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God Serena (ゴッドセレナ Goddo Serena) was a part of the Alvarez Empire, wherein he was one of the Spriggan 12, under the command of Emperor Spriggan. Before becoming a Shield of Spriggan, he was a member of the Ten Wizard Saints, and was ranked first in terms of strength among the Four Gods of Ishgar, making him the strongest Mage on the entire continent.[1] After dying at the hands of Acnologia, his corpse was re-animated as an Alchemical Doll by Duke Barbaroa of the guild: Gold Owl.[2][3] His epithet is Eight-Dragon God Serena (八竜のゴッドセレナ Hachiryū no Goddo Serena), stemming from his use of eight different Dragon Slaying Lacrima.[4]

Quick Answers

What role did God Serena play in the Alvarez Empire? toggle section
Within the Alvarez Empire, God Serena held a significant role as a member of the Spriggan 12, serving under Emperor Spriggan. Prior to this, he was part of the Ten Wizard Saints and was acknowledged as the continent's most potent Mage. He left his country and the Saints to join the Alvarez Empire. After Acnologia killed him, the guild: Gold Owl temporarily revived him using Alchemy. He was known by the epithet Eight-Dragon God Serena.
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How did God Serena become the strongest Mage on the continent? toggle section
God Serena achieved the status of the strongest Mage on the continent through the implantation of eight Dragon Lacrima into his body. This action endowed him with the powers of a 2nd Generation Dragon Slayer, earning him recognition as the most formidable Mage. He was part of the Spriggan 12 and held the title of the strongest Mage in Ishgar before defecting to Alakitasia. His magical strength was on par with fellow Shield of Spriggan Brandish μ, who had a reputation for single-handedly overthrowing entire nations.
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Who was responsible for re-animating God Serena's corpse? toggle section
God Serena, a member of the Fairy Tail Spriggan 12, was brought back to life through the Necromancer Curse cast by Keyes. His unique resurrection was fueled by his intense desire for revenge.
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What was God Serena's rank among the Four Gods of Ishgar? toggle section
God Serena, once the strongest Mage on the Ishgar continent, held Rank 1 among the Ten Wizard Saints. He later defected to the Alvarez Empire.
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What was God Serena's affiliation with the Ten Wizard Saints? toggle section
God Serena, once the strongest Mage in Ishgar and a member of the Ten Wizard Saints, defected to serve the Alvarez Empire as part of the 'fairy tail spriggan 12'.
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God Serena's appearance

God Serena's full appearance

God Serena is a man with medium-length, wavy and spiked orange hair that juts out at the top in a shape similar to rabbit ears; he has thick eyebrows and bears a scar over the bridge of his nose.

He is dressed in a fanciful white robe with blue long sleeves, a blue belt and blue pants. His chest and neck area are covered by a small red cloak with white colored edges, a large collar and three yellow-colored crescent shapes lined up vertically on both sides over his chest. He also wears a simple pair of boots that reach below his knees.

God Serena's most noticeable attribute is a large wheel of blades on his back resembling a dharma wheel, giving him the superficial resemblance of a divine figure, particularly the Japanese deity Raijin.[1]


God Serena's antics

God Serena answers Zeref dramatically

God Serena is a flamboyant individual, with Makarov going as far as calling his personality deplorable. He is extremely quirky with a taste for standing in the spotlight, and performing unnecessary dramatic gestures while conducting a simple conversation. This habit is accompanied by an extremely strong sense of confidence, allowing him to not only easily shrug off negative comments regarding his behavior, but actually treat them as compliments.[5] God Serena has also shown himself to be quite condescending, antagonizing his foes after a crushing victory. Additionally, upon approaching a dying Warrod, God Serena has shown himself to be exceedingly arrogant as well, giving Warrod the name-encompassing send-off message of "God bye-bye" (ゴッドバイバイ Goddo Bai Bai).[6]

God Serena shows off

God Serena boasts of his own might

God Serena very readily expounds upon his own arrogance via his banter towards his former Saints, citing that, upon their readied counterattack, that they aren't completely pathetic. Indeed, Hyberion himself even described God Serena's hubris as ridiculously great. However, upon releasing his true strength as a Dragon Slayer, God Serena's calm facade all but vanishes, and he realizes himself to be extremely bloodthirsty, without hesitation utilizing three of his eight Dragon Slayer Magics to mortally wound his foes before preparing to use a fourth to finish the deed. Upon being told to desist, God Serena showcased a malicious grin and sarcastically questioned if his actions would qualify as being overzealous. God Serena also takes his standing as a Dragon Slayer very seriously, and has the utmost faith in his power, making the claim that all Dragons would be naught but fodder before his might. Not much later, upon seeing Acnologia appear before him, God Serena expressed excitement and surprise at the arrival of the Dragon King, who he claimed had eluded him for quite some time, and even began to imply that his sole reason for defecting to the Alvarez Empire was to locate and slay Acnologia.[7]


In his time as a Wizard Saint, God Serena, at some point before or after his induction, implanted eight different Dragon Lacrima into his body, granting him the powers over those elements as a 2nd Generation Dragon Slayer and in the process was recognized as the strongest Mage on the continent. Then, not long after the war between Fairy Tail and Tartaros ended and the Magic Council is rebuilt, God Serena defected to Zeref's Alvarez Empire, all for the sake of locating and eradicating the infamous Black Dragon: Acnologia.[1][5][7]


Alvarez arc[]

God Serena is mentioned by Draculos Hyberion during a discussion at the Magic Council. Revered as the strongest Mage of Ishgar, he is stated to have defected a while ago to become a member of the Alvarez Empire's elite guard: the Spriggan 12; a unit of elite of Mages with strength equal to his own.[1] Attending a meeting of the 12, God Serena listens as Zeref spells out the upcoming war against Ishgar and states he had no problem attacking his former country when questioned about it by Zeref.[8]

God Serena defeats the Saints

God Serena defeats his former fellows

Under Zeref's order, God Serena later deploys with fellow Spriggans August and Jacob along with a force equal to a million troops, traveling west to arrive at Magnolia Town's eastern border, and along the way decimates the entire country of Bosco. He later lands and disembarks the ship with his two accompanying Spriggans, where he reunites with Hyberion, Warrod Sequen, Wolfheim and the accompanying Jura Neekis. Greeting his old friends, he admits that their combined efforts destroyed Bosco, but then dodges Hyberion's question as to why he betrayed his homeland.[9] Despite his opponents' efforts, God Serena makes short, easy work of them. Unscathed, he then proceeds to antagonize them on their worth as members of the Ten Wizard Saints. Upon hearing a fatally wounded Warrod plead his desire to see Mavis' smile one more time, God Serena turns to the elderly man and tells him that he will be the first to die.[6]

Acnologia rips through God Serena

God Serena ripped through by Acnologia

As he motions to finish off Warrod, he is encased in a giant tree created by the fourth God of Isghar, and is then subsequently assaulted by Jura, a transformed Wolfheim, and Hyberion. As his opponents think they have him on the ropes, God Serena breaks free of Hyberion's Vampire Magic control and utilizes Cavern Dragon Slayer Magic to catch his foes off guard, and then turns to Purgatory and Sea King Dragon Slayer Magic to finish them off; the former Saint prepares to kill them all with Gale Dragon Slayer Magic, but is stopped by August, who remarks that God Serena is the Hybrid Theory: a man blessed by the Dragon Gods. God Serena denounces their existence and begins to walk in the direction of the Fairy Tail guild with his accomplices. However, before they can make way, Acnologia appears, claiming that he smells Dragon. Seeing the Dragon King arrive, God Serena grows excited and begins to explain his modus operandi, but is immediately cut down as a result of Acnologia's quest to remove all traces of Dragon from the world.[10]

Some time later, a Historia of God Serena is created by Neinhart to fight alongside the entire Spriggan 12 and a million Alvarez army against Fairy Tail. Upon being revived, God Serena rejoices, but is reminded by Neinhart that if he dies, then so does God Serena yet again. Hearing this, God Serena tells Neinhart to leave his protection up to him as the united Spriggan 12 stand firm and await Fairy Tail's next move.[11]

Revived God Serena rejoins the war

A revived God Serena faces Ishgar's forces

Later appearing on the battlefield, God Serena attacks Fairy Tail's forces with his Purgatory and Sea King Dragon Slayer Magics. Initially overwhelming the Mages, upon unleashing his Gale Dragon Slayer Magic, he finds himself surprised as it is completely smashed by a newly-arrived Gildarts Clive.[12] Angrily staring down Gildarts, he is confused when the reduction in his fabricated body's Magic Power is pointed out, regarding the observation as nonsense before butting heads with the Fairy Tail Guild Ace, causing a massive shockwave in the battlefield.[13] As the two exchange powerful blows, God Serena is frustrated that his Magic is consistently being broken apart and is shortly thereafter blown away.[14]

Great Labyrinth arc[]

Wandering around the Great Labyrinth of Dogra, God Serena encounters Gajeel Redfox, flamboyantly greeting him.[15] When Gajeel recognizes him, the former Saint takes note of it as he strikes a series of poses and thanks Gajeel, mistaking him for a monster. He explains that the labyrinth is filled with monsters made of stone and had assumed Gajeel to be a humanoid monster. God Serena learns that the Iron Dragon Slayer used to work for the Magic Council and Warrod told him about his defection to Zeref and his death by Acnologia's hand. Striking another series of poses, God Serena reassures he was not dead as he tells Gajeel that it was a close call after he dropped his guard and almost lost his life for it. He reveals that an alchemist from Gold Owl happened to come by and save his life before leaving for the Northern Continent. The former Spriggan states that the alchemist transmuted the body parts he lost and he was welcomed into their Guild while warning Gajeel that he is still a Mage despite being in an Alchemist Guild. God Serena detects a Dragon scent from Gajeel and asks if he is a Dragon Slayer before posing and revealing that he was the top Wizard Saint and his titles. Jogging his memory, God Serena brings up Gildarts and boasts that he is still stronger than him as Ishgar's best Mage much to Gajeel's protest. After that, he asks the Iron Dragon Slayer to leave and bids him farewell. However, he reveals that he has a Dogra Core that contains the power of Dogramag, explaining that he has been tasked by Gold Owl's Guild Master to retrieve it.[16]

God Serena further explains that said Guild Master and the Signario Sisters are something else as he could not hold a candle to them despite his strength, remarking how low-level Ishgar is compared to the larger world. He warns Gajeel that not even his fellow Four Gods of Ishgar were able to defeat him. When the Iron Dragon Slayer attacks first, God Serena retaliates with Diamond Dragon's Fortress Crusher, knocking him down hard to the ground. Noticing his iron, he states that it is too weak compared to diamond and he holds the power of a Diamond Dragon among the eight Dragons. The former Saint watches as Gajeel meld into the shadows before unleashing Luminance Dragon's Augite Heavens against him. He then attacks the Fairy Tail Mage with Gale Dragon's Tempest of Snow, Moon, and Flowers greatly injuring him. Displaying all eight elements around him, God Serena boasts that he has the power of Eight Dragons within him. Striking another series of poses, he remarks that there was a time when he was called "the man loved by the Dragon Gods" while adding he also loves himself as well. God Serena knows about Selene and Dogramag in the labyrinth before darkly asking Gajeel if he has any last words, raising his hand to finish him off.[17] After smashing the Iron Dragon Slayer's face to the wall, God Serena mocks his opponent that he can never see Levy McGarden again and bids him goodbye.[18]

Outside the labyrinth, he regroups with his fellow Gold Owl member Sai, and encounters an incapacitated Elefseria and Shade. Noticing Gajeel and Panther Lily arriving, he notes that the Iron Dragon Slayer is a tough one. When the two Fairy Tail Mages charge at him, the former Spriggan states that he has no interest in fighting them anymore while nonchalantly blocking Panther Lily's Musica Sword with his left arm. However, God Serena is struck in the chin by Gajeel's Iron Shadow Dragon's Iron Slash but manages to defend himself with Diamond Form. In turn, he retaliates with Cavern Dragon's Earth Collapse, pushing Gajeel and Panther Lily back. After that, God Serena tells Sai to deal with their enemies before escaping.[19] Unbeknownst to him however, the Dogra Core was swiped away by Gajeel who immediately destroyed it.[20]

Returning to the Gold Owl guildhall, God Serena flamboyantly greets Ennie Signario and Luso Signario with a compliment to their beauties. However, he frantically panics when Enny asked Duke Barbaroa if she can kill him for failing to retrieve the Dogra Core. But God Serena sighs in relief when the Gold Owl Guild Master states that there are other replacements for things needed to complete the White Wizard Athena.[21]

Gold Owl arc[]

God Serena later appears in the hallway of Gold Owl guild, calling everyone as "God Friends". He informs Gray Fullbuster and Wendy Marvell that he is an Alchemical Doll too as well. The former Spriggan blames Fairy Tail for getting in his way of retrieving the Dogra Core while completely ignoring Kotetsu's disparaging remark at him.[22] God Serena offers the Gold Owl Guild Master information about the Dragon Slayers of Ishgar if he asks, only for Gennai to correctly deduce that the ex-Wizard Saint never actually heard of them. God Serena takes notice of a depowered Wendy, remarking how there are different Dragon Slayers like her.[23]

God Serena easily blocks an enraged Natsu Dragneel's assault to protect Duke Barbaroa. He lectures Natsu that he is 100 years too early to approach his Guild Master before effortlessly pushing him back. God Serena consumes the Fire Dragon's Roar from Natsu, stating that elemental Magic is ineffective against him. The ex-Spriggan unleashes both Sea King and Purgatory Dragon powers on the Mages of Fairy Tail and Sabertooth. However, he is surprised when Natsu burns up his attack and later when the Mages are teleported away from Gold Owl guildhall.[24]

Within Purgatory, God Serena confronts Jellal Fernandes, who notes of his defection to Alvarez and death by Acnologia, and questions the latter's identity, learning that he is a sinner.[25][26] Clashing, God Serena strikes Jellal with a double kick to the face, proclaiming that he will finish him off with the power of Eight Dragons. He unleashes the powers of Cavern, Sea King and Purgatory Dragons at Jellal, pushing him back. The former Spriggan is hit in the stomach by Jellal's Meteor but retaliates by grabbing his enemy and throws him down into the ground hard. God Serena places Eight Dragon Seals on Jellal to attack him with Eight Dragons' Glorious Death, causing a massive explosion. However, he is struck by Jellal's Grand Chariot but easily shrugs it off. God Serena retaliates with Eight Dragons' Rampaging Fangs, proclaiming that they will consume Jellal's Magic. He points out to Jellal that while seven of his Eight Dragons eats the latter's seven stars, the last one will bite him; the Darkness Dragon. With malicious glee, God Serena tells a wounded Jellal that the Darkness Dragon will expose his sins.[27]

Assaulting Jellal, God Serena explains that the Darkness Dragon is using his darkness and sins against him, telling the man to suffer. Recalling about Jellal identifying himself as a sinner, he mocks him to be consumed by his sins. But the former top Saint is surprised when Jellal purifies the Darkness Dragon's power. He reminds Jellal that Grand Chariot will not work on him. To his surprise, he is attacked by Jellal's new Heavenly Body Magic spell, Orion, severely damaging his Alchemical Doll body. God Serena is finally brought down by Jellal in one blow, fatally injured in the same place Acnologia previously struck.[28]

Magic and Abilities[]

God Serena displaying all his elements

God Serena showcases his Dragon Slayer Magic

Dragon Slayer Magic (滅竜魔法 Metsuryū Mahō): God Serena has control over eight Dragon Slayer Magics of varying elements of fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, diamond, light and darkness,[29] which he owes mastery over to the implantation of Dragon Lacrima, effectively christening him as a Second Generation Dragon Slayer. This usage and mastery earned him the title "Eight Dragon-God Serena" when he defected to the Alvarez Empire, even declared a "Hybrid Theory" by August due to his massive arsenal. When he unleashes his true power and activates his Magic, his sclera turn dark-blue, his irises become extremely small and completely white.[30] God Serena is skilled at attacking with multiple elements simultaneously, casting both Fire and Water together that made it difficult for Fire Dragon Slayer to consume, followed by a wind breath attack.[31] He can even use all eight elements together to cast his strongest spells, typically projecting them in huge Dragon-like shapes that he controls.[32]

  • Dragon God's Fang (竜神の牙 Ryūjin no Kiba): True to his alias "Eight-Dragon God Serena", he has demonstrated the ability to project eight massive, destructive Dragons that cause damage from appearing from underground.[32]
  • Eight Dragons' Glorious Death (八竜散華 Hachiryū Sange): God Serena places Eight Dragon Seals (八竜印 Hachiryū-In) onto his target's body that consequently trigger a point-blank, spiraling explosion.[33]
  • Eight Dragons' Rampaging Fangs (八竜乱牙 Hachiryū Ranga): God Serena projects eight massive Dragons that consume multiple direct attacks targeted at him. Should the number of attacks be less than eight, he is able to control the remaining Dragons to directly attack his target.[34]

Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic (雷の滅竜魔法 Kaminari no Metsuryū Mahō): Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic is a type of Dragon Slayer Magic that grants God Serena control over the element of lightning, presumably like all Dragon Slayer Magics he can consume lightning to replenish his health. When going to kill Warrod in the eastern battle of the Alvarez war, he flashed this Magic from the palm of his hand.[35][36]

Cavern Dragon's Earth Destruction

God Serena's Cavern Dragon Slayer Magic

Cavern Dragon Slayer Magic (岩窟の滅竜魔法 Gankutsu no Metsuryū Mahō): Cavern Dragon Slayer Magic is a type of Dragon Slayer Magic that grants God Serena total control over earth; rather than create, God Serena has shown the ability to totally alter the landscape. Additionally, like other Dragon Slaying Magics, presumably, God Serena can devour earth itself to replenish his energy.[37] God Serena owes his mastery of this Magic to the implantation of one of eight Dragon Lacrima.[4]

  • Cavern Dragon's Earth Collapse (岩窟竜の大地崩壊 Gankutsuryū no Daichi Hōkai): God Serena slaps his hands upon the ground and destroys the earth in a relatively large, explosive radius, which not only destroys his foes' footing, but also leaves them bombarded with the extremely large boulders fractured from the ground.[37]

Purgatory Dragon Slayer Magic (煉獄の滅竜魔法 Rengoku no Metsuryū Mahō): Purgatory Dragon Slayer Magic is a type of Dragon Slaying Magic that utilizes fire and extreme levels of heat. Beyond its name, however, it has no other discernible differences from Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. Like other Dragon Slayer Magics, usage of this Magic gives God Serena the ability to produce, control and devour the element he implicitly controls.[38] God Serena also owes his control of this Magic to the implantation of a Dragon Lacrima.[4]

  • Purgatory Dragon's Blazing Inferno (煉獄竜の炎熱地獄 Rengokuryū no Ennetsu Jigoku): In a manner reminiscent of Fire Dragon's Iron Fist, God Serena engulfs his clenched fist in a copious amount of fire, and then punches in the direction of his foes. Upon completion of the aforementioned punch, an extremely large sphere of scathing flames encases his opponents. Alternatively, this can be released as a stream of flames from one of his palms.[39]
Sea King Dragon's Encircling Deluge

God Serena's Sea King Dragon Slayer Magic

Sea King Dragon Slayer Magic (海王の滅竜魔法 Kaiō no Metsuryū Mahō): This Dragon Slayer Magic grants God Serena free reign over water, giving him the ability to create (in voluminous quantities), control and presumably devour said element.[40] Usage of this Magic God Serena owes, too, to the implantation of Dragon Lacrima.[4]

  • Sea King Dragon's Encircling Deluge (海王竜の水陣方円 Kaiōryū no Suijin Hōen): With a meager wave of his hands, God Serena creates an extremely vast, high-pressure torrent of water.[40] Alternatively, he can release it as a spiraling torrent from one of his palms.[39]

Gale Dragon Slayer Magic (暴風の滅竜魔法 Bōfū no Metsuryū Mahō): This magic grants God Serena the usage to generate extremely large whirlwinds around both of his hands. Like other Dragon Slayer Magics, despite his use of multiple, he should be able to devour wind as well. Like the rest of his Magic, God Serena owes his use to Dragon Lacrima.[41]

  • Gale Dragon's Song of Moon and Wind (暴風竜の吟風弄月 Bōfūryū no Ginpū Rōgetsu): After taking a sharp breath, God Serena releases a destructive gust of wind from his mouth that is presumably quite lethal in force. However, the spell was destroyed by Gildarts Clive upon its casting, leaving its true strength a mystery.[42]
  • Gale Dragon's Tempest of Snow, Moon, and Flowers (暴風竜の嵐雪月花 Bōfūryū no Ransetsugekka): God Serena instantly creates several wind cyclones from every direction with a swing of his arm, causing several slashes onto an opponent caught in the cycle.[43]
Diamond Dragon's Stronghold Breaker

God Serena's Diamond Dragon Slayer Magic

Diamond Dragon Slayer Magic (金剛の滅竜魔法 Kongō no Metsuryū Mahō): God Serena is able to utilize this Magic, that revolves around diamonds.[44]

  • Diamond Dragon's Fortress Crusher (金剛竜の堅城砕破 Kongōryū no Kenjō Saiha): God Serena punches the target while hardening his fist by coating it in diamond mineral, greatly enhancing his punching power.[44]
  • Diamond Form (金剛の体 Kongo no Karada): God Serena utilizes diamond mineral to harden his body, he creates a durable defensive armor, withstanding iron enhanced attacks.[45]

Luminance Dragon Slayer Magic (閃光の滅竜魔法 Senkō no Metsuryū Mahō): A type of Dragon Slayer Magic that grants God Serena the ability to control and manipulate the element of light. This magic is also shown be able to negate shadow-based abilities.[46]

  • Luminance Dragon's Augite Heavens (閃光竜の輝石天界 Senkōryū no Kiseki Tenkai): God Serena releases a massive flash of light from his body, this sudden burst of light also has enough force to push an enemy several feet back, even force a shadow mage out of their Shadow Form.[46]

Darkness Dragon Slayer Magic (闇の滅竜魔法 Yami no Metsuryū Mahō): God Serena is able to utilize this Magic, that revolves around the element of darkness.[29] By enveloping his opponent in darkness, this Magic would use the darkness and sins within his targets to eat away at them, causing tremendous pain as it destroys their flesh in response to their sins.[47]

Alchemical Doll Physiology: After his corpse is re-animated by Duke Barbaroa's Bodily Alchemy,[48][49] God Serena is converted into an Alchemical Doll, replacing his lost body parts with mechanical ones.[50][51]

  • Unlimited Stamina: As an Alchemical Doll, God Serena possesses a limitless amount of stamina, meaning he never gets tired and can continue fighting indefinitely.[52]

Immense Durability: God Serena is very resilient, having emerged unharmed after being assaulted by the full, combined might of the remaining Four Gods of Ishgar and Jura Neekis.[53] God Serena also took direct hits from Jellal Fernandes' Meteor[54] and Grand Chariot with ease.[55]

Immense Strength: God Serena has an extreme amount of physical strength, briefly matching against Gildarts Clive, despite not having the strength he did when he was alive.[56] He is also able to throw down Jellal into the ground several meters deep, astonishing the latter of his strength.[57]

Immense Magic Power: As a member of the Spriggan 12, as well as having been the strongest Mage in all of Ishgar prior to his defection to Alakitasia, God Serena has exceedingly high levels of magical strength;[58] his power was stated to be equivalent to that of fellow Shield of Spriggan Brandish μ's own,[59][60] someone renowned for toppling entire countries single-handedly,[61] and whose Magic Power exceeds Makarov Dreyar's,[62] by Brandish herself. As further testament to his power level, he additionally, with help from Jacob and August, passingly annihilated the entire nation of Bosco and every single one of their guilds,[63] and by himself, defeated the remaining Four Gods of Ishgar and Jura Neekis without so much as a scratch on his person. Said victory left three of his contenders completely incapacitated, and left the fourth, Warrod, on the verge of death.[6]

Enhanced Smell: God Serena possesses an incredible sense of smell, a trait shared by all Dragon Slayers. He was able to identify Gajeel as a Dragon Slayer after smelling him.[64]


8 Dragon Lacrimas: God Serena possesses eight Lacrimas within his body, each being the source of a Dragon’s element, thus the source of his multiple Dragon Slayer Magics. August believed that his power was granted to him by the Dragon Gods.[4]


  • (To August): "Ain't no such thing as a Dragon God. Or Dragon Kings. 'Cause anything like a Dragon is toast when I get through with 'em!"[4]
  • (To Fairy Tail): "You will come no further!!! A God has descended from the heavens... God Serena!!!!"[32]

Battles & Events[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 440, Pages 18-20
  2. Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 115, Pages 5-15
  3. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 133, Page 13
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 470, Page 13
  5. 5.0 5.1 Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 452, Pages 13-14
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 469, Pages 18-19
  7. 7.0 7.1 Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 470, Pages 5-16
  8. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 452, Page 12-21
  9. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 466, Pages 14-15
  10. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 470, Pages 2-18
  11. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 494, Pages 12-15
  12. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 495, Pages 15-22
  13. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 496, Pages 2-5
  14. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 496, Pages 15-16
  15. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 114, Page 19
  16. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 115, Pages 2 - 7
  17. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 115, Pages 8 - 17
  18. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 115, Page 20
  19. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 116, Pages 11 - 15
  20. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 116, Page 19
  21. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 125, Pages 18 - 19
  22. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 133, Pages 11 - 13
  23. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 135, Pages 14 - 16
  24. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 136, Pages 4 - 11
  25. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 139, Pages 11 - 13
  26. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 142, Pages 14
  27. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 143, Pages 8 - 20
  28. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 144, Pages 10 - 18
  29. 29.0 29.1 Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 115, Page 15
  30. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 470, Pages 7-13
  31. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 495, Pages 17-19
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 495, Pages 15-16
  33. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 143, Pages 13-15
  34. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 143, Pages 17-19
  35. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 470, Page 3
  36. Fairy Tail Anime: Episode 297
  37. 37.0 37.1 Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 470, Page 8
  38. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 470, Pages 9-10
  39. 39.0 39.1 Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 495, Pages 18-19
  40. 40.0 40.1 Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 470, Page 10
  41. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 470, Pages 11-12
  42. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 495, Pages 18-21
  43. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 115, Page 14
  44. 44.0 44.1 Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 115, Page 10
  45. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 116, Page 14
  46. 46.0 46.1 Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 115, Page 13
  47. Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest Manga: Chapter 144, Pages 10-14
  48. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 115, Page 5
  49. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 118, Pages 15 - 16
  50. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 133, Pages 12 - 13
  51. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 144, Pages 17 - 18
  52. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 130, Pages 17-19
  53. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 470, Pages 3-7
  54. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 143, Pages 11-12
  55. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 143, Pages 15-17
  56. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 496, Pages 4-5
  57. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 143, Pages 12 - 13
  58. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 440, Pages 19-20
  59. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 443, Page 25
  60. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 446, Page 8
  61. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 452, Pages 11-12
  62. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 443, Page 17
  63. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 466, Page 15
  64. Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest Manga: Chapter 115, Page 4

