Welcome to Mane-online
The Mane is a pinoy anime created by three 4th year student, John Ress Velarde, Aaron Paul Tila-on, and Roel Lumaque. It was created by sixteen year old John Ress. He was assisted by Aaron and Roel. Johnress the publisher and the writter of the story as were Aaron and Roel is the co-writter her.
Jefferson Santos is a simple and hamble 16 years old boy, but he never know that he have an special abilities, ability to save the city of Cavite. It's start when Jeff bumped Trina a mane trainer. The story begins when Jeff picking by his classmate when he was on grade 4. His hand was light with the brightness of the sun. His family is a family of Mane, this is a secret power where you can transform base to what you hold. This power was inherited to the family. Jefferson was the sixth Mane. His grandfather passed to him the power of Mane.
List of Character
- Jake Suava
- Jefferson Santos
- Jonna Fipano
See also
External links
Mane-online with complete transfromation
thumb|300px|right|with complete transformation