Icon-gobustersThis article is about a type of evil giant robot in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.
TSGB-MegaZord Gamma

The third type of Gigadrone in Scrozzle's arsenal is the Gamma Model.

Gigadrone gamma

Gamma model Gigadrone


Slicerdrone, the first Gamma Model is sent by Scrozzle to fight the Rangers but it finishes deactivated. Tvicon TV STORY-Taking Care of Business Slicerdrone is freed and reactivated by Roxy and Scrozzle's new Robotron, Meltatron. Then he fought again the Rangers with Meltadrone. But the two Gigadrones were destroyed by the Beast-X Megazord. Tvicon TV STORY-Hangar Heist

Vacuudrone is sent to steal Morph-X but it was destroyed by the Beast-X Megazord. Tvicon TV STORY-The Cybergate Opens

Tooldrone is sent to fight the Rangers. Suddenly a new Gigadrone emerges from its back and they fight the Rangers. The Delta Gigadrone and Tooldrone are finally destroyed by the Beast-X Megazord and the Striker Megazord respectively. Tvicon TV STORY-Tools of the Betrayed

An unidentified Gamma Gigadrone is sent after Vargoyle's death to fight the Rangers and steal Morph-X. It was destroyed by the Beast-X Megazord. Tvicon TV STORY-Rewriting History

Several Gamma Gigadrones, along with Models Alpha, Beta, and Delta, were sent to stop the Beast-X Ultrazord when it entered the Cyber Dimension. The Ultrazord destroyed all these Gammas, along with the other Gigadrones. Tvicon TV STORY-Evox Upgraded

Controladrone is sent with Digidrone to fight the Rangers. The Striker Megazord destroys Digidrone and Controladrone is destroyed by the Beast-X Megazord. Tvicon TV STORY-The Blame Game

Gammadrone was created and sent by Boxertron with Alphadrone, Betadrone and Deltadrone to destroy the Rangers. But Boxertron and the four Gigadrones are finally destroyed after a fierce fight. Tvicon TV STORY-Boxed In (Beast Morphers)

A second unidentified Gamma Model is sent to fight the Rangers, while Devon and Captain Chaku fought Vargoyle resurrected by Ryjack. It was destroyed by the Striker Megazord. Tvicon TV STORY-Intruder Alert!

A third unidentified Gamma Model is sent to fight the Rangers, it was destroyed by the Wrecker Zord and the Beast-X King Megazord. Tvicon TV STORY-Finders Keepers

Antennadrone 2.0, the last Gamma Model, is sent to fight the Rangers. It was destroyed by the Racer Zord and the Beast-X King Megazord. Tvicon TV STORY-The Silva Switch

Known Type Gammas[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]


  • Most of the Unidentifiable Gigadrones are Gamma Model.


See Also[]

All items (9)
