinting (A) brings to life a banana tree for a short time. The tree will attack ranged targets by launching bananas and close targets by expanding sharp thorns.
  • Ape Escape (requires level: 9): Monkey allies will burst forth from thrown barrels (X) on impact. Up to two monkeys can be active at any time.


Basic Quests

  • Bad Guy Basher: Defeat 1000 enemies.
  • Fruit Frontiersman: Eat 15 fruit.
  • Flawless Challenger: Complete a non-Story Mode level at full health.
  • True Gladiator: Win 10 PVP matches.
  • Totally Maxed Out: Reach level 20 and purchase all Upgrades for this Skylander.

Elemental Quests

  • Elementalist: Deal 7500 elemental bonus damage.
  • Defender of Life: Defeat 25 Undead Spell Punks.
  • Fully Stocked: Defeat 250 enemies while at full health.

Unique Quest

  • Monkeys Mean Business: Deal a total of 2000 damage to enemies with summoned monkeys.


Battle Cries

  • "If There's a Drill, There's a Way!"
  • "Get'n it done!"
  • "Excellent!"
  • "Every bit counts!" - when collecting coins
  • "Nice try... Kinda... Not really!"
  • "I feel right at home here!"
  • "Sweet!"
  • "Monkey see, monkey do!"
  • "Success, BIG time!"
  • "Perfect!"
  • "No more monkey business!"
  • "You know the drill!"
  • "Up and up!"
  • "Power drill!" - level up
  • "Power boost!" - level up
  • "The DRILL with SKILL!" - stats
  • "More impressive than I thought!"
  • "Hat or no hat, I look AWESOME!" - hat
  • "A SMASHING new look!" - hat

Character Trailers

See also


Grilla Drilla/Gallery


  • His base is unique, as it has a large amount of dirt on top of the leaves, compared to the standard Life base (which only has leaves).
  • Grilla Drilla's name is a play on "gorilla" and "driller."
  • He, Kaos (Sensei), and Pop Fizz has the most syllables for their catchphrases, counting seven.
  • At one point, Grilla Drilla was designed with a tail, long clawed fingers, and plated armor that covered his body.[3]
  • He is the second Skylander to create turrets, the other being Sprocket.
  • According to developer Buck Chantel, "Grilla Drill is a Life character, but his first impression does not suggest that. Then somebody had the great idea to make his turrets shoot actual fruit." [4]
  • He is one of the few Skylanders with drilling related abilities (others include Drill Sergeant and Rubble Rouser).
    • Coincidentally, both he and Drill Sergeant have the word "drill" in their names and official catchphrases.
  • His catchphrase is based on the quote, "If there's a will, there's a way".
  • In the 3DS version of Swap Force, his secondary attack is to throw barrels similar to Donkey Kong.
  • In his Soul Gem preview, he is shown to have golden teeth during the gameplay.
  • During one of his idle animations, he can be seen picking something from his chest and then eating it, presumably a bug.
  • Out of every Skylander, Grilla Drilla currently has the longest catchphrase.
    • He and Kaos' Clone currently have the most syllables of all catchphrases.
  • He, Fling Kong, and Turbo Charge Donkey Kong are currently the only three Skylanders to be based upon primates.
    • Coincidentally, both he and Turbo Charge Donkey Kong are of the Life element.
  • One of his battle cries later became a pun for Fling Kong's catchphrase.
  • He has a similar resemblance to Chilla from Kameo: Elements of Power.
  • When Grilla Jet uses his punch attack, his rocket will temporarily depart into the sky, enabling Grilla Jet to walk on the ground. A few moments later, the rocket will return.


Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
Lightning Rod - Sonic Boom - Warnado - Whirlwind
Skylanders: Giants
Jet-Vac - Swarm
Skylanders: Swap Force
Boom Jet - Free Ranger - Pop Thorn - Scratch
Skylanders: Trap Team
Blades - Fling Kong - Gusto - Thunderbolt
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Hurricane Jet-Vac - Stormblade
Skylanders: Imaginators
Air Strike - Bad Juju - Wild Storm
Minis / Eon's Elite
Breeze - Pet-Vac / Elite Whirlwind
Alt Decos
Egg Bomber Air Strike - Legendary Blades - Legendary Free Ranger - Legendary Hurricane Jet-Vac
Legendary Jet-Vac - Mystical Bad Juju - Polar Whirlwind - Power Punch Pet-Vac
Lost Islands Alter Egos
Buttered Pop Thorn - Gourmet Gusto

Skylanders: Trap Team
Blackout - Knight Mare
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Skylanders: Imaginators
Hood Sickle - Starcast
Alt Deco
Steel Plated Hood Sickle
Ring of Heroes Alter Egos
Shadow King Pen - Shadow Spitfire - Shadow Spyro

Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
Bash - Dino-Rang - Prism Break - Terrafin
Skylanders: Giants
Crusher - Flashwing
Skylanders: Swap Force
Doom Stone - Rubble Rouser - Scorp - Slobber Tooth
Skylanders: Trap Team
Fist Bump - Head Rush - Rocky Roll -Wallop
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Shark Shooter Terrafin - Smash Hit
Skylanders: Imaginators
Barbella - Golden Queen - Tri-Tip
Minis / Eon's Elite
Bop - Terrabite / Elite Dino-Rang - Elite Terrafin
Alt Decos
Dark Golden Queen - Dark Slobber Tooth - Granite Crusher - Jade Flashwing
Legendary Bash - Legendary Tri-Tip - Nitro Head Rush - Steel Plated Smash Hit
Lost Islands Alter Egos
Birthday Bash - Rocky Egg Roll - Sundae Slobber Tooth

Skylanders: Trap Team
Knight Light - Spotlight
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Skylanders: Imaginators
Aurora - Blaster-Tron
Alt Decos
Legendary Astroblast - Solar Flare Aurora
Ring of Heroes Alter Egos
Light Flashwing - Light Hex - Light Jet-Vac

Other Skylanders

Skylanders: Imaginators
Kaos - Imaginators
