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Ah, you timed your arrival well. I've just finished reading a book, you see. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lucian. I am a user of the Psychic type. I must say, you've already proven yourself to be outstanding by coming this far. They say I am the toughest of the Elite Four. I'm afraid I will have to go all out against you to live up to that reputation.

Lucian in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum

Lucian is a member of the Sinnoh Elite Four. He specializes in Psychic-type Pokémon.


Lucian is an elegant man, who has blue hair and blue-tinted glasses. He wears a red suit, with a white handkerchief in his pocket, over his black collared shirt, and has black shoes.


As a bookish type, Lucian prides himself of his knowledge and reputation. He is very intelligent and observant, doing his best to uphold his high esteemed power. Even with his mastery of the mind, Lucian doesn't belittle people, in fact he's fairly respectful above anything.


The name Lucian may come from name "lux" (Latin for light), "illusion," "hallucination," or possibly "lucid dream" (a dream in which the person experiencing it is aware that they're dreaming and have some measure of control over what happens in the dream).

His Japanese name, Goyō, may come from 陽 (yō, Japanese for yang (the positive, light-associated side of yin and yang)). Following the plant-based naming of most characters, it may also include 五葉松 (goyōmatsu, the Japanese name for the five-needle pine tree).


Diamond and Pearl[]

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Other appearances[]



Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum[]

Before battle[]

"Ah, you timed your arrival well. I've just finished reading a book, you see. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lucian. I am a user of the Psychic type. I must say, you've already proven yourself to be outstanding by coming this far. They say I am the toughest of the Elite Four. I'm afraid I will have to go all out against you to live up to that reputation."

When sending out last Pokémon[]

"Hmm... Now what should I do..."

Being defeated[]

"I see. You getting past the three before me was no fluke. Your power is real."

After being defeated[]

"Congratulations. You have beaten the Elite Four. However, that doesn't mean you're done with the Pokémon league. There remains the Champion. I should warn you—the Champion is far stronger than the Elite Four. Now, go on. Step through the doorway to your final battle."

If talked to again[]

"I'll be reading books until the next challenger arrives. That will calm my nerves, so that I may deal with all situations without panicking."

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl[]

Prior to defeating Cynthia, Lucian's quotes are identical to those in Diamond and Pearl.


  • Before battle
    • "Just a moment, please. This book I'm reading has nearly reached its thrilling climax... The hero has obtained a mystic sword and is about to face their final trial... Ah, never mind. Since you've made it this far, I'll put that aside and battle you. Let me see if you'll achieve as much glory as the hero of my book!"
  • During battle
    • While sending in last Pokémon
      • "Hmmm ... How might I turn this situation to my advantage?"
    • Being defeated
      • "I see... It appears you've put me in checkmate."
  • After battle
    • "Truly outstanding. You took full control of the native without a moment's hesitation. Now then, the final page has yet to be written. Go and show us who shall emerge victorious."

Rematch (Boss level)[]

  • Before battle
    • "Ah, you've timed your arrival perfectly. I'm still quite worked up from the book I just finished. After seeing all you've accomplished thus far, <player>, I can certainly tell you this: you are the protagonist of your own story. And perhaps that just makes me an obstacle standing in the way of your heroic journey. Then again, maybe in this retelling I'll finally trip you up! Wouldn't that be an intriguing plot twist?"
  • During battle
    • While sending in last Pokémon
      • "Hmmm ... How might I turn this situation to my advantage?"
    • Being defeated
      • "So it goes. You held the whole course of the battle in the palm of your hand."
  • After battle
    • I concede defeat... I used every stratagem at my command, but you persevered through them all. Now all that remains is for you to write your own epilogue!
  • If talked to again
    • Next I think I'd like to read a book about a star... one small light, illuminating a galaxy of darkness.


Diamond and Pearl[]

0122Mr. Mime DP
Mr. Mime
 Type Psychic 
0203Girafarig DP
 Type Normal Type Psychic 
0308Medicham DP
 Type Fighting Type Psychic 
0065Alakazam DP
 Type Psychic 
0437Bronzong DP
 Type Steel Type Psychic 
Lv. 57 Lv. 57 Lv. 58 Lv. 58 Lv. 60 -
Ability: Soundproof Ability: Inner Focus Ability: Pure Power Ability: Synchronize Ability: Levitate
Item: None Item: None Item: None Item: None Item: Sitrus Berry
Psychic Psychic Drain Punch Psychic Psychic -
Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Fire Punch Energy Ball Gyro Ball -
Reflect Double Hit Thunder Punch Focus Blast Earthquake -
Light Screen Crunch Ice Punch Recover Calm Mind -


Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl[]
