Questism Wiki
Questism Wiki

This page is currently incomplete, and an active Work In Progress.

Quests are the driving force behind the series, prompting Suhyeon Kim to initially involve himself in the 4-school turf war in Gangbuk; however nothing is currently known about the origins of the Quest system, or what the participants are being led to accomplish. For a time it was hinted that the end goal would be uniting Gangbuk, although now it's been confirmed that there is more to accomplish. [1]


Quests can range from social interactions to combat-oriented goals, and are at least partially influenced by the user's current circumstances. [2] Main Quests must be completed without fail, or else the user will immediately forfeit all of their accumulated rewards from the system. Side Quests are also offered and can be attempted at the user's discretion without the threat of losing access to the system.


  1. ↑ Chapter 167
  2. ↑ Chapter 166