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Superpower Wiki

The power to use the ability of a Nightmarcher. Variation of Ghost Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Huakaʻi pō Mimicry/Physiology
  • Nightmarcher Mimicry
  • Spirit Ranks/ʻOiʻo Mimicry/Physiology


The user either is or can transform into Nightmarchers, dangerous ghosts of ancient Hawaiian warriors. On the nights honoring the Hawaiian gods/nights of Kanaloa, the nightmarchers rise from either their grave sites or from the ocean so they can march in a large group to ancient battles sites or to other sacred place, hence their name.

Anyone who hears their chanting, sounds of blown conch tones, or marching noises must stay in their houses, lay on the floor and avoid looking at them, in fear of harm or even death.




  • They are only active at night.
  • Planting living ti (Cordyline sp.) shrubs around one's home is said to keep away all evil spirits and will cause the huakaʻi pō to avoid the area.

Known Users[]

  • Nightmarchers (Hawaiian Mythology)
  • Nightmarchers (Pathfinder)
  • Marshadow (Pokémon)
  • Night Marchers (Lilo & Stitch)

