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Giftsplosion 2010 was the Christmas gift giving event of 2010. Over the course of seventeen days, the Roblox administrators released seventeen gift boxes into the marketplace. Gifts were rewarded to those who met the requirements hidden within the riddles provided. Once an obtaining period has ended, the gift box was put on sale with a timer for a set amount of Robux based around the difficulty of the requirement. After the gift box went off sale, it opened and granted the owners a new item in their inventory.

This giftplosion was the first and only one to give out membership exclusive boxes.


Box Name Description Requirement Price Prize Name
Opened Autumnal Gift of Christmas Creep Autumnal Gift of Christmas Creep "Like an inevitable force of nature, the Christmas season starts earlier and earlier every year. Behold the power!!" Bought the Frosted Santa, Harbinger of Christmas Creep before December 2010. 200 Robux The Christmas Creep The Christmas Creep
Opened Blinking Gift of Social Media Blinking Gift of Social Media "Social media is inherently given to fad. Here today, gone tomorrow. Popping into existence at one moment, and disappearing at another." Bought during its 50% sale. 300 Robux Fail Whale Fail Whale
Opened Friendly Gift of Facebox Connect Friendly Gift of Facebox Connect "Use Roblox's Facebook Connect feature to share one thing on Facebook." Roblox account was connected with Facebook. 45 Robux Epic Face Item Epic Face
Opened Early Morning Gift of Psych! Early Morning Gift of Psych! "PSYCH! PSYCH! PSYCH! PSYCH! PSYCH! PSYCH!" Bought the fake version of the OBC Gift of Heartfelt Appreciation. 15 Robux

1 Ticket

Inverted Stocking Inverted Stocking
Opened BC Gift of Thanks BC Gift of Thanks "Here's a gift from us to you! We're thankful for all you do!" Have Builders Club. 1 Ticket Improved SFB Sno-Fuse Bomb
Opened TBC Gift of Gratitude TBC Gift of Gratitude "Turbo thanks from all of us at Roblox to you!" Have Turbo Builders Club. 1 Ticket Igloo of Solitude Igloo of Solitude
Opened OBC Gift of Heartfelt Appreciation OBC Gift of Heartfelt Appreciation "Gratzie! Danke! Merci! Arigato! No matter how you say it - Thanks from the Roblox Crew to you!" Have Outrageous Builders Club. 1 Ticket BCX2000 Snowreaper Bazooka BCX2000 Snowreaper Bazooka
Opened Retro ROBLOXian Gift of Yesteryore Retro Robloxian Gift of Yesteryore "O! Call back yesterday, bid time return. - WS." Followed the alien to all seven retro places. 150 Robux Ghost of ROBLOX Past Ghost of Roblox Past
Opened Towering Pillar of the Community Gift Towering Pillar of the Community Gift "This gift was awarded to builders of the top 1000 most-visited Roblox places of all time." Own a place within the top 1000 most visited. 500 Robux Present Top Hat 2010 Present Top Hat
Improved GGGoS Glowing Gold Gift of Superuser "sudo" Be an administrator. 20000 Robux Red Domino Red Domino Crown
Opened Emblazoned Gift of Lua Mastery Emblazoned Gift of Lua Mastery "Given to the best lua scripting helpers." Posted 99+ times on the Scripts subforum. 600 Robux Lua Black Hat Lua Black Hat
Opened Forest Camo Gift of Veterans Forest Camo Gift of Veterans "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST BUY GLORY? DO YOU? BECAUSE GLORY IS EXPENSIVE, PAL. - G.I. Awesome." Have the Veteran badge. 2000 Robux ROBLOX Veteran Medal Roblox Veteran's Medal
Opened Janitorial Gift of Taking Out the Trash Janitorial Gift of Taking Out the Trash "It is now too late to get this gift for free." Reported inappropriate users, places or comments before December 2010. 45 Robux Secret Camera Tie Secret Camera Tie
Opened Unflinching Gift of Mad Men Unflinching Gift of Mad Men "Find the answer. Going out Monday-ish." Ran an ad that got 100,000 impressions. 150 Robux Grotesque Pile of One Hundred Thousand Eyeballs Grotesque Pile of One Hundred Thousand Eyeballs
Opened Silver Gift of Surprise Silver Gift of Surprise "A little something extra..." Had the Glowing Gold Gift of Superuser. 10000 Robux The Dusekkar The Dusekkar
Opened 8-Bit Gift of Gaming 8-Bit Gift of Gaming "14417332 23250574 42214255 34724436 30897839 22336494 37907631 35613171" Collect all eight badges. 175 Robux 8-Bit Elf 8-Bit Elf
Opened 16-Bit Gift of Powergaming 16-Bit Gift of Powergaming "42215927 23250679 14469303 17046333 37907760 16999773 18477008 39386865 35874966 17442131 36155974 19387088 14518724 27503330 14656197 32811130" Collect all sixteen badges. 400 Robux 8-Bit SantaSanta grappling hook 8-Bit Santa and Santa's Grappling Gun

Yesteryore Hints[]
