Club Kev island (Under Mcfist's control)
Club Kev is a tropical resort island in Lake LaRusso.
The island was introduced in the episode, "Club Ninja-dise." It is a large tropical island in Lake LaRusso that has been made into a tropical resort by The Kev. A cruise ship is required to bring the customers from the shore to the island. The island offers many fun activities such as Eco-hike, hula lessons, limbo volley ball and sand art classes. The customers are made to wear a necklace (Chill-o-meter) that lights up red, when the wearers are not chilling and are experiencing other emotions. When that happens, a transparent bubble forms around then and bounces them off the island, sending them back on to the mainland. This is referred to as "Big Bounce", and those who got "big bounced" will be banned from ever coming back to the club.
The island also has several facilities such as;
- The Buffet: It offers several different kinds of food, for example shrimps.
- The pool: A pool for swimming.
- Underwater lounge area: A lounging area underwater that requires diving gears to get to.
- Zip line tower: A zip line at the top of the island.
- Time Share office:
Randy and Howard, along with Mort and several other people booked a trip to the island for spring break. Randy was happy to not have to deal with Ninja duties for the moment but his fun was short-lived as he spotted McFist on the island. Thinking that he was still trying to destroy the Ninja, Randy decided to get McFist Big Bounced. This worked but resulted in dire consequences as McFist plotted his revenge by taking over the island with Viceroy and his army of robots. Randy, however did manage to save the day by the end of the episode, by getting the visitors, including the Kev, Mort and Howard, all big bounced; although this also resulted in himself, Mort and Howard all banned from the club.