Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Norrisville High School








Principal Slimovitz

Norrisville High (NHS), is the high school in the town of Norrisville. For over 800 years, the grounds that Norrisville High was built on has been protected by a Ninja from the evil Sorcerer who is imprisoned deep underneath. Every four years a new freshman will be chosen to be the new Ninja.

Go here for a list of Norrisville High's staff.






Unknown grade[]


General Description[]

The school is a large white building with two floors. Inside, the recurring color theme is white and blue. There is multiple lockers throughout the hallways, and many windows to the outdoors. There is a large tower-like area next to the door with a clock.

Main Lobby[]

The main lobby of the school is very open. A mosaic of a fish is on the floor with the Carp's Eye in the center. Below the Carp's Eye is The Sorcerer's Prison. There's also the main staircase to the second floor. The lobby is sometimes used for school dances like the Dance Beneath the Stars. Student lockers line the walls.

Principal's Office[]

Principal Slimovitz's office has bookshelves, the principal's desk, and chairs for people who are called in, like students in trouble.


The classrooms usually include a chalkboard, desks, and a teacher's desk. Teachers decorate their rooms with items like posters. Depending on the type of class, each classroom has particular things; for example, the science classrooms have lab settings, and home economics classrooms have kitchen appliances and tools.

Broadcast Room[]

A special room specifically designated to be Heidi's broadcast room. It has a transparent glass wall/panel, surrounded by objects such as figurines on shelves and cupboards, cushions laid around the floor, posters on different parts of the walls, potted plants, as well as a pin-board for pinning important subjects. It also has a desk and swivel chair for Heidi to face her audiences and monitor her computers, and a web camera. There is a tapestry with different colored winged patterns hanging on the exit door. On the desk are speakers, a table lamp, and sound effect tools. It additionally has a hot magenta armchair for guests to be seated.

Metal Shop[]

The Metal Shop of Norrisville High is where students are taught metalwork. This class is taught by S. Ward Smith, who is actually the secret Sword Smith of the Ninja. Inside the classroom is the hidden Swordsmith's Forge with a large fire pit and multiple swords.


The cafeteria includes red tables, a snack bar, the lunch line, a sky-light that's over the best table (which Randy and Howard call "Shangri-Lunch"), a froyo machine, and attaching bathrooms.


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The library is watched over by the librarian. There are many books to choose from and tables to sit down at in order to read or work on homework.


The school has multiple bathrooms (conveniently for whenever the Ninja needs to dress-up). Most of them have basic stalls, but there are some for students to actually bath and change their clothes for free.


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The Norrisville High Gym is used for basketball games, tournaments, and other events at Norrisville.

In "Got Stank?", a seating area for popular, upper-classman and seniors students called the Fish Cage.

Underneath the gym is the Old Gym, which is full of old sports equipment. It used to house the Golden Doctor's Notes. The Sorcerer was aware of the Old Gym, and therefore instilled some stank into it to stank any vulnerable student who dared visiting there.

The Gifted and Talented Classroom[]

The gifted and talented classroom

It is an unused classroom located deep underground. It was intended for gifted and talented students, but it's implied that no student has possessed those qualities for quite some time, leaving it abandoned.


The Norrisville High Amphitheater is located right behind the school. It's here where the Word War 1 rap battle between Randy and Howard and Rudd Rhymez took place. It's also where 30 Seconds to Math with Levander Hart had their performance and fight, as well as the location where Bucky sang his song, "Everybody Ninj-along."

Cactus Maze[]

The Norrisville High Cactus Maze is an enclosed area on school grounds with cactus plants inside.

Other Places[]

  • Auditorium
  • Stadium
  • Outdoor freezer


Bartlesville High School

Bartlesville High School.

  • Norrisville High is based on Bartlesville High School, which is a real high school.
  • Norrisville High was originally called "Macchio High School" in the pilot.
  • A running gag in the series involves Norrisville High constantly suffering from collateral damages, either due to monster or robot attacks, Randy's missteps as the Ninja, or other circumstances.
  • The Sorcerer mentioned in "Der Monster Klub" that there was an incident called the "Great De-pantsing of '81" happened in Norrisville High during 1981, where a simultaneous humiliation occurred likely resulting in a mass student stanking.
  • "Randy Cunningham and the Sorcerer's Key" revealed this school has several dangerous spots, such as a blimp, a dark cave, and a commemorative hornet's nest.
    • The same episode revealed that there is also a notable locker named "locker 216", though it is unknown why this locker is so special.
  • A chalkboard with Otto's prototype is shown in "The Prophecy of Hat Sword" inside of the Gifted and Talented Classroom, which implies Viceroy was an alumni of Norrisville High.
  • McFist is mentioned by Scott Thomas in Secrets of the 9 and the episode "Secret Stache" as an alumni of Norrisville High.
  • Marci's Daycare Center used to be located next to Norrisville High around 8-11 years ago, as revealed in "When Howie Met Randy".
  • "Stank'd to the Future" revealed the school holds proms for its senior students. "Sorcerer in Love" also disclosed that it occasionally holds school dances.
    • Although there was a homecoming in the pilot for the series, it is unknown Norrisville High organizes any homecoming events in the final product.
  • It has a school newspaper named Norrisville High Gazette Times Tribune Weekly Daily Press Chronicle, which has an online edition run by Debbie Kang, who's its currently youngest editor.
  • Strangely, most students and teachers didn't know that Julian was missing since "Snow-Klahoma!", until the events of "Ball's Well That Friends Well".
  • It is unknown whether there will still be stanked students attacking Norrisville High after the Sorcerer had made peace with the Peddler, but it apparently might continue to be attacked by killer robots that are manufactured by McFist Industries.



v - e - d Places

Norrisville High • Norrisville High Cafeteria (Shangri-Lunch)• Swordsmith's Forge • Norrisville High Cactus Maze • Stall of Fame
Charlie Clucker's Chicken Bucket • Greg's Game Hole • Greg's Storage Hole • McFistory History Pavilion • McFist Industries • McFist-A-Plex • PJ McFlubbusters • Whoopee World
Bucky Hensletter's Room • Howard Weinerman's Room • Cunningham Household • Flute Girl's House • McFist Mansion • Rachel's House • Randy Cunningham's Room • Weinerman Household
Crocodile Shack • Club Kev • Club Super Awesome Teen Time Club • Dudikoff Woods • Downtown Norrisville • Lazer-A-Rena • Lake LaRusso • Little Norrisville • Mt. Chuck • Mad Scientist University • Magic Funporium • McBoom Yum Factory • Norrisville Van Dam • Norrisville Boardwalk • Norrisville Pet Park • Norrisville State Park • Norrisville Swamp • Norrisville Quarry • Norrisville Suburbs • Norrisville Cemetery • Snow-klahoma (Park) • Speakman Field • The Museum of Silt • The Enchanted Temple • The Sorcerer's Prison • The Sorceress' Cave
Detention Island • Flackville • Flackville High • Land of Shadows • Mac Antfee's Fantasy Ninja Camp-splosion • Scrap City • East Speezleton • McCluckerbusters
