Skylanders Wiki

“I've Got My Eye On You!”
    —Eye-Small's official catchphrase

Eye-Small is one of the four Sidekicks in Skylanders: Giants. He is the miniature counterpart of the giant Eye-Brawl, eventually becoming a Mini Skylander in Skylanders: Trap Team.



Eye-Small may look like a cute little cyclops, but he'll jump into a fight at the bat of an eye. He's a scrapper like that. Eye-Small pays keen attention to detail. He notices just about everything. He is an eyeball, after all.[1]


Within the Skylands, a realm of infinite possibilities, there is in fact an alternate reality known as the Skylands Miniverse. Everything there is smaller, including the Skylanders. The Skylanders Sidekicks come from that Miniverse and have traveled to the Skylands to meet their regular-sized alter egos and tag along with them on adventures.

The Skylander Minis started off as regular "Sidekicks," assisting the Skylanders on many exciting adventures. And what they lacked in size they more than made up for in courage. Ultimately determined to become full-fledged heroes, they trained at the Skylands Academy - honing their powers and skills until they were ready. Now, they stand side by side with their full grown counterparts, ready to defend Skylands against Kaos and his evil minions.



These are the starting and maximum Statistics for this Skylander in the Skylanders games.

  • Health: 430 (max. 860)
  • Speed: 50 (max. 98)
  • Armor: 30 (max. 60)
  • Critical Hit: 50 (max. 100)
  • Elemental Power: 53 (max. 103)

Warning: These stats are not used in any of the Skylander games. They are only listed for completeness reasons.

  • Strength: 60
  • Defense: 60
  • Agility: 100
  • Luck: 130

Character Trailer




  • His artwork for the upgrades, "Bouncy Bouncy!" and "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!", are switched from Eye Brawl's.
  • His eyeball allies are regular-sized in SuperChargers, ironically not appearing to be the infamous flying eyeball's "little brothers" as they are bigger than him.


  1. Skylanders Universe: The Complete Collection (2015), page 167
Gill Runt - Terrabite - Trigger Snappy - Whisper Elf - Barkley - Eye-Small - Mini-Jini - Thumpling

Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
Lightning Rod - Sonic Boom - Warnado - Whirlwind
Skylanders: Giants
Jet-Vac - Swarm
Skylanders: Swap Force
Boom Jet - Free Ranger - Pop Thorn - Scratch
Skylanders: Trap Team
Blades - Fling Kong - Gusto - Thunderbolt
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Hurricane Jet-Vac - Stormblade
Skylanders: Imaginators
Air Strike - Bad Juju - Wild Storm
Minis / Eon's Elite
Breeze - Pet-Vac / Elite Whirlwind
Alt Decos
Egg Bomber Air Strike - Legendary Blades - Legendary Free Ranger - Legendary Hurricane Jet-Vac
Legendary Jet-Vac - Mystical Bad Juju - Polar Whirlwind - Power Punch Pet-Vac
Lost Islands Alter Egos
Buttered Pop Thorn - Gourmet Gusto

Skylanders: Trap Team
Blackout - Knight Mare
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Skylanders: Imaginators
Hood Sickle - Starcast
Alt Deco
Steel Plated Hood Sickle
Ring of Heroes Alter Egos
Shadow King Pen - Shadow Spitfire - Shadow Spyro

Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
Bash - Dino-Rang - Prism Break - Terrafin
Skylanders: Giants
Crusher - Flashwing
Skylanders: Swap Force
Doom Stone - Rubble Rouser - Scorp - Slobber Tooth
Skylanders: Trap Team
Fist Bump - Head Rush - Rocky Roll -Wallop
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Shark Shooter Terrafin - Smash Hit
Skylanders: Imaginators
Barbella - Golden Queen - Tri-Tip
Minis / Eon's Elite
Bop - Terrabite / Elite Dino-Rang - Elite Terrafin
Alt Decos
Dark Golden Queen - Dark Slobber Tooth - Granite Crusher - Jade Flashwing
Legendary Bash - Legendary Tri-Tip - Nitro Head Rush - Steel Plated Smash Hit
Lost Islands Alter Egos
Birthday Bash - Rocky Egg Roll - Sundae Slobber Tooth

Skylanders: Trap Team
Knight Light - Spotlight
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Skylanders: Imaginators
Aurora - Blaster-Tron
Alt Decos
Legendary Astroblast - Solar Flare Aurora
Ring of Heroes Alter Egos
Light Flashwing - Light Hex - Light Jet-Vac

Other Skylanders

Skylanders: Imaginators
Kaos - Imaginators
