This article is about a/an monster in Power Rangers Turbo, the third season in the Zordon Era .

"Hey. We too late babe?"
―Crash's first words addressing Cassie when he and The Creeps appeared in the Youth Center to audition.[src]

"They're up! They're up! Pick up the Scrambler you nitties. Shoot at them again."
―Crash about to blast the Rangers with the Ranger Scrambler for the second time as well as his final words before his initial defeat.[src]

"I feel somethin' big coming on."
―Crash when he grew.[src]

"I’ll chop you to turbo pieces!"
―Crash reacting to the Turbo Megazord and his final words before his demise.[src]

Crash (aka Red Creep) is a monster who is a member of Divatox's Crew as well as the leader and the lead guitarist of Crash & the Creeps. He serves as the main antagonist of the episode "The Song of Confusion".


Crash and his band of musical monsters were used by Divatox in order to play the titular Song of Confusion in order to torture the Turbo Rangers.

Crash morph

They first appeared in their human forms when they auditioned by playing the titular song and won their places on Cassie's band, with Crash as the lead guitarist. They went as far as performing at the Youth Center whilst Piranhatrons stole musical equipment for them to use later. Whether Divatox sent him or he just decided to wreck the city is unclear, but he and The Creeps attacked the city in their true monster forms. They battled the Rangers among the rooftops, with Crash fighting T.J. one on one, and were winning but fled when the Rangers deployed their Auto Blasters.

Rygog, Porto and Elgar tracked him and The Creeps to a cave and convinced them to fight again by presenting them with a new cannon named the Ranger Scrambler. Sometime later, Cassie confronted him in the hallways of Angel Grove High where he cryptically referred to his music conquering the world. A little later, he oversaw the movement of his equipment from the Space Base to the Park via the Divacar. When the Rangers discovered he was part of Divatox's crew he turned into his true form while The Creeps were disguised as humans. The played their song again, but their instruments were vaporized by the Auto Blasters.

Without their instruments they made thier way to the Beach, were the Creeps had shed their human disguises. After fighting their Ranger counterparts, pounding them in the process, they attempted to use the Ranger Scrambler, but were beaten back by the Turbo R.A.M. in cannon mode, which destroyed the other four Creeps. Crash grew courtesy of the torpedoes but the Rangers summoned their Turbozords and formed the Turbo Megazord. Crash went berserk swinging his sword around to apparently destroy the Turbo Megazord but was unable to attack it before being eliminated by the Spin-Out attack.


Crash, in both forms, is clearly a chauvinist and showman who enjoys the theatrical whilst also being a cruel and sadistic monster.

Powers and Abilities


  • Human Transformation: Crash can transform into a human teenager to hide his identity.
  • Teleportation: Crash can vanish to any location at will in an explosion of sparkles simply by crossing his arms.
  • Super Jumps: Crash can jump high enough to land on a rooftop with one bound.


  • Strength: Crash can match T.J. in terms of physical strength and knocked him down with a single stomach jab.
  • Durability: Crash was blasted by all five Auto Blasters but was unharmed despite being knocked down.
  • Expert Guitarist: Crash was a good lead guitarist.
  • Expert Swordsman: Crash was able to overwhelm T.J. in a single combat sword fight.
  • Agility: Crash was agile enough to dodge an eye blast from Divatox with half a second's notice.


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  • Guitar: Crash's human form used a large electric guitar when performing his music but it was vaporized along with the other instruments.
  • Swords: Crash has used two swords in battle, When human size he wielded a sword that resembled T.J.'s Turbo Lightning Sword, When enlarged he wielded a giant grey sword that he tried to use against the Turbo Megazord.
  • Gun: Crash also used a two holed laser gun.

Behind the Scenes


  • Crash was voiced by Kirk Thornton and played in his human form by Peter Kenney.
    • Kenney's name doesn't appear on the credits because he wasn't supposed to play the character of Crash as the original plan was for him to remain in monster form throughout and be the band's hidden puppetmaster. For whatever reason, this was never corrected, but when he arrived on set they liked his look and switched his role to the charismatic lead singer, Crash.


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to be added


  • Since John Fletcher wrote TSOC and "Fire In Your Tank", he and Torch Tiger have almost the exact same words when they grew.
  • It is unclear whether Crash and his entourage were part of Divatox's army already or were hired (like with the Maniac Mechanic).
  • The reason that he was going berserk with his sword before being eliminated was because he spent his final moments trying to destroy the Turbo Megazord with his final attack in Carranger. This attack was named the Great Galaxy Blitzkrieg Science Darkness Sword: Lightning Blitzkrieg Plasma Cyber Aurora Centrifugal Gravity Super Thunder something and was presumably a twisted version of the Turbo Megazord Spinout.
    • The name was so absurdly long that he was destroyed before he could finish it, only reaching the word "thunder".


See Also



Power nav icon Power Rangers Turbo Icon-carranger
Original Team Members: Tommy Oliver - Justin Stewart - Adam Park - Tanya Sloan - Katherine Hillard
Second Team Members: T.J. Johnson - Carlos Vallerte - Ashley Hammond - Cassie Chan
Robot Rangers: T.J. Johnson - Justin Stewart - Carlos Vallerte - Ashley Hammond - Cassie Chan
Turbo Morpher - Wrist Communicators - Turbo Blade - Auto Blaster - Turbo Navigator - Turbine Laser - Senturion Synergizer - Turbo Lightning Sword - Turbo Hand Blasters - Turbo Thunder Cannon - Turbo Star Chargers - Turbo Wind Fire - Turbo R.A.M. - Lightning Cruiser - Storm Blaster
Zordon - Alpha 5 - Dimitria - Alpha 6 - Blue Senturion - Phantom Ranger - Lerigot - Farkas Bulkmeier - Eugene Skullovitch - Jerome Stone - Mr. Caplan - Ms. Appleby
Zords and Megazords
Red Lightning Turbozord - Mountain Blaster Turbozord - Desert Thunder Turbozord - Dune Star Turbozord - Wind Chaser Turbozord - Lightning Fire Tamer Rescuezord - Siren Blaster Rescuezord - Thunder Loader Rescuezord - Star Racer Rescuezord - Wind Rescue Rescuezord - Artillatron
Turbo Megazord - Rescue Megazord - Rescue Turbo Megazord - Robo Racer
Divatox - Elgar - Rygog - Porto - Maligore - General Havoc - Chromites - Piranhatrons - Putra Pods
Amphibitor - Shadow Chromite - Shadow Rangers (Turbo) - Visceron - The Demon Racers - Big Burpa - Mouthpiece - Pharaoh - Numbor - Blazinator - Terror Tooth - Electrovolt - Wolfgang Amadeus Griller - Shrinkasect - Flamite - Delisha Ennivel - Dreadfeather - Mad Mike the Pizza Chef - Translucitor - Clockster - Metal Mangler - Crosspatch - Flashhead - Voltmeister - Wicked Wisher - Wild Weeder - Mutant Bees - Torch Tiger - Debloom - Blue Grouperhead - Fleeing Flea - Vitrified Virus - Mosquito Man - Silver Streaker - Hardhairball - Hate Mistress - Maniac Mechanic - Lord Litter - Crash & the Creeps - Mr. Goorific - Strikeout - Count Nocturne - Goldgoyle - Rockin' Roach (scrapped) - Hammeron (toy only)
Evil Zords
Metallosaurus - Terrorzord - Eaglezord - Sharkzord - Catzord
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