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The Storm Megazord is the Megazord of the Wind Rangers in Power Rangers Ninja Storm.
The Storm Ninjazords combine to form the Storm Megazord. The Storm Megazord's height is 100 feet and can summon the Power Spheres from its chest to use in battle. It could also use the Blizzard Flurry using the ripcord on the Lion's head to unleash a devastating snow and ice wave, the Dolphin Blast using the ripcord on the Dolphin to unleash a massive wave of blue energy from around the Dolphin's neck, and the Dolphin Laser which has blue lasers come from the Dolphin's eyes powerful enough to push the original Zurganezord back with just three blasts. The Storm Megazord was later destroyed in an explosion that also destroyed the Lothorzord.
Although the Megazord has a variety of finishers thanks to the Power Spheres, the most commonly used one is the Triple Strike where it summons the Serpent Sword and then splits into three copies of itself, one for each Rangers. They would then charge up the blade tip with yellow energy and slash downwards, reducing the enemy into energy which would then disintegrate (with the exception of Mad Magnet who fell over backwards and exploded).
It is known in other media as the Storm Power Megazord.
Appearances: NS Episodes 2-10, 12-16, 18, 21-24, 26, 27, 29, 31-38
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See also: Hurricane Hawk
- For the similarly named Zord in Power Rangers Megaforce, see Hawk Zord (Megaforce).
The Hawkzord is controlled by Shane Clarke and has the power to set its wings on fire. When it’s summoned, it reveals itself from the hologram of an airplane and forms the head of the Storm Megazord.
This Zord's signature attack is the Flame Attack where it unleashes jet fuel from the flaps on its wings which ignite and set the whole Zord on fire, allowing for a powerful dive bomb through the enemy.
Appearances: NS Episodes 2-10, 12-16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 29, 33, 34, 37, 38
See also: Hurricane Leon
The Lionzord is controlled by Dustin Brooks and has the power to create tornadoes. When it’s summoned, it reveals itself from a hologram of a Ferris wheel and a roller coaster track. It forms the entirety of the Storm Megazord, with the exception of the right arm and the head.
This Zord's signature attack is the Lion Tornado Blast where it spins its fan head fast enough to create a whirlwind to restrain the enemy and then fire its After Burners to slam into the enemy with enough force to make them explode which was seen with Mad Magnet (although he quickly reformed).
Appearances: NS Episodes 2-10, 12-16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 29, 33, 34, 37, 38
See also: Hurricane Dolphin
The Dolphinzord is controlled by Tori Hanson and has the power to create tidal waves. When it’s summoned, it reveals itself from the hologram of a cruise ship and forms the right arm of the Storm Megazord.
This Zord's signature attack is the Dolphin Water Wall where it summons a hologram of a tsunami to distract the enemy as it flies forward and rams into the enemy which was powerful enough to knock back even the Wolfblade Conglomerate with one hit.
Appearances: NS Episodes 2-10, 12-16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 29, 33, 34, 36-38
Alternate Formations[]
Storm Megazord Lightning Mode[]
The Storm Megazord can transform into the Storm Megazord Lightning Mode, slimming it down to a Megazord with humanoid features (not unlike the Red Dragon Thunderzord in battle mode) resulting in amazing speed and agility as well as generate large blades from its wrists. First used against the Copybot in the episode "Beauty and the Beach", the Storm Megazord can maintain Lightning Mode for a maximum of 60 seconds (1 Minute).
In Lightning Mode, it can use its own signature attack, the Ramp Attack, where it would produce its arm blades and then fly upwards using jet thrusters in its feet. It would generate a large ramp from said feet and then grow the wrist blades, making them fuse together into a ring. It would then join onto the platform, going down the ramp at high speed which would charge it up with yellow energy before slamming into and plowing through the monster. Oddly, in the episode "Nowhere to Grow", it did more than that and caught Florabundacus in its spin and sent her flying.
Appearances: NS Episodes 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 19, 26, 36
Additional Formations[]
The Power Spheres that the Storm Megazord uses are:
- 01: Serpent Sword
- 02: Ram Hammer
- 03: Turtle Mace
- 05: Lion Laser
- 06: Squid Drill
- 07: Minizord (Head)
- 09: Ninja Scarf
- 13: Super Stamp
- 14: Star Blazer
- 16: Ninja Firebird (Helmet)
Storm Megazord with Serpent Sword[]
The Serpent Sword is the Megazord's primary weapon and its finishing strike is the aforementioned Triple Strike.
Appearances: NS Episodes 2, 3, 5, 8-10, 13, 14, 18, 21, 27, 36-38
Storm Megazord with Ram Hammer[]
When the Megazord uses the Ram Hammer, it can strike the ground hard enough to knock enemies such as the Terramole out of it. Its finishing attack involves charging it up with blue energy, smashing the enemy multiple times with it, and then flinging it to send the top of the weapon soaring towards the enemy to fatally crush them into the ground.
Appearances: NS Episodes 4, 6, 18
Storm Megazord with Turtle Mace[]
When equipped with the Turtle Mace, the Megazord displays immense strength and can knock enemies down with just one swing of the weapon. Its finisher involves charging it up with blue energy, swinging it around in front of it, and then throwing it forth to stab into the monster's chest. The only time that this finisher was used was to destroy Snipster.
Appearances: NS Episode 9
Storm Megazord with Flail Combo[]
The combined form of the Ram Hammer and Turtle Mace allows the Megazord to unleash a very powerful finisher where the Megazord bounces the Turtle Mace against the Ram Hammer and then bats it forth to stab into the enemy.
Appearances: NS Episodes 15, 18
Storm Megazord with Lion Laser[]
When equipped with the Lion Laser, the Storm Megazord can fire a barrage of lasers with its finisher being a barrage of bullets from the barrels in its mane. The only time that this finisher is used was to destroy Magic Moustache.
Appearances: NS Episodes 13, 18, 35, 36
Storm Megazord with Turbine Combo[]
The combined form of the Squid Drill and Lion Laser allows the Megazord to unleash a very powerful finisher where it fires a combination tornado blast and bullet salvo powerful enough to destroy the first Zurganezord with a single blast.
Appearances: NS Episodes 7, 13
Storm Megazord with Ninja Scarf[]
When equipped with the Ninja Scarf, the Storm Megazord can supposedly block fire but was only used once since it proved useless against Madtropolis' flames.
Appearances: NS Episode 16
Storm Megazord with Super Stamp[]
When equipped with the Super Stamp, the Megazord can fling it forth to open rip enemies to release victims. This was only used once against Slob Goblin to release all the people/stamps although, unlike the Ninja Scarf, the reason it was never used again is because it was ineffective. It was also because it seemed to have only been designed for that one purpose and was useless when doing anything else.
Appearances: NS Episode 24
Storm Megazord with Star Blazer[]
When equipped with the Star Blazer, the Megazord can launch itself into the air and drop kick the enemy, fatally stabbing them with the Blazer's points. Another attack that it can perform is throwing the Star Blazer to make it split into five Star Blazers, attach to the enemies, and explode with devastating force.
Appearances: NS Episodes 22, 33
Behind the Scenes[]
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Legendary Ranger Devices[]

Storm Megazord Ninja Power Star
The Storm Megazord Ninja Power Star is a special Ninja Power Star that bears the likeness of the Storm Megazord and is marked with the kanji for "machine". This star is exclusive to the Ninja Steel toyline.
- The Storm Megazord Lightning Mode makes this the first Megazord to have an alternate humanoid form that can be assumed without using extra parts.
- The Lionzord is the only Yellow Ranger Zord to have its own personal finisher.
Power Rangers Ninja Storm
- Episode 2: There's No "I" In Team (first appearance)
- Episode 3: Beauty and the Beach
- Episode 4: Looming Thunder
- Episode 5: Thunder Strangers, Part I
- Episode 6: Thunder Strangers, Part II
- Episode 7: Thunder Strangers, Part III
- Episode 8: Nowhere to Grow
- Episode 9: Snip It, Snip It Good
- Episode 10: Return of Thunder, Part I
- Episode 12: Return of Thunder, Part III
- Episode 13: Return of Thunder, Part IV
- Episode 14: Boxing Bopp-a-Roo
- Episode 15: Pork Chopped
- Episode 16: The Samurai's Journey, Part I
- Episode 18: The Samurai's Journey, Part III
- Episode 19: Scent of a Ranger
- Episode 21: Good Will Hunter
- Episode 22: All About Beevil
- Episode 23: Sensei Switcheroo
- Episode 24: Tongue and Cheek
- Episode 26: Shane's Karma, Part I
- Episode 27: Shane's Karma, Part II
- Episode 29: Shimazu Returns, Part II
- Episode 31: Double-Edged Blake
- Episode 32: Eye of the Storm
- Episode 33: General Deception, Part I
- Episode 34: General Deception, Part II
- Episode 35: A Gem of a Day
- Episode 36: Down and Dirty
- Episode 37: Storm Before the Calm, Part I
- Episode 38/Finale: Storm Before the Calm, Part II (final appearance and destruction)
See Also[]
- Ninpu Gattai Senpuujin - Super Sentai counterpart in Hurricaneger. See comparison page.
- Choju Gattai LiveRobo - The first three-part combination used by a main team of 3 Rangers of Super Sentai that also consists of a falcon, a lion, and a dolphin.