Icon-megarangerThis article is about an evil ranger team in Denji Sentai Megaranger.

"Jaden Sentai Neziranger!"
―Nezirangers announcing their arrival[src]

The Jaden Sentai Neziranger (邪電戦隊ネジレンジャー Jaden Sentai Nejirenjā) were evil and homicidal cyborg counterparts of the core Megarangers. They were created by Dr. Hinelar to destroy the team, while Hinelar supplied their energy from Evil Electro-King Javious I in order to drain his energy and take control.


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The Nezirangers began life as "strengthening suits" devised by two I.N.E.T. scientists for the protection of Earth: Dr. Samejima and Professor Kubota; after the death of Samejima's daughter Shizuka in an initial attempt by the duo to harness energy by merely the human body. However the suit design was dark and twisted, in reflection of Samejima's complete change in his feelings for working for I.N.E.T. after his daughter's death. Ultimately, when Samejima defected to join the Nezirejia, he takes these suits with him. The initial suits that he primarily designed would become used to create his own squadron to combat the Megarangers, which Kubota was forced to start over and develop on his own after Samejima's defection.Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 38: Scary! Nezirejia's Fiendish Squadron

Created by Dr. Hinelar from Javious' DNA, while also synced to his lifeforce, the Nezirangers were made to counter the Megarangers. However, Javious did not know the full details of their creation, as the death of each Nezirangers would gradually shorten his life. They initially imitated the Megarangers except for black marks on their chests and tried to frame them. Unfortunately, the Nezirangers were impatient and wanted nothing more than to destroy their Megaranger counterparts. In this way, the Nezirangers were used by Hinelar not only to kill the Megarangers in suicide attacks, but also to kill Javious by slowly draining him of his lifeforce through their power usage and their deaths.

When badly damaged or enlarged, the Nezirangers transformed into their true monstrous forms.


One by one, the Nezirangers all died; NeziPink/NeziJealous by Mega Voyager's powered-up Voyager Spartan; NeziBlue/NeziBizzare by Wing Mega Voyager's Winger Spartan; and the last three (NeziYellow/NeziSophia, NeziBlack/NeziVulgar and NeziRed/NeziPhantom) met their end by Super Galaxy Mega, Mega Voyager and Mega Winger's Mega Spartan after the Megarangers perform a risky maneuver to absorb the three's combined energy attack with their three robos which enabled them to transfer the absorbed energy into the Voyager Spartan.


Psycho Ranger Data Card

Data Card

However, the Nezirangers' desire to kill managed to keep them from passing on, as they returned in Japan, but found they were unable to attack MegaRed, MegaBlue, and MegaPink who were sent to investigate their faint energy signatures as they were now ghosts. They later followed the Megarangers to Hinelar City and used Hinelar's data-card machine powered by the Javious Heart to regain physical form and not only resume their goal, but to try to kill Hinelar for exploiting them. But the Megarangers managed to digitize them, and preserve them as data cards, which were destroyed along with Hinelar City.


NeziRed NeziPhantom
NeziBlack NeziVulgar
NeziBlue NeziBizzare
NeziYellow NeziSophia
NeziPink NeziJealous
NeziSilver (fake) Yusaku Hayakawa


Powers and Abilities[]


  • Metamorphosis: The Nejirangers can transform into monstrous forms.


  • Combat programming: The Nejiranger are programmed to kill their respective colored Megaranger counterpart and can predict their every move.


  • Single-mindedness: Fighting a Megaranger from a different color confuses them, causing them to fight less efficiently.
  • Impatience: The Nejirangers are very impatient and obsessively want to destroy their Megaranger counterparts, making them predictable at times.
  • Lack of teamwork: The Nejirangers lack any form of teamwork and even fight among themselves to determine which Megaranger they should destroy first.


Behind the Scenes[]


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The name Neziranger is a combination of the words "twisted" (ねじれ Nejire), owing to their ties to Nezirejia and Ranger.


Evil Megarangers

The Neziranger disguised as "evil Megaranger"

  • The Nezirangers are the last ever Evil Ranger Team to not be a copy of their rival Sentai team.
    • Though individuals, the Nezirangers initially appear on Earth as the Megarangers with violet rectangles (representing Dr. Hinelar's violet color motif) around their chest instead of the five team colors.
  • After their initial battle with the Megarangers, they appear as opponents in the Megaranger arcade game.
  • The Jaden Sentai Neziranger are acknowledged as an Evil Sentai (悪の戦隊 Aku no Sentai), in the 30 Sentai Encyclopedia Special Files entry shown at the end of Task 45 of GoGo Sentai Boukenger.


See Also[]



Icon-megaranger Denji Sentai Megaranger
Kenta Date - Koichiro Endo - Shun Namiki - Chisato Jogasaki - Miku Imamura - Yusaku Hayakawa
Jaden Sentai Neziranger: NeziRed - NeziBlack - NeziBlue - NeziYellow - NeziPink - NeziSilver
Professor Eikichi Kubota - Tachibana - Pop - Dr. Toyokawa - Shougo Kawasaki - Mimura - Megumi Takano - Kurushima - Shirley
Moroboshi High School:
Teachers: Shigeki Takatora - Gen Ooiwa - Ms. Nishiyama - Mr. Kurosawa
Students: Shintarou Wada - Jirou Iwamoto - Erina - Maki
Others: Takeshi - Shun Namiki's mother - Dr. Kawasaki - Komutan - Kenta Date's mother - Chisato's grandmother - Shinji Endo - Kenta Date's father - Picoto
Legend Sentai: Carrangers - Gingamen - Gokaigers
Shinjuku Black - Professor Toyokawa - Yurika Mishima - Saeko Minami - Android 167 - Ruri - Mayuto Satome - Professor Tanaka - Shinya - Shinya's father - Shoichi Todaiji - Tadashi Nanba - Nanba's wife - Ooike - Masumi - Takashi - Haruka - Yasuda - Taniguchi - Ayumi Shiraishi - Kanako - Kunihiko - Kurosawa
Transformation Devices
Degitaizer - Keitaizer
Mega Sniper - Drill Saber - Multi Attack Rifle (MegaRod - MegaTomahawk - MegaSling - MegaCapture) - Silver Blazer
Battleraizer - Cyber Sliders - Digitank - Auto Slider
Mecha and Robos
MegaShip - Mega Shuttle - Delta Mega - Rovoyager-1 - Shuttle Voyager-2 - Rocket Voyager-3 - Saucer Voyager-4 - Tank Voyager-5 - Mega Winger
Giant Robos:
Galaxy Mega - Delta Mega - Super Galaxy Mega - Mega Voyager - Mega Winger Fighter Mode - Wing Mega Voyager
Wicked Electric Kingdom Nezirejia
Leader: Evil Electro-King Javious I - Dr. Hinelar
Generals: Shibolena - Bibidebi - Yugande - Guirail
Nezire Beasts: Stingray Nezire - Rhino Nezire - Chameleon Nezire - Shrimp Nezire - Elephant Nezire - Bee Nezire - Bat Nezire - Neo-Bat Nezire - Rose Nezire - Mole Nezire - Owl Nezire - Poison Moth Nezire - Toad Nezire - Mushroom Nezire - Scorpion Nezire - Crocodile Nezire - Centipede Nezire - Antlion Nezire - Anglerfish Nezire - Komutan - Buffalo Nezire - Moray Nezire - Cicada Nezire - Coral Nezire - Termite Nezire - Pig Nezire
Psycho-Nezilar: Lion Nezilar - Porcupine Nezilar - Mantis Nezilar - Condor Nezilar - Canary Nezilar - Lizard Nezilar - Crab Nezilar - Thorn-Needle Nezilar - Illusion Nezilar - Transport Nezilar - Hell Nezilar
Jaden Sentai Neziranger - NeziRed - NeziBlack - NeziBlue - NeziYellow - NeziPink - NeziSilver
Grunts: Soldiers Kune Kune (Boss Kune Kune - King Kune Kune)
Others: Hizumina - Ultimate Lifeform - Gigire - Space Biker Gang Helmedor - Grand Neziros
Giant Robo: Nezi Crusher

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