Icon-goongerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers RPM.

"Well let's see how he likes playing tag."
―Scott Truman before to fight the Gat Bot with the Zenith Megazord[src]

Gat Bot is one of Venjix's Attack Bots. He is trigger and Gatling gun-themed and serves as the secondary antagonist of the episode "Blitz".


Venjix used the trigger-themed Gat Bot to disrupt Corinth's Shield energy. This allowed the Gat Bot and Grinders to enter the city. The Bot was supposed to distract the Rangers from the Sat Bot, who was sent to the city. The Rangers responded and fought the Gat Bot, but he was a bit too strong for the Rangers to defeat. The Bot was armed with numerous cannons. Luckily, Flynn, Ranger Blue was able to use his Time Burst attack to weaken the robot. The Rangers formed the RPM Enforcer and used it to blast the Gat Bot. The RPM Enforcer proved to be more powerful than the robot's cannons.

Venjix then revived the creation and made him grow. The Rangers went to their Zords, formed the Zenith Megazord and were too fast of a battler for the Gat Bot. The team then used the Megazord's blast to finish the robotic monster off. Tvicon TV STORY-Blitz


The Gat Bot was shown to be loyal to Venjix and loyally did his mission of distraction maneuver for Sat Bot.

Powers and Abilities


  • Cannon Lasers: The Gat Bot can fire red lasers from the cannons on his arms and head in rapid succession or a barrage-like blast.
  • Waist Blasts: By pulling the triggers on his thighs, he can fire large yellow energy blasts from his waists.
  • Water Cannon Blasts: The Gat Bot can also fire water blasts from the cannons on his arms.
  • Trigger Barrage: The Gat Bot's strongest attack where it pulls the triggers on his thighs to fire his cannon lasers, water blasts, and waist blasts altogether as a powerful barrage capable of downing all five Rangers at once.


  • Strength: This Bot possesses enormous physical strength that allows him to punch the Rangers and send them flying.


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  • Fists: This Bot can fight with his bare hands.

Behind the Scenes


  • This Attack Bot's voice actor is unknown. He only grunts, roars, and laughs.


to be added


  • Gat Bot's name comes from Gat, an old 1930s street abbreviation slang for a Gatling gun.


  • Though mainly grunts and growls, his voice sounds similar to monsters such as Rhinix and Magmador, hinting that Mark Wright might have provided the voice effects.
  • He is the first Attack Bot to be destroyed by the RPM Enforcer.
  • The way he fires lasers in rapid succession is similar to that of a Gatling gun.


See Also



Power nav icon Power Rangers RPM Icon-goonger
Scott Truman - Flynn McAllistair - Summer Landsdown - Ziggy Grover - Dillon - Gem - Gemma
Cell Shift Morpher - Rev Morpher - Sky Morpher - Engine Cells - Nitro Blaster - Street Saber - Turbo Cannon - Zip Charger - Turbo Axe - Rocket Blaster - Cloud Hatchet - Skyshift Blazer - Wheel Blaster - Rail Saber - Rail Blaster - Road Blaster - Turbo Plasma Launcher - RPM Enforcer - Project GO-ONGER
Doctor K - Colonel Mason Truman - Samurai Rangers
Zords and Megazords
Eagle Racer - Lion Hauler - Bear Crawler - Tail Spinner - Wolf Cruiser - Croc Carrier - Falcon Chopper - Tiger Jet - Whale Jumbo Jet - Paleozords - Turbo Falcon Zord - Road Attack Zord
High Octane Megazord - ValveMax Megazord - Zenith Megazord - Mach Megazord - SkyRev Megazord - PaleoMax Megazord - RPM Ultrazord
Venjix Computer Network
General Crunch - General Shifter - Tenaya - Kilobyte - Grinders - Venjix Drones
Attack Bots
Generation 5 Attack Bot - Generation 9 Amphibious Attack Bot (Water Hoser) - Subterranean Plutonic Gopher Bot - Generation 9 Noz Bot Attack System - Magnetron - Pump Attack Bot - Boom Bot - Camera Attack Bot - Drill Attack Bot - Generation 12 Reflects Bot - Gat Bot - Broiler Bot - Sat Bot - Lightning Bot - Oil Bot - Dyna Bot - Vacuum Bot - Saw Bot Generation 15 - Generation 16 Saw Bot - Balloon Bot - Generation 3 Textile Bot - Manhole Bot - Knight Bot - Hammer Attack Bot - Generation 3 Chemical Bot - Dowser Bot - Series 2 Rotor Bot - Heat Bot - Generation 16 Hyper Bot - Dumbbell Bot - Generation 12 Energy Bot - Final Attack Bot
Other Villains:
Alphabet Soup - Fresno Bob
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