Icon-magirangerThis article is about a mecha mount in Mahou Sentai Magiranger.

Horned Sacred Horse Unigolon (一角聖馬ユニゴルオン Ikkaku Seiba Yunigoruon) is a unicorn Majuu. He first appeared in the Movie to assist the Magirangers, and later resurfaced in Stage 34 to help Kai Ozu try to free Heavenly Saint Blagel from being Dark Magic Knight Wolzard.


Unigolon appears to be a white version of Dark Magic Horse Barikion with a magic horn on its forehead (in the toy, that horn can be removed to become Saint MagiPhoenix's Saint Horn). Unigolon used to be Blagel's partner years ago, and she saw a little of Blagel inside of Kai/MagiRed. Forms the head, "sternum", back, arms, and legs of SaintKaiser and the Horn Lancer.

Appearances: Mahou Sentai Magiranger the Movie: Bride of Infershia, Magiranger Episodes 34


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Tenkuu Gattai SaintKaiser[]

Blue Glass Arrow See also: Phoenix Unizord

"Maagi Magi Giruma Jinga! When the light and fire become one, the Holy Majin will appear! Heavenly Fusion: SaintKaiser!"
―Kai Ozu[src]

SaintKaiser (セイントカイザー SeintoKaizā) is the combined form of Unigolon and Saint MagiPhoenix, where Unigolon becomes a suit of armor around Saint MagiPhoenix. His weapon is a staff made of Unigolon's mane and head. The spell used to invoke the "Heavenly Fusion!" (天空合体 Tenkū Gattai) is "Maagi Magi Giruma Jinga" (1-0-2-5). SaintKaiser bears a remarkable resemblance to FireKaiser as well.

His finisher is the Saint Horn Finish, in which SaintKaiser flies into the sky and then falls back down again head first with his staff with the Unicorn head end.

Heavenly Saint Blagel as Wolzard Fire also has the ability to combine with Unigolon to form BraveKaiser (ブレイブカイザー Bureibe Kaizā), but was never used in the series.

Appearances: Mahou Sentai Magiranger the Movie: Bride of Infershia, Magiranger Episodes 34

Behind the Scenes[]


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  • The toy version of Unigolon can be combined with regular Wolzard to form BraveKaiser, complete with a new robot face design formed from Unigolon's head.


See Also[]

Icon-magiranger Mahou Sentai Magiranger
Kai Ozu - Tsubasa Ozu - Urara Ozu - Houka Ozu - Makito Ozu - Hikaru - Miyuki Ozu - Isamu Ozu
Magic Cellphone MagiPhone - Heaven Phone GripPhone - Magic Cellphone Silver MagiPhone - Fire WolzaPhone (Black Magic Cellphone WolzaPhone) - MagiSticks - MagiLamp Buster - WolSabre - Jagun Shield - Magical Holy Staff DialRod - MagiPunch - Green Muscles - Rock Armor - Sky Hokies - Skarpet - Magiranger Spells -
Mandora Boy - Smoky the Magical Cat - Yuka Yamazaki - Dekarangers - Boukengers
Heavenly Saints
Heavenly Saint Lunagel - Heavenly Arch Saint Magiel - Heavenly Saint Chronogel - Heavenly Saint Snowgel - Heavenly Saint Flagel - Heavenly Saint Volgel - Heavenly Saint Splagel - Heavenly Saint Wingel - Heavenly Saint Groungel
Mecha and Robos
MagiDragon - MagiPhoenix - MagiGaruda - MagiMermaid - MagiFairy - MagiTaurus - Travelion Express - MagiFirebird - MagiLion - Barikon - Unigolon
MagiKing - MagiLegend - Travelion - WolKaiser - FireKaiser - SaintKaiser
Absolute God N Ma - Victory General Branken - Sorcery Priest Meemy - Phantom Spy Vancuria - Dark Magic Knight Wolzard - High Zobils - Zobils
Infershia Pantheon
Hades Ultimate God Drake - Hades Ultimate God Sleipnir - Hades Wise God Dagon - Hades Wise Goddess Gorgon - Hades Wise Goddess Sphinx - Hades Warrior God Cyclops - Hades Warrior God Ifrit - Hades Warrior God Titan - Hades Warrior God Toad - Hades Warrior God Wyvern
Hades Beasts
Hades Beast Troll - Hades Beast Blob - Hades Beast Worm - Hades Beast Cockatrice - Hades Beast Mimic - Hades Beast Fungus - Hades Beast Manticore - Hades Beast Specter - Hades Beast Leech - Hades Beast Ogre - Hades Beast Ghoul - Hades Beast Skeleton - Hades Beast Gargoyle - Hades Beast Spider - Ultra Hades Beast Living Sword - Hades Machine Golem - Hades Fungal Beast Mold
Hades Beastmen
Garim the Gremlin - Beldan the Behemoth - Kirikage the Ninja - Belbireji the Incubus - Gaston the Thief - Berserker King Glúm do Bridon - Sword of Glúm - Peewee the Harpy - Samurai Shichijuurou - Siren Neries - Yeti Zee - Kobold Bullrates - Apollo the Demon - Gestalt Hades Beastman Chimera
Algolian Baurbon