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Ghoul Physiology

"A ghoul, as I'm sure you know, is a disgusting creature who opens graves and feeds on corpses."
― Baron Sardonicus
"They are neither man nor woman
They are neither brute nor human
They are Ghouls"
― Edgar Allan Poe, "The Bells"

The power to use the abilities of ghouls. Variation of Anthropophagist Monster Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Flesh Eater Physiology
  • Ghoul Mimicry
  • Ghul Mimicry/Physiology


User with this ability either is or can transform into a ghoul (literally: to seize), a cannibalistic monster that feeds on corpses and living flesh, abducts young children to eat them and lures unwary victims into abandoned places. Often classified as undead, these creatures usually dwell in graveyards and cemeteries.

Ghouls are one of the least consistently portrayed creatures in fiction, partly because the phrases "ghoul" and "ghoulish" are poorly defined terms that can refer to anything or anybody interested in the macabre and morbid, giving writers the ability to name almost any cannibalistic, flesh-eating or just creepy monster after them. As time marched on, ghouls have become the poster-child to give spawn to other flesh-hungry offshoots, such as the zombie, wendigo, and the vampire.

Besides being creatures associated with death, cannibalism, and degeneracy, ghouls (as monsters) can come in a plethora of types and subtypes. Some of the more common varieties include:

  • Cursed: Former humans who have been transformed into a ravenous horde of monsters or a barely sentient cannibal clan by magic or divine punishment. Typically punished for inhuman acts such as greed, murder, or often cannibalism, these former men are still alive, but turned into flesh-eating monsters that typically haunt graveyards. They often have razor-sharp claws, fangs and/or muzzles, long limbs and a lot of hair. Compare to wendigo.
  • Genie: The Islamic version of ghouls are demonic child-eating shape-shifting jinn that inhabit graveyards.
  • Lovecraftian: Ghouls as a living and non-human species, often with Lovecraft's distinctive canine muzzle and ears, and with a pale or greenish cast. Other types of ghouls as their own living race do occasionally appear in other media.
  • Mutant: Former humans who have been transformed into a ravenous horde of monsters or a barely sentient cannibal clan by disease, poison, radiation, or other physical reason, or being touched by some Eldritch Abomination.
  • Mythic: The original ghoul of pre-Islamic Arabian mythology, neither genies nor undead, used by old Arab to frighten kids. Similar to Bogeymen.
  • Vampiric: Either created by vampires as a servant, or just a relative or offshoot of the standard vampire. They vary from immortal (if twisted) humans to mindless zombie minions to beings more powerful than vampires themselves.
  • Zombie: Flesh-eating undead, either your standard zombie by another name, or a specific zombie derivative. When the two coexist, the ghouls will generally be the more bestial and savage of the two, and more willing to eat rotten flesh. Perhaps the zombie will be subject to magical control, like the old voodoo zombies. Garden-variety re-animated corpses may count as these.



Cursed Ghouls

Genie Ghouls

Mythic Ghouls

Undead Ghouls

Types of Ghoul:[]




  • Weak against Ghoul Manipulation.
  • May have a hard time returning to normal.
  • May have problems controlling their instincts and appetites.

Known Users[]

See Also: Our Ghouls Are Creepier.

  • Ayam Aghoul (Aladdin: The Animated Series)
  • Evil Ernie (Chaos! Comics)
  • Homicide (Chaos! Comics)
  • Ghouls (City of Devils)
  • Rake (Creepypasta)
  • Ghouls (Darkest Dungeon)
  • Lord Raptor (Darkstalkers)
  • Ghouls (The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time)
  • Ghouls (The Dresden Files)
  • Ghouls (Fables)
  • Ghouls (Fafhrd And The Gray Mouser)
  • Ghouls (Fallout series)
  • Aswang (Grimm)
  • Ghouls (Harry Potter franchise)
  • Ghouls (Hellsing)
  • Ghouls (H. P. Lovecraft)
  • Doobie (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood)
  • Jack the Ripper (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood)
  • Kabane Kusaka (Kemono Jihen); Half-Human, Half-Ghoul
  • Ghoul (Megami Tensei series)
  • Ghoulette (Megami Tensei series)
  • Gallu/Gallus/Gallas (Mesopotamian Mythology)
  • Ghouls/Qutrubs/Silahs (Mythology/Folklore)
  • Ghouls (Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue)
  • Tsukune Aono (Rosario + Vampire)
  • Ghouls (RPGs)
  • Ghost Roaster (Skylanders)
  • Ghouls (Supernatural)
  • Ghouls (Tokyo Ghoul)
  • Lento Fainar (The Unwanted Immortal Adventurer)
  • Ghouls (Warcraft)
    • Ghoul
    • Happy Ghoul
  • Ghostrick Ghoul (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
  • Ghouls (The Chronicles of Narnia)



