- "There is energy all around us. The energy is both yin and yang, positive energy and negative energy. Only a select few firebenders can separate these energies. This creates an imbalance. The energy wants to restore balance and in a moment the positive and negative energy come crashing back together. You provide release and guidance, creating lightning."
- ― General Iroh to his nephew, Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
The power to manipulate electricity. Sub-power of Charged Particles Manipulation and Electromagnetism Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Manipulation and Energy Manipulation. Not to be confused with Lightning Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Electric Charge Control/Manipulation
- Electric Current Control/Manipulation
- Electricity Control
- Electric/Electrical Control/Manipulation
- Electrokinesis
- Statickinesis
- Surgekinesis
Users can create, shape, control and manipulate electricity. They possess complete control over electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (such as electrons or protons). As an elemental power, electricity manipulation is very simple and straightforward accompanied with a near-limitless myriad of uses. Most commonly, users would be able to discharge large amounts of electricity in order to shock their opponents, potentially paralyzing them, burning them, or even stopping their hearts in severe cases. Beware accidentally harming allies if the user's control over electricity is not precise enough. Some users would also be able to summon lightning bolts, while even stronger users can manipulate it within the skies, or even create thunderstorms at will. Even if their opponent is resistant to electricity, the immense heat generated from lightning traveling through the sky, which is around 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun, will definitely pose a threat to them.
At a more advanced level, users would be able to exert control over electronics and other devices powered by electricity, allowing them to remotely access, disrupt, and control technology, such as mobile phones, televisions, computers, traffic lights, etc. They would be able to perceive or even control data stored on electronic devices, or even assume control over the entire device purely through electrical connection. Some specialized users would be able to use electricity for more miscellaneous uses, such as enhancing one's senses through Electroreception, the ability to sense natural electrical stimuli which can allow them to sense their surroundings by generating electric fields and detecting the distortions in those fields.
At the ultimate level, users would be able to control electric fields and all charge carriers (Ions, Electrons, Protons, and Positrons), allowing them to manipulate the force that holds atoms together within objects or flow through the nervous systems of living creatures. At this stage, electricity manipulation becomes extremely dangerous and effective, essentially giving the user the ability to control living creatures and objects through the precise manipulation of electricity and electrical fields within them. In the former case, they would be able to read the thoughts of others through electrical signals produced by their brains and control their movements as if they were puppets by manipulating the electricity used by the nervous system to send signals to the entire body. In the latter case, users would be able to move objects as if they were using telekinesis.
- Electrical Conversion
- Electrical Telekinesis
- Electric Field Manipulation
- Electricity Absorption
- Electricity Attacks
- Electric Augmentation
- Electric Channeling
- Electric Conductivity
- Electrical Constructs
- Electrical Force-Field Generation
- Electricity Detection
- Electricity Generation (Personal Electricity)
- Electricity Negation
- Electricity Solidification
- Electric Pull
- Electroreception
- Electrically Enhanced Speed
- Lightning Redirection
- Lightning Summoning
- Manipulate the properties of electricity.
- Electric Accumulation
- Electric Armor
- Electric Arts
- Electricity Contact
- Electric Deformation
- Electric Projectile
- Electric Transmutation
- Electrical Enhanced Condition
- Electrical Healing by charging with electricity, which accelerates the healing of cells.
- Electrical Levitation
- Electrical Signal Manipulation
- Electrical Telepathy
- Electrical Transportation by using electricity to teleport.
- Electrical Wall Crawling
- Electricity Bestowal
- Electricity Defense
- Electricity Empowerment
- Electricity Mimicry
- Electricity Portal Creation
- Electrokinetic Cloning
- Electrokinetic Combat
- Electrokinetic Invisibility
- Electrolysis on atomized water.
- Electro-Psionics
- Electronic Communication
- Electronic Disruption
- Lightning Manipulation
- Positive Electricity Manipulation
- Prevalent Discharge
- Static Electricity Manipulation
- Super Electric Charge
- Tactile Electrokinesis
- Technology Manipulation
- Astral Electricity Manipulation
- Bio-Electricity Manipulation
- Charged Particles Manipulation
- Cosmic-Electric Manipulation
- Cryo-Electricity Manipulation
- Electric Bubble Manipulation
- Electric Water Manipulation
- Electrical Phenomena Manipulation
- Electricity Embodiment
- Electricity Magic
- Electron Manipulation
- Geoelectricity Manipulation
- Positron Manipulation
- Underwater-Electricity Manipulation
- African Mysticism
- Brain Manipulation - electricity in the brain also known as the electric brain is generated by the motion of sodium and potassium ions across cell membranes, and neurons transmit messages by sending electric signals down their axons.
- Brainwave Manipulation - by manipulating the electrical impulses in the brain that occur at a frequency.
- Neural Impulse Manipulation - by redirecting the electrical signals between the brain and nerves.
- Neural Jumpstart - by using electricity to accelerate neural activity.
- Mental Scramble/Unconsciousness Inducement - by disrupting neural impulses/electrical signals in the brain.
- Memory Manipulation - by suppressing or redirecting the electrical signals in the brain. This takes very high skill.
- Motor-Skill Manipulation - by controlling the nerve-signal for movement.
- Reanimation - by reanimating the dead.
- Intelligence Enhancement - by boosting human cognitive ability. Studies imply that using electricity to stimulate neurons in specific areas of the brain known to be involved in memory, reasoning, and decision-making can improve mental performance.
- Electrical Immunity
- Electricity Weaponry
- Electrochemistry Manipulation
- Electromagnetism Manipulation - potentially as a stronger byproduct of this power.
- Electrolytic Blood
- Electroscience
- Elemental Manipulation
- Enhanced/Supernatural Speed - Electricity/Lightning is often associated with speed/running in many pieces of fiction.
- Enhanced/Supernatural Strike - Electricity/Lightning is often associated with extremely strong physical attacks.
- Fire Manipulation - electricity can spark fire.
- Greco-Roman Mysticism
- Heat Generation
- Ionic Manipulation
- Incineration
- Kinetic Energy Manipulation
- Light Manipulation
- Lightning Manipulation
- Magnet Manipulation
- Magnetism Manipulation
- Plasma Manipulation
- Potential Energy Manipulation
- Resurrection - by restarting a person's heart or reviving their dead nerve cells by applying electric energy.
- Spark Manipulation
- Storm Manipulation
- Superior Human Physiology
- Technology Manipulation - by controlling the electrical functions of technology.
- Thunder Manipulation
- Transcendent Physiology
- Users of Electricity Resistance are highly resistant and users of Electrical Immunity are not affected.
- Distance, force, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user and their power's natural limits.
- Electricity needs a conductor like water with electrolytes dissolved in it or metal to move through, therefore electricity can neither exist in nor move through a vacuum (such as outer space).
- May be unable to create electricity, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
- Electricity may be redirected by certain materials.
- A strong enough magnetic force/source may be beneficial or a hindrance.
- May be limited only to the path of least resistance.
- May become useless if insulated with non-conductive matter, such as rubber, silicate, air etc. although a strong enough electrical change can overload any insulator and force it to become conductive.
- May have to find electrical sources of power in order to recharge.
- May have problems using electronics.
- Could be dangerous to use around or in water - possibly harming the user.
- May be short-circuited under certain conditions:
- Contact with water, a magnet, the opposite polarity, etc.
- Absence/lack of electrical resistance between the positive and negative polarities.
- Weak against Electricity Negation.
Universal Difference[]
In universes such as The Avatar series, electricity manipulation requires the user to be mentally stable with the complete absence of emotions and peace of mind. Physically, it requires separating the energies of yin and yang, which in our universe can be interpreted as positive and negative electric potential energy respectively. When the yin (positive chi energy) and yang (negative chi energy) collide together to become whole again, lightning is created. Essentially, it's similar to matter and anti-matter collision. In which when they collide, they release pure energy in the form of protons and electrons (photons are nothing but light, not electricity). Supposedly in the Avatar Universe, the combination of yin and yang release the pure energy in the form of electricity.
- Electrokinesis is also the term used in Electrohydrodynamics to refer to the movement of a fluid or particle by an electric field in a fluid with a net mobile charge. To prevent possible confusion, one could use the term Fulgurkinesis to refer to someone with the power to manipulate lightning. However, the term Electrokinesis to refer to fictional users of the power is commonly used enough that it's unlikely to be a major source of confusion.
- Because electricity can get extremely hot when lightning passes through the air, lightning can heat the air it passes through to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit (5 times hotter than the surface of the sun).
Known Users[]
See Also: Shock and Awe, and Lightning Can Do Anything
- Tempest (Action Man 2000)
- Watts (Action Pack)
- Firebenders (Avatar: The Last Airbender); through "Lightningbending"
- Transylians (Ben 10/Ben 10 Ultimate Alien/Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Frankenstrike
- Dr. Viktor
- Lightning Volt
- Amperis (Ben 10 Ultimate Alien/Ben 10: Omniverse)
- AmpFibian
- Ra'ad
- Ultimate Aggereor
- Ultimate Kevin
- Cerebrocrustaceans (Ben 10 Alien Force, Ultimate Alien, Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Brainstorm
- Dr. Psychobos
- Ultimate Kevin
- Nosedeenians (Ben 10/Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Gimlinopithecus (Ben 10)
- Shocksquatch
- Electricyeti
- Yetta
- Conductoids (Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Feedback
- Omniverse Kevin
- Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10 Ultimate Alien) via magic
- Crashocker (Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Fulmini (Ben 10 2016 Reboot)
- Shock Rock
- High Override
- Omniverse Kevin (Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Kevin 11,000 (Ben 10)
- BoBoiBoy (BoBoiBoy franchise)
- BoBoiBoy Lightning/BoBoiBoy Thunderstorm
- BoBoiBoy Supra; via Elemental Fusion
- BoBoiBoy Rumble; via Elemental Fusion
- BoBoiBoy Lightning/BoBoiBoy Thunderstorm
- Retak'ka Voltra (BoBoiBoy franchise)
- Satriantar Ratna (BoBoiBoy franchise)
- Kira'na (BoBoiBoy franchise)
- Electrokinesis/Ghost Stinger Users (Danny Phantom)
- Danny Fenton/Phantom
- Dark Danny
- Vlad Masters/Plasmius
- Aphrodite (Class of the Titans)
- X.A.N.A. (Code Lyoko)
- Leslie Willi/Livewire (DCAU)
- Azari (Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow)
- Unagi (Sushi Pack)
- Black Vulcan (Superfriends)
- Spaceman KISS (Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery)
- Aqualad (Young Justice)
- Chiro (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!)
- Will Vandom (W.I.T.C.H); using Quintessence, the fifth element
- Nerissa (W.I.T.C.H.); using Quintessence, the fifth element
- Elyon Brown (W.I.T.C.H)
- Phobos (W.I.T.C.H)
- Bumblebee (Transformers Animated)
- Galvatron (Transformers Cybertron)
- Jolt (Transformers Franchise)
- Wasp (Transformers Animated)
- Giffany (Gravity Falls)
- Juice (Justice League)
- Experiment 221/Sparky (Lilo & Stitch)
- Experiment 627 (Lilo & Stitch)
- Virgil Hawkins/Static Shock (Static Shock/DCAU)
- Soul Power (Static Shock)
- Starburst (Static Shock)
- Tazerling (Slugterra)
- Bex (Super Duper Bunny League)
- Tecna (Winx Club)
- Stormy (Winx Club)
- Tchang Zu (Jackie Chan Adventures)
- Scorpia (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power); via The Black Garnet
- Templeton Storm/Tempest (Action Man 2000)
- Megavolt (Darkwing Duck)
- Maja (Adventure Time)
- Garnet (Steven Universe)
- Peridot (Steven Universe); via Limb Enhancers
- Jay Walker (Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu)
- Lloyd Garmadon (Lego Ninjago: Master of Spinjitzu); formerly
- Lord Garmadon (Lego Ninjago: Master of Spinjitzu)
- Electroids (Mixels)
- Robot Jones (Whatever Happened to...Robot Jones?)
- Turbo Thunder (Fairly OddParents)
- Mighty Ray (Hero 108)
- Glowface (The X's)
- Lord Hater (Wander Over Yonder)
- Maleficent (Disney's Sleeping Beauty)
- Boboiboy Thunderstorm (Boboiboy)
- Turbo K.O. (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes)
- Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe)
- Newtralizer (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series)
- Kaito Akiyama (Kabuki Akiyana Z)
- Tronos Madu (3Below)
- Phantom Virus (Scooby-Doo)
- Nikola Tesla (Super Science Friends)
- Captain Lightspeed (Fearless)
- Kira (Fearless)
- Overload (Teen Titans/DC Comics)
- Ternion (Teen Titans)
- High Voltage (Big Hero 6: the Series)
- Electronique (Disney's Kim Possible)
- Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
- Sliver (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 TV series)
- Shellectro (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Megawatt (Mucha Lucha)
- Electrikman (Captain Biceps)
- Thunderella (Happily Ever After)
- Crackler (Godzilla: The Series)
- Virus (World of Winx)
- Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
- Nue (Air Gear)
- Black Burn (Air Gear)
- Ikki Minami (Air Gear)
- Budo (Akame Ga Kill!)
- Tezuka Jun (Alive: The Final Evolution)
- Harara Narukami (Anime-Tamae)
- Hajime Nagumo (Arifureta Shoukugyou de Sekaisaikyou)
- Berubo (Beelzebub)
- Ikuro Hashizawa (Baoh; the Visitor)
- Great Demon King (Beelzebub)
- Lightning Magic Users (Black Clover)
- Jin Kariya (Bleach); via Messer
- Chōjirō Sasakibe (Bleach)
- Candice Catnipp (Bleach)
- Yoruichi Shihōin (Bleach); via "Shunkō"
- Zamdo (Bogus Skill "Fruitmaster")
- The Thunder (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Yuu Otosaka (Charlotte)
- Hitomi (Code: Breaker)
- Kanon Ozu (Coppelion)
- Cyborg 0010 Plus and Minus (Cyborg 009)
- Skinn Bolic (D.Gray-man)
- Nick Hillman (Darker than Black)
- Hei (Darker than Black)
- Various Characters (Dragon Ball series)
- Lightning Law (Edens Zero)
- Lightning Magic users: (Fairy Tail)
- Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic users: (Fairy Tail)
- Laxus Dreyar
- God Serena
- Elexion
- Natsu Dragneel; via Lightning Dragon Mode
- Arthur Boyle (Fire Force)
- Haumea (Fire Force)
- Raiha (Flame of Recca)
- Rui Ninomiya (Gatchaman Crowds)
- Ginji Amano (Get Backers!)
- Birthday (Hamatora)
- Joachim (The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment)
- Blist Blitz Broadhurst (High Card); via Million Volt card
- Ragins (Hungry Joker)
- Narkle Encilion (Hero Killer)
- Ihwa/Hero Killer (Hero Killer)
- Jade (Hero Killer)
- Killua Zoldyck (Hunter × Hunter)
- Ginka (InuYasha)
- Mōryōmaru (InuYasha); via absorption of Ginka
- Hiten (InuYasha)
- Akira Otoishi (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure); via Red Hot Chili Pepper
- Hajime Kashimo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
- Users of Lightning Flames (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
- Kaigaku (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- Gash Bell (Konjiki no Gash Bell!)
- Zeon Bell (Konjiki no Gash Bell!)
- Lightning Users (League of Heroes)
- Rage (Karakuri Dôji Ultimo)
- Kikaider (Kikaider)
- Lightning Magic users (Magi/Adventure of Sinbad)
- Aladdin
- Dunya Musta'sim via Dark Metal Vessel Al-Qaus
- Drakon via Household Vessel Bararaq Barasikh from Baal
- Ja'far via Household Vessel Bararaq Sei from Baal
- Judar
- Isaac via Dark Household Vessel Al-Qaus Kauza
- Ithnan
- Masrur via Household Vessel Bararaq Kauza from Baal
- Mira Dianus Artemina via Djinn Cerberus
- Myers via Thunder Whip
- Scheherazade
- Sinbad via Lightning Djinn Baal
- Hikaru Shidou (Magic Knight Rayearth)
- Mui Aiba (Magical Warfare/Mahou Sensou)
- Galian (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Oudo Miyakonojou (Medaka Box)
- Kanna Kamui (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
- Denki Kaminari (My Hero Academia)
- Elecplant (My Hero Academia)
- Gilthunder (Nanatsu no Taizai/The Seven Deadly Sins)
- Zaratras (Nanatsu no Taizai/The Seven Deadly Sins)
- Dahaaka (Nanatsu no Taizai/The Seven Deadly Sins)
- Supreme Deity (Nanatsu no Taizai/The Seven Deadly Sins); via "God Thunder"
- Lightning Release/Style Users (Naruto series)
- Seto Narukami (Scarlet Nexus)
- Shiden Ritte (Scarlet Nexus)
- Enel (One Piece)
- Charlotte Linlin/Big Mom (One Piece); via Zeus and Hera
- Vinsmoke Niji (One Piece); via Henry techniques
- Mink Tribe (One Piece); via Electro
- Trafalgar D. Water Law (One Piece); via Counter Shock, Shock Wille & Puncture Wille
- Ainz Ooal Gown (Overlord)
- Saki Asami (Puella Magi Kazumi Magica)
- Cure Black/Nagisa Misumi (Futari wa Pretty Cure)
- Cure White/Honoka Yukishiro (Futari wa Pretty Cure)
- Dark King (Futari wa Pretty Cure)
- Yayoi Kise/Cure Peace (Smile Pretty Cure)
- Bad End Peace (Smile Pretty Cure)
- Lala Hagoromo/Cure Milky (Star Twinkle Pretty Cure)
- Hiramitsu Hinata/Cure Sparkle (Healin' Good Pretty Cure)
- Kurousagi (Problem Children are Coming from Another World, Aren't They?)
- Go (Rave Master)
- Tatsu Frampt (Red Sprite)
- Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon)
- Leo Aiolia (Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac)
- Orion Eden (Saint Seiya Omega)
- Leo Mycenae (Saint Seiya Omega)
- Great Sword Gallia (Saint Seiya Omega)
- Taurus Harbinger (Saint Seiya Omega)
- Ophiuchus Shaina (Saint Seiya Omega)
- Sasuke Sarutobi (Samurai Deeper Kyo)
- Spirit of Thunder (Shaman King)
- Kai Watari (Shinju no Nectar)
- Thor (Shuumatsu no Valkyrie)
- Lightning (Sidekicks)
- Dark End (Stitch!)
- Kojō Akatsuki (Strike the Blood)
- Bose (Tesla Note); via Tesla Shard #5
- Huang Pao-Lin/Dragon Kid (Tiger & Bunny)
- Thor (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
- Electromasters (Toaru Majutsu no Index/A Certain Magical Index/Toaru Kagaku no Railgun/A Certain Scientific Railgun)
- Shundan Kimi (Toaru Kagaku no Railgun/A Certain Scientific Railgun)
- Buranchi (Toriko)
- Jeonsulsa (Tower of God)
- Khun Eduan/Data Khun Eduan (Tower of God)
- Khun Maschenny Zahard/Data Khun Maschenny Zahard (Tower Of God)
- Khun Ran (Tower of God)
- Khun Marco Asensio (Tower of God)
- Lero-Ro (Tower of God)
- Po Bidau Lyborick Khun (Tower of God)
- Khun Hynd Luch (Tower of God)
- Ruin Ishkur The Thunder Spirit (UQ Holder)
- Lum Invader (Urusei Yatsura)
- Wisteria Allgood (Witch and Wizard)
- Suzaku (Yu Yu Hakusho)
- Elemental Hero Sparkman (YU-GI-OH! GX)
- Fury Flatliner (Embalming -The Another Tale of Frankenstein)
- Yellow Zelkova (Sonic X); via Illuma Shield Power Pack
- Perrine H. Clostermann (World Witches Series/Strike Witches)
- Obi (Apple Black)
- Virgil Hawkins/Static (DC Comics)
- Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning (DC Comics)
- Barry Allen/The Flash (DC Comics)
- August Heart/Godspeed (DC Comics)
- Thunder (DC Comics)
- Ashley Rayburn/Primer (DC Comics)
- Garth Ranzz/Lightning Lad (DC Comics)
- Lightning Lord (DC Comics)
- Ayla Ranzz/Lightning Lass (DC Comics)
- Leslie Willis/Livewire (DC Comics)
- Killowat (DC Comics)
- Billy Batson/Shazam (DC Comics)
- Mary Batson/Mary Marvel (DC Comics)
- Captain Marvel Jr. (DC Comics)
- Various Metahumans (DC Comics)
- Isis (DC Comics)
- Zeus (DC Comics)
- Joseph Meach/Composite Superman (DC Comics)
- Speedsters (DC Comics)
- Various Mutants (Marvel Comics)
- Maxwell Dillon/Electro (Marvel Comics)
- Danielle Blunt/Aftershock (Marvel Comics)
- Ororo Munroe/Storm (Marvel Comics)
- Noriko Ashida/Surge (Marvel Comics)
- Nahrees (Marvel Comics)
- AC-DC (Marvel Comics)
- Brandon Sharpe/Striker (Marvel Comics)
- Electric Eve (Marvel Comics)
- Dr. Victor Von Doom (Marvel Comics)
- Thor Odinson (Marvel Comics)
- William Kaplan/Wiccan (Marvel Comics)
- Zeus Panhellenios (Marvel Comics)
- Berzerker/Berserker (Marvel Comics)
- Cadena (Marvel Comics)
- Jedediah Guthrie (Marvel Comics)
- Spider-Woman (Marvel Comics)
- Magneto (Marvel Comics)
- Photon (Marvel Comics)
- Blitzberg (Marvel Comics)
- David Haller/Legion (Marvel Comics)
- Victor Mancha (Marvel Comics)
- Azari (Marvel Comics)
- Hi-Vo (Marvel Comics)
- Various characters (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Surge the Tenrec (IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Will Vandom (W.I.T.C.H); using Quintessence, the fifth element
- Nerissa (W.I.T.C.H.); using Quintessence, the fifth element
- Red Shroud (The 99)
- Jenny Sparks (WildStorm/DC Comics)
- Baal (The Wicked + The Divine)
- Tommy Baker/Kid Dynamo (Image Comics)
- Kursk (Image Comics)
- Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
- Connor Reed (Code 8)
- Lightning (Big Trouble in Little China)
- Wild Card (We Can Be Heroes)
- Eric Cartman (South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut); via the malfunctioning V-chip
- Phantom Virus (Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase)
- Lightning Monster (Lightning Strikes)
- King Ghidorah (Godzilla: King of the Monsters)
- 10000 Volt Ghost (Scooby Doo)
- Winifred Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
- Nebulosa (Mummy, I'm a Zombie)
- Tejas Rastogi (Alag)
- Mr. Electric (The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl)
- Ernest P. Worrell (Ernest Goes to Jail)
- Chris Darrow (The Power Within)
- James Freeman (Bomb Squad)
- Cody Freeman (Bomb Squad)
- Paloma (Dream Warrior)
- Elmar (Freaks: You're One of Us)
- Loz (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children)
- M.Bison (1994 Street Fighter movie)
- Horace Pinker (Shocker)
- Dark Side users (Star Wars); via Force Lightning
- He-Lectrix (Incredibles 2)
- Jack Jack Parr (The Incredibles)
- Chip (DC League of Super-Pets)
- Yukio (Deadpool)
- Yellows (The Darkest Minds)
- Suzume "Zu" Kimura
- Thor Odinson (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Adam Marshall/Silver Charge (Up, Up, and Away)
- X-23 Children (X-Men Movies)
- Bobby
- Maika (Maika: The Girl From Another Galaxy)
- Victoria Vance (PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie)
- Eric (Mortal 2020)
Live Television[]
- Electrogenics (Alphas)
- Gwen Raiden (Angel)
- Sela (Arrowverse/Supergirl)
- Hotwire (The Awesomes)
- Jennifer Pierce (Black Lightning/Arrowverse)
- JJ Stewart/Ionosphere (Black Lightning)
- Stunner (Black Scorpion)
- Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Elders (Charmed)
- The Source (Charmed)
- Avatars (Charmed)
- Witches (Charmed)
- The Charmed Ones while infected with the Hollow
- The Evil Enchantress
- Demons (Charmed)
- Demonic Bounty Hunter
- Tracer Demons
- Horned Demon
- Shocker Demon
- Tai
- Fritz
- Sirk (Half-demon)
- Necron (Skeletal Being; Charmed)
- Elias Lundy (Spirit; Charmed)
- Evil Guardian of the Hollow (Charmed)
- Gods & Titans (Charmed)
- Jada Shields (Charmed 2018)
- Pavloba (Chica Vampiro)
- Chapa Silva/Volt (Danger Force)
- Tanner Van Parrys (Dream Team)
- Cybermen (Doctor Who)
- The Silence (Doctor Who)
- The Master (Doctor Who: End of Time)
- Crazy Jane/Lucy Fugue (Doom Patrol/DC Comics)
- Beatrix (Fate: The Winx Saga)
- Joseph Meegar (Fringe)
- Rikki Chadwick (H2O Just Add Water)
- Lori Fulcher (Haven)
- Users of Electricity Manipulation (Heroes)
- Inazuman (Inazuman)
- Kamen Rider Valkyrie - Lightning Hornet (Kamen Rider Zero-One); Thunder
- Kamen Rider Fourze Elek States (Kamen Rider Fourze)
- Kamen Rider Espada (Kamen Rider Saber)
- Kamen Rider Stronger (Kamen Rider Stronger)
- Kamen Rider Ikazuchi (Kamen Rider Zero-One)
- Kidlat/Voltaire (Kidlat - Filipino TV5 Series)
- Ducle (Kidlat - Filipino TV5 Series)
- Marcus Davenport (Lab Rats)
- Electrokinesis Users (Lab Rats: Elite Force)
- Skylar Storm
- Roman
- Bree Davenport
- Gods (Legacies)
- Sister Nicci (Legend of the Seeker)
- Sandra (Los Protegidos)
- Thunderbird (Lost Tapes)
- Ronco Milevich (Los Unicos)
- Mermaids (Mako Mermaids); natural-born mermaids
- Rita Santos
- Nixie
- Sirena
- Luna Raymundo (Marina Philippine TV Series)
- Lincoln Campbell (Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
- Ryan Walker (Mech-X4)
- Tina (Miami 7); upon the chant 'United we stand, divided we fall
- Paul (Miami 7); upon the chant 'United we stand, divided we fall
- Rachel (Miami 7); upon the chant 'United we stand, divided we fall
- Jo (Miami 7); upon the chant 'United we stand, divided we fall
- Hannah (Miami 7); upon the chant 'United we stand, divided we fall
- Bradley (Miami 7); upon the chant 'United we stand, divided we fall
- Jon (Miami 7); upon the chant 'United we stand, divided we fall
- Megahertz/Leslie (Mighty Med)
- Surge (Mighty Med)
- Helen (Misfits)
- Hydro (Mortal Kombat: Legacy)
- Electrical Elementals (Mutant X)
- Zeek (The New Legends of Monkey)
- Pigsy (The New Legends of Monkey); via Staff
- Charlie "Chip" Thorn (Power Rangers Mystic Force)
- Nikola Tesla (Sanctuary)
- Sky Smith (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
- Jesse (Spirits Reawaken)
- Leslie Willis/Livewire (Supergirl)
- Zeus (Supernatural)
- Thunder Kitsune (Teen Wolf)
- Kira Yukimura
- Chimeras (Teen Wolf); specific to the DNA that's a part of you
- Josh Diaz
- Theo Raeken; after absorbing Josh Diaz' power
- Barb Thunderman/Electress (The Thundermans)
- Miss Lint (The Tick)
- Many Electric Kaiju (Ultraman series)
- Huey (Unknown Nation Series)
- Witches and Warlocks (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies)
- Volta/Perla Magtoto (Volta TV Series)
- Salty/220 (Volta TV Series)
- Pepper/110 (Volta TV Series)
- The Undertaker (WWE)
- Darren Oswald (The X-Files)
Video Games[]
- Izzy (99Vidas)
- Trish (99Vidas)
- Deus (Asura's Wrath)
- Gunvolt (Azure Striker Gunvolt)
- Asimov
- Mictlantecuhtli (Bayonetta series)
- Jack (BioShock); via Electro Bolt Plasmid
- Splicers (BioShock); via Electro Bolt Plasmid
- Atlas/Fontaine (BioShock)
- Subject Delta (BioShock 2); via Electro Bolt Plasmid
- Subject Sigma (Bioshock 2: Minerva's Den); via Electro Bolt Plasmid
- Booker DeWitt (BioShock Infinite); via Shock Jockey Vigor
- Cornelius Slate (BioShock Infinite); via Shock Jockey Vigor
- Zhael (Bomberman 64 The Second Attack)
- Raisa Volkova (Castlevania Lords of Shadows 2)
- Aurora (Child of Light)
- Finn (Child of Light)
- Crono (Chrono Trigger)
- Statesman (City of Heroes)
- Electro wizard (Clash Royale)
- Rozetta Pierre (Criminal Case)
- Trish (Devil May Cry series)
- Tentomon (Digimon)
- Beetlemon-MetalKabuterimon (Digimon)
- Lightning Dinosaurs/Ceratopsids (Dinosaur King)
- Hero (Dragon Quest series)
- Ulyaoth (Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem)
- Xel'lotath (Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem)
- Nadai (Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise); via Meito Kieiken
- Electro Element Users (Genshin Impact)
- Beidou; via Electro Vision
- Clorinde; via Electro Vision
- Cyno; via Electro Vision
- Dori; via Electro Vision
- Fischl; via Electro Vision
- Kaedehara Kazuha; via Masterless Electro Vision
- Keqing; via Electro Vision
- Kujou Sara; via Electro Vision
- Kuki Shinobu; via Electro Vision
- Lisa; via Electro Vision
- Raiden Shogun (Beelzebul/Baal)
- Sethos; via Electro Vision
- Razor; via Electro Vision
- Tartaglia; via Electro Delusion
- Traveler (Electro aligned)
- Yae Miko; via Electro Vision
- Zeus (God of War)
- Kratos (God of War); via Zeus' Fury, Poseidon's Rage, Cronos' Rage, Nemesis Whip and Lightning of Zeus
- Poseidon (God of War)
- Hephaestus (God of War III)
- Oceasus (God of War III)
- Thor ("God of War: Ragnarök")
- Magni ("God of War (2018)")
- Modi ("God of War (2018)")
- Thrúd ("God of War: Ragnarök")
- Lightin (Girls X Battle)
- Electric mobiles (Gunbound)
- Vortigaunts (Half-Life)
- Mei Raiden/Herrcsher of Thunder (Honkai Impact 3rd)
- Electric-type Pokémon (Pokémon series)
- Kessler (InFamous)
- Cole MacGrath (InFamous)
- Larxene (Kingdom Hearts)
- Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
- Donald (Kingdom Hearts)
- Phosphora (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
- Raiden (Mortal Kombat)
- Rain (Mortal Kombat)
- Nightwolf (Mortal Kombat)
- Electric-Type NetNavis (Mega Man Battle Network)
- BrightMan.EXE
- CloudMan.EXE
- ElecMan.EXE
- FlashMan.EXE
- JammimgMan.EXE
- MagnetMan.EXE
- SparkMan.EXE
- ThunderMan.EXE
- Gemini/Gemini Spark (Mega Man Star Force)
- Crown/Crown Thunder (Mega Man Star Force)
- Elec Man (Mega Man (Classic)
- Spark Man (Mega Man (Classic)
- Cloud Man (Mega Man (Classic)
- Clown Man (Mega Man (Classic)
- Plug Man (Mega Man (Classic)
- Sheep Man (Mega Man (Classic)
- Jupiter (Mega Man (Classic)
- Fuse Man (Mega Man)
- Dynamo Man (Mega Man & Bass)
- Mega Man, with certain Special Weapons (Mega Man (Classic))
- Mega Man X, with certain Special Weapons (Mega Man X series)
- Zero, with certain Special Weapons (Mega Man X/Mega Man Zero series)
- Spark Mandrill (Mega Man X)
- Wire Sponge (Mega Man X2)
- Volt Catfish (Mega Man X3)
- Web Spider (Mega Man X4)
- Volt Kraken (Mega Man X5)
- Tornado Tonion (Mega Man X7)
- Gigavolt Man-o-War (Mega Man X8)
- Volgin (Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater)
- Raiden (Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots/Rising: Revengeance); low level
- Amaterasu (Okami); via Thunderstorm
- Gekigami (Okami)
- Chibiterasu (Okamiden); via Thunderstorm
- Gekigami's child (Okamiden)
- Protagonist (Persona 3); via Personas who can use Electricity Skills; via The Wild Card
- Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3); via Polydeuces/Caesar
- Ken Amada (Persona 3); via Nemesis/Kala-Nemi
- Yu Narukami (Persona 4/Persona 4 Golden); via Izanagi/Izanagi-no-Okami/Personas who can use Electricity Skills; via The Wild Card
- Kanji Tatsumi (Persona 4/Persona 4 Golden); via Take-Mikazuchi/Rokuten Maou/Takeji Zaiten
- Joker (Persona 5); via Personas who can use Electricity Skills; via The Wild Card
- Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull (Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal); via Captain Kidd/Seiten taisei/William
- Pulseman (Pulseman)
- Hibari (Senran Kagura)
- Imu (Senran Kagura)
- Galen Marek A.K.A Starkiller (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed)
- Darth Thanaton (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
- Kallig (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
- El Jefe (Sly Cooper)
- Heroine/Yuka (Shin Megami Tensei)
- Cielo (Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga)
- Roland (Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga)
- Yukikaze Mizuki (Taimanin Asagi)
- Iku Nagae (Touhou Project)
- Soga no Tojiko (Touhou Project)
- Raiko Horikawa (Touhou Project)
- Byakuren Hijiri (Touhou Project)
- Luigi (Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga & Mario Strikers Charged)
- Ness (Earthbound/Mother)
- Lucas (Earthbound/Mother)
- Lightning Rod (Skylanders)
- Cynder (Skylanders)
- Zap (Skylanders)
- Metal Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- M. Bison (Street Fighter)
- Blanka (Street Fighter)
- Watt (Paper Mario)
- Wheel of Fate (The House of the Dead III)
- Demise (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
- Ghirahim (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
- Thunderblight Ganon (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
- Urbosa (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
- Link (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild); via Urbosa's Fury
- Riju (The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)
- Johnny Ohm (Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects)
- Ky Kiske (Guilty Gear)
- Kagetsura (SNK)
- Kaede (SNK)
- Kyosuke (Project Justice)
- Pepe (SNK)
- Billy Lewis (SNK)
- Benimaru Nikaido (SNK); only when his hair is up
- Kirby (Kirby Series); Via Spark ability
- King Dedede (Kirby)
- Kracko (Kirby Series)
- Zan Partizanne (Kirby Series)
- Piers Nivans (Resident Evil 6)
- Lightning (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Takemikazuchi (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Thunderbolt (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Shermie (King of Fighters)
- Zinogre and subspecies (Monster Hunter)
- Lagiacrus and subspecies (Monster Hunter)
- Nakarkos (Monster Hunter)
- Crimson Qurupeco (Monster Hunter)
- Deviljho, to an extent (Monster Hunter)
- Thunder Serpent Narwa (Monster Hunter)
- Trico (The Last Guardian)
- Dynatron (Mighty No. 9)
- Elektricitie (Gravity Rush 2)
- Add (Elsword)
- Alphys (Undertale)
- Luigi (Super Mario Bros.) via Thunderhand
- Lei Shen (Warcraft)
- Volt (Warframe)
- Red Knight (Castle Crashers)
- Chosen Undead (Dark Souls); via miracles
- Solaire (Dark Souls)
- Dragon Slayer Ornstein (Dark Souls); via his spear
- Various Gods (Dark Souls)
- Robloxians (ROBLOX)
- Eudora (Mobile Legends:Bang Bang)
- Kaja (Mobile Legends:Bang Bang)
- Edith (Mobile Legends:Bang Bang)
- The Cubes (Fortnite)
- The Cube Queen
- Drift ("Fortnite"); Via his mask
- Lila the Mouse (The Spirit & the Mouse)
- Mangoruby (Donkey Kong Country Returns)
- Gaius (Dislyte)
- Spark (Spark the Electric Jester)
- Fark (Spark the Electric Jester)
- E.J (Spark the Electric Jester)
- Electro Shark (Hungry Shark Evolution)
- Sharknarok (Hungry Shark Evolution)
- Eelectrozoa (Hungry Dragon)
- Lemon Cookie (Cookie Run: Ovenbreak)
- Electric Eel Cookie (Cookie Run: Ovenbreak)
- Shiden Ritter (Scarlet Nexus)
- Seto Narukami (Scarlet Nexus)
- Joshua Rauje (The Young Guardians)
- Tinisha Dolaira (The Young Guardians); via Magic
- Lightning Lynx (Master Defenders Series)
- Thalia Grace (Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus)
- Electro (Maliki)
- Poison (Maliki); while possessing Electro
- Jason Grace (Heroes of Olympus)
- Sisters of the Dark (Sword of Truth series)
- Wizards and Sorcesses with additive magic (Sword of Truth series)
- Cybomec (Stationery Voyagers) by way of being a Librion
- Electroclan (Michael Vey)
- The Elgen (Michael Vey)
- Drakens (The Crystal Chronicles)
- Ida Holmström (Engelsfors)
- Erina (Lorien Legacies)
- Mare Barrow (Red Queen)
- Ren Kaminari (Before Your Heart Cries)
- Anthony Ryeo (Frenzy Series)
- Dragons's Heirs (Los Hechiceros del Dragon)
- Declan O'Carroll (Demon Accords)
- Zeus (Greek Mythology)
- Jupiter (Roman Mythology)
- Thor (Norse Mythology)
- Susanoo (Japanese Mythology)
- Raiju (Japanese Mythology)
Web Animation/Comics/Original/Series
- Maidens (RWBY)
- Raven Branwen (RWBY)
- Hazel Rainart (RWBY); via Lightning Dust
- Zap (Captus Cinematic Universe)
- Remi (unOrdinary)
- Rei (unOrdinary)
- John Doe (unOrdinary); via Aura Manipulation
- Various Characters (The Order of the Stick)
- Various Characters (Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes)
- Conner Hearst (Summoned Hero Hunter)
- The Fragmented One/WAN/he Eternal Network/Fuxi/The Maker of Machines/Hakhama/The Great Voice/Sophia/Mekhane/SCP-001 - TwistedGears/Kaktus Proposal - The Broken God (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-049 - Plague Doctor (SCP Foundation); via cattle prod
- SCP-2543 - Our Harriet (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-3396 - The Empyrean Parasite (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-4007-1 - Kagemusha (SCP Foundation)
- Robert Bumaro (SCP Foundation)
- The Convocation (Fear Mythos)
- HABIT (EverymanHYBRID)
- Jiggawatt (Grrl Power)
- Ross Hayes (Head Spys)
- Matt Omega (Head Spys)
- Lightning Mane (Mane-online)
- Steffi Frohlich/Pop Blitz (Sleepless Domain)
- Nostalgia Critic (Channel Awesome) only in the Two-Year Anniversary special Kickassia
- Dr. Insano (Channel Awesome) only in the Two-Year Anniversary special Kickassia
- Alternate Dr. Insano's (Channel Awesome)
- Angry Joe (Channel Awesome/Angry Joe Show)
- Witch Warrior (Channel Awesome) (Suburban Knights)
- Malachite (Channel Awesome) (Suburban Knights)
- Vox (Hazbin Hotel)
- Dr. Mindstein (Dr Crafty)
- Nikola Tesla (Super Science Friends)
- Lucy Kaminari (Amor de Otro Mundo)
- Hank J. Wimbleton (Madness Combat); as Mag Hank via his second and third right arms
- Bluehog (Bluehog Gaming Studio)
- Jerro (Bluehog Gaming Studio)
- Unity (Bluehog Gaming Studio)
- Digifanatic (Super Smash Stadium)
- GameGuru (Super Smash Stadium)
- Killer (Super Smash Stadium)
- Makuta (Bionicle)
- Toa of Lightning (Bionicle)
- Toa, Matoran, and Turaga of Lightning (Bionicle)
- The Toa Inika (Bionicle) bodies charged with lightning
- Visorak Suukorak's Rhotuka Spinner (Bionicle)
- Ehlek (Bionicle)
- Chen (EXO-M)
- Zu (Darkest Minds)
- Jude (Darkest Minds)
- Yellows (Darkest Minds)
- BEN Drowned (Creepypasta)
- Mico Dharma (The Witch's Throne)
Known Objects[]
- Adramelech (Akame Ga Kill!)
- Raijin-Ken (Bastard!!)
- Raijin (Flame of Recca)
- Electro Delusions (Genshin Impact)
- Nemesis Whip (God of War)
- Ten of Clubs "Million Volt" (High Card)
- Key of Domination (Honkai Impact 3rd)
- Thalesian Amber (Hungry Joker)
- Karastein (Karsearin: Adventures of a Red Dragon)
- Aquamarine Stone (League of Heroes)
- Electro-Blast Ring/Lighting (Marvel Comics)
- Thunderbolts of Zeus (Marvel Comics)
- Goro Goro no Mi (One Piece)
- Clima Tacts (One Piece)
- Lightning Dust (RWBY)
- Black Garnet (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
- Ambrosia of Indra (Shinju no Nectar)
- Tesla Shard #5 (Tesla Note)
- Eye of Dashi (Xiaolin Showdown)
- Illuma Shield Power Pack (Sonic X)
- Tank Deity Portal (We Are Alive Animated Series)
Known Powers/Techniques[]
- Firebending (Avatar: The Last Airbender); Lightningbending
- Lightning Magic (Various Media)
- True Lightning Magic (Black Clover)
- Lightning Release/Style (Naruto)