- "I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"
- ― John Lennon
- "Mystic beings do not bargain, Their powers are not meant for man."
- ― Cagliostro/O'Bengh (Marvel Studios What If...?)
The power to have the traits and abilities of mythical beings. Not to be confused with Mythical Bestiary.
Also Called[]
- Mythic Being/Creature/Entity/Monster Mimicry/Physiology
- Mythical Being/Creature/Entity/Monster Mimicry/Physiology
- Mythological Being/Creature/Entity/Monster Mimicry/Physiology
Users either are or can become any being mentioned in any mythological tale with all the abilities, powers and traits included. For example, one can transform into a phoenix and gain its aspects. However, the limitations of the use of this power are only gaining the weaknesses of the creature one turns into, but also the amount of knowledge of the myths the wielder has.
Many creatures of myths/folklore don’t have supernatural abilities.
- Gain the form of beings from myths.
- Possess any special abilities of mystic beings.
- Abada Physiology
- Abaia Physiology
- Abarimon Physiology
- Abuhuku Physiology
- Adaro Physiology
- Adlet Physiology
- Adze Physiology
- Aerico Physiology
- Afanc Physiology
- Agropelter Physiology
- Ahool Physiology
- Ahuizotl Physiology
- Akhlut Physiology
- Aigamuxa Physiology
- Ala Physiology
- Alebrije Physiology
- Alicorn Physiology
- Al-Mi'raj Physiology
- Alraune Physiology
- Altamaha-ha Physiology
- Anakim Physiology
- Angel Physiology
- Anqa Physiology
- Aniwye Physiology
- Anthropophage Physiology
- Ao Nyobo Physiology
- Aoyin Physiology
- Apotamkin Physiology
- Apsara Physiology
- Arachne Physiology
- Aralez Physiology
- Archon Physiology
- Astomi Physiology
- Atlantean Physiology
- Atmospheric Monster Physiology
- Atshen Physiology
- Babaroga Physiology
- Bai Ze Physiology
- Baku Physiology
- Balaur Physiology
- Bandersnatch Physiology
- Banshee Physiology
- Baobhan Sith Physiology
- Barbegazi Physiology
- Basajaun Physiology
- Basan Physiology
- Bashe Physiology
- Basilisk Physiology
- Batibat Physiology
- Bauk Physiology
- Bean-nighe Physiology
- Beast of Busco Physiology
- Beast of Gévaudan Physiology
- Behemoth Physiology
- Beholder Physiology
- Beldam Physiology
- Bhuta Physiology
- Bicorn Physiology
- Bisso Galeto Physiology
- Black Shuck Physiology
- Blemmyae Physiology
- Bodach Physiology
- Boggart Physiology
- Boobrie Physiology
- Boo Hag Physiology
- Boitatá Physiology
- Boneless Physiology
- Brownie Physiology
- Brunnmigi Physiology
- Bugbear Physiology
- Buggane Physiology
- Bul-Gae Physiology
- Bwbachod Physiology
- Cacodemon Physiology
- Cactus Cat Physiology
- Carbuncle Physiology
- Carnivorous Horse Physiology
- Catoblepas Physiology
- Cat Sìth Physiology
- Ccoa Physiology
- Cecaelia Physiology
- Celedon Physiology
- Cù-sìth Physiology
- Cŵn Annwn Physiology
- Chalkydri Physiology
- Changeling Physiology
- Charybdis Physiology
- Cherufe Physiology
- Chimera Physiology
- Chindi Physiology
- Chordeva Physiology
- Chort Physiology
- Chupacabra Physiology
- Church Grim Physiology
- Churel Physiology
- Coco Physiology
- Composite Undead Physiology
- Crocotta Physiology
- Cupid Physiology
- Curupira Physiology
- Cyclops Physiology
- Cheval Mallet Physiology
- Daeva Physiology
- Demon Physiology
- Devil Monkey Physiology
- Dip Physiology
- Dobhar-Chú Physiology
- Donestre Physiology
- Doppelgänger Physiology
- Dracaenae Physiology
- Dragon Physiology
- Drude Spirit Physiology
- Dwarf Physiology
- Dybbuk Physiology
- Drapet Physiology
- Elbow Witch Physiology
- Eldritch Physiology
- Elf Physiology
- Elioud Physiology
- Emere Physiology
- Encantado Physiology
- Enraenra Physiology
- Erinyes Physiology
- Fairy Physiology
- Fenodyree Physiology
- Fire Bovine Physiology
- Fire Horse Physiology
- Flatwoods Monster Physiology
- Flying Pig Physiology
- Fouke Monster Physiology
- Frittening Physiology
- Furaribi Physiology
- Futakuchi-Onna Physiology
- Gancanagh Physiology
- Gargoyle Physiology
- Garmr Physiology
- Garuda Physiology
- Gashadokuro Physiology
- German Physiology
- Ghoul Physiology
- Glashtyn Physiology
- Glaistig Physiology
- Globster Physiology
- Gnome Physiology
- Goblin Physiology
- Gold-Digging Ant Physiology
- Gorgon Physiology
- Gremlin Physiology
- Griffin Physiology
- Groac'h Physiology
- Hafgufa Physiology
- Hag Physiology
- Hainu Physiology
- Hantu Air Physiology
- Harionago Physiology
- Harpy Physiology
- Hekatonkheire Physiology
- Hellcat Physiology
- Hellhound Physiology
- Hellspawn Physiology
- Hippalectryon Physiology
- Hippocampus Physiology
- Hippogriff Physiology
- Hodag Physiology
- Homunculus Physiology
- Huma Physiology
- Humility Physiology
- Hydra Physiology
- Huldra Physiology
- Ichthyocentaur Physiology
- Ijiraq Physiology
- Iku-Turso Physiology
- Indus Worm Physiology
- Inugami Physiology
- Inkanyamba Physiology
- Jabberwock Physiology
- Jackalope Physiology
- Jann Physiology
- J'ba Fofi Physiology
- Jersey Devil Physiology
- Jikininki Physiology
- Jinmengyo Physiology
- Jörmungandr Physiology
- Jötunn Physiology
- Jubokko Physiology
- Jungian Archetype Mimicry
- Kappa Physiology
- Kapre Physiology
- Kawauso Physiology
- Kayeri Physiology
- Keelut Physiology
- Kee-wakw Physiology
- Kelpie Physiology
- Khalkotauroi Physiology
- Kilmoulis Physiology
- Kiko Physiology
- Kishi Physiology
- Kitsune Physiology
- Kobold Physiology
- Kodama Physiology
- Kori Physiology
- Kraken Physiology
- Kresnik Physiology
- Kubikajiri Physiology
- Kupua Physiology
- Kujata Physiology
- Kulmking Physiology
- Lambton Worm Physiology
- Lamia Physiology
- Lampad Physiology
- Lariosauro Physiology
- Lagarfljót Worm Physiology
- Lavellan Physiology
- Lechuza Physiology
- Leocampus Physiology
- Leshy Physiology
- Leviathan Physiology
- Lich Physiology
- Little People Physiology
- Lizardfolk Physiology
- Lou Carcolh Physiology
- Locust of Abaddon Physiology
- Longma Physiology
- Maenad Physiology
- Marid Physiology
- Malora Physiology
- Manananggal Physiology
- Mapinguari Physiology
- Manticore Physiology
- Matinta Pereira Physiology
- Mbwiri Physiology
- Merfolk Physiology
- Mimic Physiology
- Minotaur Physiology
- Mokele-Mbembe Physiology
- Monster Physiology
- Moʻo Physiology
- Moon Rabbit Physiology
- Muc-sheilche Physiology
- Munuane Physiology
- Muse Physiology
- Myling Physiology
- Myrmecoleon Physiology
- Nachtkrapp Physiology
- Naga Physiology
- Nanabozho Physiology
- Nature Spirit Physiology
- Nelapsi Physiology
- Nemean Lion Physiology
- Nephalem Physiology
- Nguruvilu Physiology
- Nightmarcher Physiology
- Ningen Physiology
- Nobusuma Physiology
- Nomori Physiology
- Nokken Physiology
- Nuckelavee Physiology
- Nue Physiology
- Nure Onago Physiology
- Nymph Physiology
- Ogama Physiology
- Ogre Physiology
- Omukade Physiology
- Oneiric Physiology
- Oni Physiology
- Onikuma Physiology
- Onmoraki Physiology
- Ophiotaurus Physiology
- Orang Minyak Physiology
- Orc Physiology
- Ouroboros Physiology
- Owlbear Physiology
- Panotti Physiology
- Papinijuwari Physiology
- Pegasus Physiology
- Peluda Physiology
- Peri Physiology
- Pesanta Physiology
- Phoenix Physiology
- Picolaton Physiology
- Pishacha Physiology
- Pishtaco Physiology
- Plant Being Physiology
- Pocong Physiology
- Pollo Maligno Physiology
- Psoglav Physiology
- Pukwudgie Physiology
- Qarinah Physiology
- Qilin Physiology
- Quetzalcoatl Physiology
- Qutrub Physiology
- Raiju Physiology
- Rainbow Crow Physiology
- Rephaite Physiology
- Roc Physiology
- Rougarou Physiology
- Rusalka Physiology
- Sachihoko Physiology
- Shinigami Physiology
- Saci Physiology
- Sack Man Physiology
- Sagari Physiology
- Salamander Physiology
- Sandman Physiology
- Sasabonsam Physiology
- Sasquatch Physiology
- Satyr Physiology
- Segben Physiology
- Sea Monster Physiology
- Selkie Physiology
- Shen Physiology
- Shisa Physiology
- Silah Physiology
- Silver Cat Physiology
- Simurgh Physiology
- Siren Physiology
- Skinwalker Physiology
- Skvader Physiology
- Skyfish Physiology
- Sluagh Physiology
- Sphinx Physiology
- Splintercat Physiology
- Star People Physiology
- Stymphalian Bird Physiology
- Sylph Physiology
- Salmon of Knowledge Physiology
- Tailypo Physiology
- Talking Tree Physiology
- Tannin Physiology
- Tatzelwurm Physiology
- Taur Physiology
- Telchines Physiology
- Tengu Physiology
- Three-Legged Crow Physiology
- Thunderbird Physiology
- Tikbalang Physiology
- Tiki Physiology
- Topielec Physiology
- Tokoloshe Physiology
- Triton Physiology
- Troll Physiology
- Trow Physiology
- Tulikettu Physiology
- Tzitzimitl Physiology
- Uchchaihshravas Physiology
- Unicorn Physiology
- Umakan Physiology
- Uwabami Physiology
- Uwan Physiology
- Valkyrie Physiology
- Valravn Physiology
- Vanara Physiology
- Vetala Physiology
- Vodyanoy Physiology
- Warg Physiology
- Wechuge Physiology
- Wendigo Physiology
- Witte Wieven Physiology
- Wolpertinger Physiology
- Wulver Physiology
- Wishpoosh Physiology
- Xiezhi Physiology
- Yateveo Physiology
- Yale Physiology
- Yaoguai Physiology
- Yehasuri Physiology
- Yule Cat Physiology
- Zana Physiology
- Zburator Physiology
- Zhenniao Physiology
- Ziz Physiology
Umbrella Variants[]
- Angel Physiology
- Beastwere Physiology
- List of Colombian Mythical Creatures
- List of Cryptid Physiologies
- Daemon Physiology
- Demon Physiology
- Divine Beast Physiology
- Dragon Physiology
- Fairy Physiology
- Fearsome Critter Physiology
- Genie Physiology
- Mythical Avian Physiology
- Mythical Bestiary
- Mythical Equid Physiology
- Outback Monster Physiology
- Portuguese Legend Physiology
- Spirit Physiology
- Undead Physiology
- Vampire Physiology
- Werebeast Physiology
- Yokai Physiology
- Zodiac Physiology
- Anthropophage Physiology
- Archetype:Ascended
- Archetype:Fallen
- Archetype:Mythic Hero
- Demonic Arm
- Devil Hand
- List of Cryptid Physiologies
- Ethereal Mimicry
- God Hand
- Longevity - Many magical creatures live long, some even forever
- Magic
- Magical Human Physiology
- Shapeshifting
- Mythical Bestiary
- Superpowered Physiology
- Mythic Morphing
- Mythical Creature Manipulation
- Mythical Force Manipulation
- Mythic Magic
Known Users[]
See Also: Book of Creatures, Our Monsters Are Different, Lists of legendary creatures and List of legendary creatures by type.
- Five Dragon Gods (Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest)
- Various characters (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Ayari (My Childhood Friend Who Keeps Transforming into Monsters)
- Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit Eaters (One Piece)
- Marco; via Tori Tori no Mi/Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Phoenix
- Sengoku; via Hito Hito no Mi/Human-Human Fruit, Model: Daibutsu
- Kaidou; via Uo Uo no Mi/Fish-Fish Fruit, Model: Seiryu
- Catarina Devon; via Inu Inu no Mi/Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Kyubi no Kitsune
- Onimaru; via Hito Hito no Mi/Human-Human Fruit, Model: Onyudo
- Kurozumi Orochi; via Hebi Hebi no Mi/Snake-Snake Fruit, Model: Yamata no Orochi
- Yamato; via Inu Inu no Mi/Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi no Makami
- Monkey D. Luffy; via Hito Hito no Mi/Human-Human Fruit, Model: Nika
- Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro; via unnamed Bakotsu Devil Fruit
- Saint Jaygarcia Saturn; via unnamed Gyūki Devil Fruit
- Saint Shepherd Ju Peter; via unnamed Sandworm Devil Fruit
- Saint Marcus Mars; via unnamed Itsumade Devil Fruit
- Saint Topman Warcury; via unnamed Fengxi Devil Fruit
- San Otonashi (Rosario + Vampire)
- Kamiya Kanade (Rosario + Vampire)
- Ghouls (Tokyo Ghoul)
- Yokai (Yozakura Quartet)
- Hades (DC Comics)
- Warren Worthington III/Angel/Archangel (Marvel Comics)
- Mythical creatures (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
- Mythical creatures (W.I.T.C.H.)
- Mythical creatures (The Smurfs)
Live Television/Movies
- Animals of Ta Lo (MCU/Marvel Studios Shang Chi And The Legend of the Ten Rings)
- Wanda Maximoff/the Scarlet Witch (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Krampus (Krampus the Yule Lord)
- Santa Clause/Baldr (Krampus the Yule Lord)
- Faries (Maleficent)
- Angels (Supernatural)
- Monsters (Supernatural)
- Fates (Supernatural)
- Atropos (Supernatural)
- Sirens (Supernatural)
- Pagan Gods (Supernatural)
- Samhain (Supernatural)
- Various Supernatural Beings (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals/Legacies)
- Narnians (The Chronicles of Narnia)
- Mythical creatures (Harry Potter)
- Mythical creatures (The Lord of the Rings)
- Mythical creatures (Percy Jackson & the Olympians)
- Faeries (The Spiderwick Chronicles)
- Mythical creatures (Moomin)
- Acwell Than (De kronieken van magie)
- Akuji Than (De kronieken van magie)
- Thanatos Than (De kronieken van magie)
- Magical creatures (American Dragon: Jake Long)
- Mythic Beings (MCU Multiverse/Marvel Studios What If...?)
- Mythical creatures (Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia)
- Mythical creatures (Sofia the First)
- Mythical creatures (Gravity Falls)
- Mythical creatures (Winx Club)
- Mythical creatures (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee)
- Mythical creatures (Tara Duncan)
- Mythical creatures (A Kind of Magic)
- Mythical creatures (The 7D)
- Mythical creatures (Troll Tales)
- Monsters (Monster High)
- Mythical creatures (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
- Mythical creatures (Onward)
- Mythical creatures (Shrek)
- Greek Mythical creatures (Disney's Hercules)
- Mythical creatures (Ultimate Book of Spells)
- Mythical creatures (Mia and Me)
Video Games
- Lightners (Monsters) (Deltarune)
- Mythical creatures (God of War)
- Mythical creatures (Kid Icarus Uprising)
- Mythical creatures (The Legend of Zelda)
- Nikola Tesla (Sanctuary)
- Various Skylanders (Skylanders)
- Keine Kamishirasawa (Touhou Project)
- Tinisha Dolaira (The Young Guardians)
- Monsters (Undertale)
- Mythical creatures (Spyro)
- Mythical creatures (Warcraft)
Known Objects[]
- Mythical Zoan Devil Fruits (One Piece)
- Tori Tori no Mi/Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Phoenix
- Hito Hito no Mi/Human-Human Fruit, Model: Daibutsu
- Uo Uo no Mi/Fish-Fish Fruit, Model: Seiryu
- Inu Inu no Mi/Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Kyubi no Kitsune
- Hito Hito no Mi/Human-Human Fruit, Model: Onyudo
- Hebi Hebi no Mi/Snake-Snake Fruit, Model: Yamata no Orochi
- Inu Inu no Mi/Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi no Makami
- Hito Hito no Mi/Human-Human Fruit, Model: Nika
Gorgon (Marchen Awakens Romance) takes the form of a giant head that petrifies all that look at her.
Allu Majuu (Marchen Awakens Romance) is a demon that takes the form of a flaming orb chained to a halberd.
Because of the curse of her Ghost ÄRM, Dalia, Diana (Marchen Awakens Romance) can turn into a harpy.
Kapel Meister (Marchen Awakens Romance) turned into a demon after he betrayed and absorbed his Ghost Chess soldiers.
By eating the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu, Sengoku (One Piece) gained the ability to turn into a gigantic Buddha statue.
By eating the Tori Tori no Mi Model: Phoenix, Marco (One Piece) became a Phoenix Human, taking on a hybrid or a full phoenix form at will.
By eating the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kyubi no Kitsune, Catarina Devon (One Piece) became a Fox Human taking on a hybrid or a full nine-tailed fox forms at will.
After eating the Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Yamata no Orochi, Kurozumi Orochi (One Piece) can turn into Yamata no Orochi Physiology, a monstrous, eight-headed serpent of Japanese Folklore.
Yamato (One Piece) ate the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami, allowing her to become a Japanese wolf deity at will...
Monkey D. Luffy ate the Gum-Gum/Gomu Gomu Fruit which was actually Human-Human Fruit/Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika letting him turn into the mythical sun god upon reaching Gear 5.
The Boogeyman is a mythical creature in many cultures used by adults to frighten children into compliant behavior.
The Eight Guardian Generals (Asura's Wrath) Demigods who safeguarded Shinkoku Trastrium a unified nation on Gaea.
Analysis & Discussions[]
101 (Every) Beast, Monster, And The Creatures From Tolkien Universe (Lord Of The Rings) – Explored-2