Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki

Randy Cunningham
Character information
Species Human
Age 14-15
Hair color Tyrian purple
Eye color Sapphire blue
Red/bright Orange (in Ninja Rage mode)
Green (when possessed by a Chaos Pearl)
Affiliations Good/Lawful Good
Occupation Norrisville Ninja
9th grade student
Norrisville Ninja
30 Seconds to Math (band) member
Residence Norrisville
Aliases Randall Cunningham (full name)
Ninja (by everybody else)
Cunningham, Bromigo, Buddy, Mr. Big Scarf, Jerkface, Shoobingham, Truth-Bag, Ninjaleh (by Howard)
Andy, Sandy, Mandy, Rudy, Tandy, Landy Blunningham (by Heidi)
Mr. Cunningham (by Harry)
RC (by Buttermaker and Howard)
Ranginald Bagel (by Catfish Booray)
Randall (by himself, Julian and Howard)
Uncle Randall (by himself)
Skinny Mullet (by Catfish Booray)
Friends Howard Weinerman (best friend)
Theresa Fowler
First Ninja
Plop Plop
Neil Apestrong
Ninja of '05
Gene Levine
Enemies Hannibal McFist (archenemy)
Willem Viceroy
Bash Johnson
The Sorcerer (redeemed, former enemy)
The Sorceress
Mac Antfee (redeemed, former enemy)
Catfish Booray
Evil Julian
Love Interests Theresa Fowler (crush, True love, [mentioned by Scott Thomas])
Interests Playing Grave Puncher
Being the Ninja
Hanging out with Howard
Playing music
Fears Chickens and Roosters
Parents Mrs. Cunningham (mother)
Mr. Cunningham (father:presumably, unconfirmed)
First Episode Last Stall on the Left
Voiced by Ben Schwartz
Tomoaki Maeno (Japanese)
Ketan Kava (Hindi)

A Freshman to fight the forces of evil. I am the Ninja. I am Randy Cunningham!

–Randy Cunningham, Main Theme

Randall "Randy" Cunningham is the titular main protagonist of Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. He's a 9th grade student who is also the current Norrisville Ninja at Norrisville High. Randy has to balance his life in taking the role as the Ninja to protect Norrisville from the forces of evil all while surviving high school with his best friend, Howard and keeping his alter-ego a secret.


Randy is an average high school kid who tries to fit in with the popular crowd and be cool. There are many times where he engages in dubious acts that could possibly get him into a lot of trouble, like crashing Bash's party ("House of 1,000 Boogers"), spitting into a volcano ("Monster Dump"), and using the Ninja powers to fix a science project ("Dawn of the Driscoll"). Often he can get too greedy, and forgets that his actions have consequences which can result in major problems for himself and the people around him, including being a freeloader to Rachel via his Ninja identity ("Ninjafan"), taking advantage of the gravy-train to get perks ("McCluckerbusters"), or using Levander Hart to exploit Levander's band equipment ("Unstank My Hart"). As time goes on, though, he realizes when the situation is his fault, and takes responsibility to fix it as much as possible.

He has short attention span and is sometimes lazy. Despite his flawed personality, he has shown that he does focus and work hard in earning his allowance by doing several chores as mentioned in McFists of Fury; this determination can also be seen in his gaming ability, as he achieved the top position in the scoreboard in Greg's Game Hole. He is quick-witted in ninja situations, creating techniques, and normal life situations even though he causes larger problems later on. He often jumps to conclusions, not thinking it through, which causes more problems for himself and others. Due to this, he often appears or seems more foolish than he is.

Although he tends to make himself look stupid by being reckless and selfish, he is actually observant in small details others fail to notice. Randy, in fact, is at least clever enough to figure out what meaning lies behind the advice of the Nomicon, in part to his ability to figure out riddles, and he has convincing acting to adapt in a tight situation when time calls for, such as in "Enter the Nomicon". As long as he's not tempted by Howard's poor judgement and his own confirmation bias towards the Nomicon, he is capable of being bright as a person.

He can be inconsiderate, impatient, and a bit bossy in his attitude with the NinjaNomicon but is still a loyal friend and has the heart of a hero, truly caring for others, having a strong drive to protect others, which are the perfect ideals of a Ninja. He also keeps his promises; for example, when Howard asked him to promise to stay in the locker for ten seconds after Howard leaves and he did even though Howard farted and closed the locker door on him. Howard can be troublesome and rude, but fortunately Randy is usually forgiving toward Howard's actions. He can treat Howard unfairly or neglectfully at times, as when he said Howard didn't have any understanding of having a duty, but he does his best to make it up, and works hard at balancing their friendship and his vocation as the Ninja.

When Randy gained the mask and became the Ninja, he thought the position would be punching villains and gaining cool powers, but discovers it is very hard fighting against robots and monsters, and soon gets used to it. He becomes quite serious at his profession, which strains and sometimes nearly breaks his friendship with Howard. Ever since becoming the Ninja, he grows more mature bit by bit in each episode as a result of the lessons he learns and understands from the Nomicon. Sometimes, it can take him a while to figure out how to de-stank a monster or defeat a monster, as shown in "Stanks Like Teen Spirit", but he is always capable to diffusing the situation.

Randy is very polite and well-mannered, for instance, he grabs Howard's trash and places them in his pocket to prevent him from littering, as seen in "Ball's Well That Friends Well". He opens doors and let others enter first (this scenario is shown in "Winner Takes Ball"), and usually speaks to adults with respect "Sir, Mrs., etc.". He also became embarrassed when almost saying the word 'blind' to S. Ward Smith, possibly out of fear of offending him in the episode "Living in Shooblivion".

Although generally friendly and courteous, Randy still has a strong veneer of sass. He can be extremely sarcastic whenever somebody, such as Howard, has offended him, and can get extremely temperamental when things don't get in his way, showing that even someone as nice as Randy has his limits.

Despite his attempts to act tough, Randy deep down is emotional and sensitive. He cherishes his friends, mainly Howard, and is bashful and awkward towards Theresa, whom he has feelings for. He also cries often when Howard expresses gratitude, and tears up at any prospect of separations, such as when he thought he was going to be separated from Howard forever when he was moving away (before learning that his parents bought the new house next to the Weinerman Household's).


Physical Appearance

Randy is very slim built compared to his best friend Howard. Randy is also somewhat taller. He has natural Tyrian purple hair, which has bangs hanging over his face with a long lock centered on his face, and sapphire blue eyes. Comparing his shirtless physique as shown first in "Got Stank?" and later in "Ninja Camp", he seems to have gained some muscle, probably because of his ninja duties.


Randy is always (except as the Ninja) seen wearing a red McTop t-shirt with a white stripe that angles up to form the same "Greek key" symbol, which is found on the cover of the NinjaNomicon and the Ninja Suit. He also wears a dark teal McHoodie that has wavy sleeves and pockets, black McSkinnies and purple zip-up shoes.

He has three different sets of underpants, one being a blue speedo (seen in "Got Stank?", another one being McTighties (from "McFists of Fury"), and a pair green underpants (from "Randy Cunningham's Day Off").


As a child, his eyes were visibly larger. His chipped gap teeth were more visible compared to his current appearance.

He generally had a similar set of outfit to his appearance as a teenager. However, his McTop had a single white line, rather than the current angled stripe. He also had a red cap, before he lost it in "When Howie Met Randy".


He has two sets of Halloween costumes.


In winter, he wears a dark teal, fur-lined hooded jacket. While in "Snow-Klahoma!", he wears a pair of earmuffs and his regular hoodie zipped close. Though in "Debbie Meddle", he was imprudent enough to wear a black jacket with red piping and a red scarf, with the Ninja mask worn on his head like a stocking cap.


He normally wears a pair of white striped red swimming trunks as his swimsuit.


In "Unstank My Hart", he wears a white T-shirt, a pendent with a lightning symbol, a long dark red button jacket, a pair of tight black trousers, and black and red pointy sneakers. He also has dark blue eye-shadows, and part of his hair's front fringe is dyed in dark indigo.


In "Fake Fight For Your Right to Party", he wears a red dress shirt with rolled sleeves, while retaining his usual trousers and McKicks.

Spring Break

In "Club Ninja-dise", he wears a teal patterned holiday jacket, a yellow T-shirt with a teal collar, his white striped red swimming trunks, and turquoise sandals.


Fighting Style as the Ninja

Randy's fighting style depends on situations, but there are clues hinting that he might be a freestyle fighter, using his environment to his advantage, as he uses almost everything around him to gain the upper hand in battle, like using a shovel to hit the robot and using the force of a new robot to counter the killer potatoes in "Attack of the Killer Potatoes". He also used cowbells to fight Bucky Hensletter in "Got Stank?" despite not knowing the remedy for Stanked monsters at that time. He heated a Robo-Ape using a convenient microwave option for Robo-Apes in "Gossip Boy" while fighting a number of them at the same time.

Randy also has many Ninja weapons in his arsenal, including the Ninja Sword, smoke-bombs, chain sickles, and many others. His scarf has proven to be a helpful object as well, good for grabbing objects and grappling through long distances. Although ninjas are known to use stealth for their advantage, Randy doesn't seem to use this skill much, but has proven to be able to do it. The Nomicon holds a section of "Temple of Forbidden Knowledge of the Shadow Warrior," which holds the ability of the Art of Healing, which Randy learned in "Dawn of the Driscoll," and possible future skills like the Art of Flying, the Art of Telepathy, and the Art of Invisibility. After Randy threw the Ninja Mask in a fire to save Howard from the Tengu, he gained Ninja Rage, which he can now use fire-based powers like the Tengu Fireball. The online game Punchocalypse also has a Ninja Cold Rage, so it can be assumed that Randy might earn this skill eventually.

While not book smart, Randy is quick-witted and intelligent, and can come up with a plan by just looking at things or people. And as of recently, he has begun to show high resiliency and durability during battles.

Physical Abilities

Although the Ninja Suit does tremendously enhance Randy's physical attributes, there were many instances where he proves that he is just as physically capable. In "Night of the Living McFizzles" he proves strong enough to kick a door of its hinges. In "Randy Cunningham and the Sorcerer's Key", he was able to drag Howard to locker 216 with one leg, it is also revealed that despite his scrawny appearance, Randy is very strong. In "The Tale of the Golden Doctor's Note" he shows he is very fast and agile, able to avoid the death traps in the old gym. He is also noticeably faster than Theresa, able to quickly overtake her and pull her along when he started running in "Sorcerer in Love 2: The Sorceress's Revenge". Likewise, he has impressive stamina, and was able to travel from the school to his house and back without being overly exhausted upon arrival in the school, as seen in "Last Stall on the Left". In "Debbie Meddle", he stab the ice with the sign by his force of Strength and break the ice that sink the Kill Bot.

Indomitable Will

Randy is shown to have very strong willpower. While the First Ninja gave up after his plan to trap the Sorcerer failed, Randy stayed back to defeat him, which was able to convince the First Ninja to regain the courage to fight back. In Winner Takes Ball, he was able to resist the possession of a Chaos Pearl when he held it and even when it nearly took him over, he ultimately was able to resist its influence. Randy even resisted the Chaos Pearl he had in Ninjception even when it literally controlled his dreams and placed him in a dream-loop until he broke out of it.

Gaming Skills

Randy is highly skilled at playing video games and he spends a sum amount of time at the arcade, along with Howard. He currently has the highest scores in Greg's Game Hole, with only losing one title to Howard, which he purposely allowed to achieve the high score in order to save the town from a giant robot. Despite this skill, it is mentioned several times that Howard had beaten him in Grave Puncher. In "Swampy Seconds", Randy was able to drive a fan boat due to playing a Swamp Puncher game for an unspecific number of hours.

Musical Skills

Randy can play the keytar as seen in "30 Seconds to Math". He played his keytar during a rehearsal in the closet of the school and used during the battle of the bands. It was used briefly at the end of "Hip Hopocalypse Now" when performing with Rudd Rhymez and his rap posse. His keytar was used once again during a flashback in "Silent Punch, Deadly Punch" when he was rehearsing with Howard, and it was seen as well in "Bring Me the Head of Ranginald Bagel!" It was used once more in "Unstank My Hart" both in rehearsing for their gig in Greg's Game Hole and defeating a stanked Levander Hart. Randy is also a pretty good singer, but he briefly had stage fright about rapping in the episode "Hip Hopocalypse Now". Additionally, an electronic musical keyboard can be seen in his room, implying that he is able to play it as well.

Negotiation Skills

Briefly shown in "McCluckerbusters", Randy is seen negotiating between Charlie Clucker and PJ McFlubbuster for benefits in exchange for gathering each other's secrets, respectively. He also tries negotiating with the rioting strike-mode Robo-Apes in "Rise of the Planet of the Robo-Apes", before McFist ruins his attempt.


Randy has shown some degrees of dancing, briefly seen in the episode, "Wonkin' for the Weekend," as he was performing a solo dance for Spanish class. Another time was in "Shloomp! There It Is!", when NomiRandy was in control of Randy's body and he performed a flair breakdance, thus implying that Randy can do the same.

Breaking the Fourth Wall

Rorg A Hero of a Past 27

Randy and Howard break the forth wall

Randy has broken the fourth wall on occasion, the first time at the end of Rorg: Hero of a Past when he and Howard imitated the ending of a Rorg episode, the second in Fudge Factory when he tells the audience about the consequences of lying, and the third in Aplopalypse Now, when he, along with Howard, thanked the audience for another great episode. Both Randy and Howard can be seen breaking the fourth wall in the blooper clips as well.

Dark Magic

Randy almost being corrupted by a Chaos Pearl

Randy (as the Ninja) using dark magic

As seen in "Winner Takes Ball", When Randy had a Chaos Pearl with him, he was able to perform powerful dark magic. One of his abilities was to see another Chaos Pearl location through his ninja mask, create a force-field (he created it too late), and use it to control the residents of Norrisville when they drank the infected water. He was also able to fire blazing green lightning bolt-like energy blast that easily overpowered Evil Julian, cause an earthquake when they were fighting underground, levitate Evil Julian while blasting him, and almost killed Evil Julian by overloading his power ball. Despite wearing the Ninja Suit, which protects him from being stanked, it does not protect him from the possession of the Chaos Pearl, making his eyes glow green, and making him more reckless that it endangered Howard. Luckily, he manages to resist becoming fully corrupted by the Chaos Pearl.

Notable Possessions

Ninja Mask

The Ninja Mask is what Randy puts on to unleash the Ninja Suit, which possess all the power that Randy uses to defeat robots and stanked students, and the arsenal and gear he takes out of it. He usually puts the mask in his backpack, or the pockets on his jacket or jeans, or on one OCCASION, a speedo so that use he could use it when it is needed or there's an emergency.

Ninja Suit

The Ninja Suit is the suit that possesses all the power that Randy uses to defeat robots and stanked students. Before Randy relieved the suit by the previous Ninja, he knew almost everything about it because he was a big fan of the ninja.


The NinjaNomicon is Randy's guide to everything about being the ninja. When he first received it, he was unsure of its worth, but he quickly learned always to trust and respect it. The only disagreement Randy has with it is regarding Howard when it gave the lesson "Friendship is a weight the Ninja cannot carry", suggesting that the Ninja should not have a friend. When it glows or when Randy is in a situation, The NinjaNomicon offers advice or proverbs which Randy usually does not understand immediately, but later see what it means.

McFist Industries' Products

As Randy states, "We are McFist men from head to toe." Randy may be such a big fan of the products either because it's just popular, or that he finds that there's something good about it. In "McFists of Fury," he stated that as the Ninja, he is boycotting the merchandise, but as Randy, he will be first in line to buy it.

Grave Puncher Series

Randy is a big fan of the Grave Puncher video-game series, and of its various accessories and spin-offs. He has posters of it covering all of the walls in his room. He and Howard completed the first three games together and were working on the fourth.


English Language Arts

Not much is known about his relationship to writing. His ELA teacher is Mr. Bannister, who is a rather lackadaisical teacher; in "Last Stall on the Left" he gives Randy a "B" for a torn-up essay which he described as a metaphor. Randy is later seen in "To Smell and Back" refusing to let Howard copy off his paper because he is angry, which implies A) that in ordinary circumstances he does let Howard copy, and B) that he is at least marginally better at writing than Howard is.

His mediocre English skills, such as being ineloquent in distinguishing antonyms or words with the "in-" prefixes, are also shown in "The Brawn Also Rises", where he mistook the meaning of "inglorious" until Theresa explained the true meaning of the word. However, he currently still doesn't know the meaning of "infuriating" and believes it's the opposite of the nonexistent word "furiating".


Randy is said to be failing science in the episode "Attack of the Killer Potatoes." He seems to be getting bad science grades in all the different projects he does with Howard. Mrs. Driscoll, their science teacher, also sees him as an incorrigibly terrible student which may lower his effort grade. He does not actually seem to have a hard time with the material, but he is just too lazy to work hard for a good grade. Nonetheless, there are times where his efforts to improve his science grades are thwarted by Howard, such as in "Mastermind of Disastermind" where Howard swaps Randy's perfect atomic model for his own poorly made one.

Physical Education

Randy may not have too much trouble with gym, but his gym teacher Coach Green has a harsh and crazed way of teaching which certainly scares him.


Randy does not do very well in Spanish because the only words he knows are foods such as agua ("water"), frijoles ("beans"), taco, quesadilla, salsa, habanero, burrito, and tortilla; even of those he seems to know only that they are Spanish words, not the actual meaning of them.


Although never explicitly shown solving Maths problems in class and mostly being bad at it in class, Randy's minor aptitude for Maths has been hinted throughout the series. First shown at the very first episode "Last Stall on the Left", Randy mentions wanting to sharpen his Mathematical skills in his essay on what his activities he did during summer. A more prominent demonstration of his competency was in "Escape from Detention Island" when he used complex geometry symbols to excuse Howard from punishment. He is also shown using a math book as a cover to hide the NinjaNomicon. However, he's not good at solving conventional Maths which are being taught at school.


Randy explicitly stated that his history is bad, as mentioned by himself in "McFists of Fury" that he only got a D on this subject. However, as seen in "The Ninja Identity" and "The Ninja Supremacy", he has made a model for he and Howard's presentation from scratch and is able to recite the key parts of Norrisville Van Dam's history, proving that he is capable of this subject for the bare minimum if he tries.



Randy dreams about normal things like being popular, everyone knowing his name, and looking brave.


Toward School

Randy finds himself bored in class and tends to struggle to focus, but most likely enjoys the social aspects and field trips. He is aware that sometimes he does his schoolwork well whenever he is able to concentrate, although his efforts usually are undermined by Howard's interference.

Toward Being the Ninja

Randy thought of it as awesome in the beginning, but quickly learns that it is not an easy task. It is hard for Randy still to be friends with Howard because of his task. However, he understands that being the Ninja is his responsibility, so he usually fulfills his duty and learning from his mistakes to become a better Ninja.

Sometimes, Randy would believe that being the Ninja could give him cool perks and had come across thoughts and actions of abusing his powers and status for his selfish advantages. However, by learning through his own mistakes and/or the Nomicon's lessons, Randy understands that being a Ninja is to protect others instead of fulfilling his desires, and he matures as he accomplishes his duties more seriously than before.

Towards Bullying

Randy does not show signs of any form of hatred towards it, but simply takes it as a normal thing that happens all the time (mainly due to the school's staff inaction towards bullying). He thinks Bash is a "shoob," but takes no particular steps to stop him from bullying other students like Bucky, as he is also one of Bash's lesser victims and would rather avoid confronting the bully himself.

Towards Friendship

Randy is a loyal friend who will never toss his friends, namely Howard, aside. Sometimes he finds it challenging to balance friendship and Ninja duty, but always makes time for Howard. However, he is mostly socially awkward at school, so he generally prefers hanging out with Howard more often.

Toward Romance

Randy doesn't seem to think much about romance, probably due in part to being busy as a best friend, a student, and the Ninja. In "Sorcerer in Love," he pretends to be concerned that he and Howard didn't have dates, which ends with them laughing about it. Sometimes, he even finds the idea of romance horrific. For example, in "Stank'd to the Future," when Dickie and Miss Ringwald kissed, Randy shows disgust (likely due to their age) and leaves. Mrs. Driscoll's displays of affection towards the bones of Mr. Driscoll also creep him out.

However, Randy has shown interest in a number of girls so far. He has flirted with girls like the trio of girls he passed by in the hallway in "Viva El Nomicon." During "Sorcerer in Love," he was, like the other boys in the school, attracted to Amanda Levay because of her beauty, though, of course, he later discovers she's the Sorceress in her "repulsive" human form (according to the Sorceress herself) and had been using magic to control the boys of the school. He admits to Howard that he has on occasion, found his sister Heidi "spicy", although mostly he's more annoyed at Heidi for either unintentionally or intentionally forgetting his name, and normally he isn't too fond of her personality.

Although he has flirted with girls before, he disapproves guys who toy with girls' feelings, such as in "True Bromance", where he scolds Stevens for being a tomcat and playing with Flute Girl's feelings.

Despite his usual indifference towards romance, he is shown to prefer girls who treat him well with kindness, compassion and respect, most importantly Theresa. Whenever Theresa is around, Randy shows signs of having feelings for her, as in "Night of the Living McFizzles" (in which he flirts with her and Debbie Kang shamelessly), "Der Monster Klub", "The Ninja Identity", "Shloomp! There It Is!", "The Brawn Also Rises", and "Winner Takes Ball". He thinks she's attractive and good-smelling, and rarely treats her badly. In "Sorcerer in Love 2: The Sorceress's Revenge," he blushes when she grabs his hand and allows her to hold it for some time. In "Shloomp! There It Is!," Randy is shown to be well aware of the fact that Theresa likes him, as evidenced by the fact that he immediately knows how to destank her by apologizing and giving her bouquet of red tulips (indirectly as the Ninja). He also apologizes to her whenever he wrongs or has disappointed her, even if it means humiliating himself in front of her, such as in "The Brawn Also Rises".

In all the times Theresa was stanked into a monster, Randy (as the Ninja) had never harmed nor physically hit her and always used the most harmless method possible in destanking her, even though he had struck a number of female stanked monsters (such as Flute Girl), proving that Randy is aware to not harm the girl he has feelings for. Besides that, he hasn't done anything else with his crush on her yet, but in the future (according to Scott) he will eventually pick her as his life partner.



While talking, he uses a lot of supposed slang (made up for the show), some of which include "wonk," "What the juice?" "bruce," "the cheese," "shnasty," etc. Whenever he messes up or is in an unfavorable situation, he says his catchphrase line, "H'oh boy".

It is noted that he is a fast speaker, and frequently slurs his sentences.


For breakfast he eats McFistios, and for lunch he eats the cafeteria food at Norrisville High Cafeteria. Due to his tendencies to resort to eating junk food, it can be deduced that he's not the best at cooking.

McFist Industries Merchandise

He often uses MicFist's products from McFist Industries like McKicks, McTighties, McTops, McSkinnies, McHoodies and even McFistios.

v - e - d Characters

Howard WeinermanRandy Cunningham
Catfish BoorayEvil Julian's SoldierThe DisciplinarianMac AntfeeMcFistMonstersQueen GabnidineEvil JulianThe SorcererThe SorceressTenguViceroy's CreationsViceroy
Bucky HensletterBackground studentsBash JohnsonBraedonBrentButtermakerDancing FishDaveDebbie KangDougFlute GirlHeidi WeinermanJacquesJulianJuggoLevander HartMorganStevensTheresa FowlerPradeepRachelRanginald BagelRudd RhymezTiny Timmy Scratch-It
Brawn BrickwallBrock OctaneBuilding InspectorCoach GreenCharlie CluckerDickieDoctor SamFather McFistGregHippie LibrarianJason MyersJerry DriscollMan-GongMarci McFistManager BryceMort WeinermanMother ViceroyMiss RingwaldMr. BannisterMrs. CunninghamMrs. DriscollMrs. DempseyMrs. WeinermanMiss WickwhackerNameless Art TeacherNameless shades ladyUncle SledgePitch KickhamPrincipal SlimovitzRandy's NeighborPJ McFlubbusterRuthSuperintendentSenora JorgeSinjin KnightfireSundownS. Ward SmithThe MessengerThe KevTerry McFistVictor Von Van
30 Seconds to Math (band)Bash & the BrosDancing FishDer Monster Klub (group)Norrisville Police DepartmentNorrisville High School BoardNorrisville High Marching BandNorrisville High Twirl TeamNorisu NineRhymez's Rap PosseWave Slayers Team
Background charactersFirst NinjaLe BéretNeil ApestrongMrs. ApestrongNinja of '05NomiRandyNorisu NineOttoPlop PlopPortal BeastGrave Puncher (character)
