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Roblox Wiki

Eggstravaganza, also known as Egg Hunt 2008, was the first Egg hunt event that began on March 20, 2008, and ended on March 23, 2008. The event lasted for one hour at starting 11am PST for the first two days and lasted for four hours also starting at 11am PST on the final day.

Following its release, players figured out how to take advantage of the egg dropping system by creating egg funnels, which would allow players to quickly collect all the eggs. Players could have collected eleven different eggs that appeared in every game on Roblox during the designated times. These eggs all had different ways of being collected, such as beating the Puzzling Egg of Enigma at a game of chess or by killing a player that was wearing a special hat.

This event was originally rebooted by Reset2019437 but has since been private at some point in early 2023. Fortunately, the event was rebooted again by 0Edric0 after Reset's version being private. Edric's version of the game can be played here.

Number of Eggs that were found in the Eggstravaganza.


Name Image Objective
Stationary Egg of Boring Stationary Egg of Boring Collect it while it was doing nothing.
Blinking Egg of Relocation Blinking Egg of Relocation Collect it before it teleported away to a different location.
Bouncing Egg of Boing Boing Bouncing Egg of Boing Boing Collect it while it bounced.
Kind Egg of Sharing Kind Egg of Sharing Three players had to touch it for it to become collectible.
Puzzling Egg of Enigma Puzzling Egg of Enigma Collect it by beating it in a game of chess with the following codes:


Invisible Egg of Shadow Invisible Egg of Shadow Collect while it turned visible and invisible.
Golden Egg of Kings Golden Egg of Kings Collect it while wearing any crown.
Bombastic Egg of Annihilation Bombastic Egg of Annihilation Get help from other players to get a boost or get a fly tool while avoiding its rockets to collect it while it floated in the air.
Wanwood Egg of ZOMG! Wanwood Egg of ZOMG! Collect it after it shrunk down to its regular size.
Legendary Egg of Gygax Legendary Egg of Gygax Collect it when it rolled on the 20 face.
Cracked Egg of Pwnage Cracked Egg of Pwnage Kill a player wearing the Bunny Ears of Caprice and collect the egg when it appeared.

Fake eggs[]

These eggs were created by Shedletsky to trick other players. They were never meant to be obtainable originally, but the Bluesteel Egg of Genius was reused for the ROtris event, and the Tiny Egg of Nonexistence was later used in the Metaverse Champions event. Wikipedian Egg of Alien Mind Control is the only egg not obtainable out of the three as of March 2024.

Name Image
Tiny Egg of Nonexistence Tiny Egg of Nonexistence New
Bluesteel Egg of Genius Bluesteel Egg of Genius
Wikipedian Egg of Alien Mind Control Wikipedian Egg of Alien Mind Control

External links[]
