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Pure Evil Wiki
Pure Evil Wiki

Izuma, also known as Lord Izuma, is a minor antagonist in the Star Wars franchise, serving as a major antagonist of the non-canon anime series Star Wars: Visions.

He was voiced by Andrew Kishino, who also voiced Shredder in Batman vs. The TMNT and Shang Tsung in Mortal Kombat.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • He formed a criminal organization that engages in actions like piracy.
  • He recreated a portion of the Battle Droid army to serve his criminal empire and spread terror.
  • After he stumbled across the planet Keelia, a planet that has primitive yet sapient villages of people and is low in resources, Izuma decided to extract what little remained of the planet's resources, all to just expand his criminal empire.
  • Sent his pirate goons to strip the resources of Keelia.
  • Terrorized the people of Keelia.
  • His actions had caused many innocent people to be killed by his army.
  • Threatened the chief of the Meevia village that he would destroy his village if he didn't agree to be taken hostage.
  • Tried to force the entire village and even Saku's family to watch as he ordered the execution of Saku.
  • After the Jedi F prevented Izuma from killing Saku, and after attacking the crime lord, the Umbaran ordered the destruction of the village, meaning he attempted genocide on the Meevia people.
  • Used an innocent girl as a human shield against a Jedi, not caring if the girl dies.
  • Attempted to execute the village princess, Haru, in front of F, but failed.
  • Star Wars: Visions takes place outside both the Star Wars Legends and Canon continuities, and because of that, Izuma has the ability to stand out due to his heinous actions.


  • Izuma, alongside the Stormtrooper Commander from "The Pit," are the only Star Wars: Visions villains to be Pure Evil so far.

External Links[]


           Star Wars logo Pure Evils

Disney Canon
Darth Momin | Darth Sidious

Galactic Republic
Chancellor Palpatine | Captain/Admiral Tarkin | Pong Krell | Lieutenant Orson Krennic

Confederacy of Independent Systems
Darth Sidious | General Grievous | Wat Tambor | Dr. Nuvo Vindi | Keeper Agruss | Riff Tamson

Galactic Empire
Emperor Palpatine | Grand Moff Tarkin | Director Orson Krennic | Moff Gideon

First Order/Sith Eternal
Emperor Palpatine

Legends Canon
Dr. Cornelius Evazan | Sel-Makor | Countess Rajine | Emperor Palpatine | Cronal | King Terak | Ysanne Isard | Darth Krayt | Exar Kun | Vitiate | Onimi | Kul Teska | Denzone Qua | Karness Muur | Zalem | IG-88

Other Continuities
Izuma | Stormtrooper Commander (Star Wars Visions)

Unpublished works

Knights of the Old Republic Movie Saga: Vitiate

Other: Emperor Palpatine (What if Order 66 Failed?)

           Studio Trigger Pure Evils

Kill La Kill: Ragyō Kiryūin | Nui Harime
Darling In The FranXX: VIRM
Promare: Kray Foresight | Vulcan Haestus
BNA: Alan Sylvasta
Star Wars: Visions: Izuma

The original Life Fiber (Sapphire) | Ragyō Kiryūin (Natural Selection)
