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Pokémon Wiki
For the variant appearing in the games, see Geeta.

Geeta is a character appearing in Pokémon Horizons: The Series, who is the chairwoman of the Paldea League and Top Champion.


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Geeta is a tall woman with dark skin with black hair and blue and yellow eyes. She wears a black pantsuit with socks and loafers of the same color, blue gloves and a yellow necktie on her blue shirt. Her glove has a sun emblem on it.

Her long flowing hair reflects her management style as one who prefers to command and observe passively, than actively (given she's usually standing still and tends to let others do things their way with unspoken high expectations). Glimmora is referenced by the blue waves in her hair and outfit giving her an otherworldly appearance, which is meant to surprise the player with ambiance. Her Tera type choice being Rock seems to be reflected more by her unmoving yet sharp nature as despite not being popular among her employees, she is still highly feared and respected without needing to show much emotion.


Geeta is a humble and fair-minded person, who acknowledges Trainers who have endeavored their hardest.


Geeta and Clavell greeted the Rising Volt Tacklers, who had Liko, Roy and Dot enrolled into Naranja Academy. Geeta was also the one who educated the three kids how to Terastalize and gave them their own Tera Orbs. She and the Paldean Elite Four then watched Liko and Ann's battle.[1] She would later watch the battles of different students and Paldean Gym Leaders against the Elite Four.[2][3]

When Geeta and Clavell were introduced to Terapagos, Geeta admitted that she didn't know a lot about the Pokémon, so she recommended the Rising Volt Tacklers to consult Raifort about Terpagos and its relation to Laqua. She also said she would allow Liko and co to travel to the Great Crater of Paldea and guessed that the Scarlet Book's illustration depicted a third form of Terapagos.[4]

Geeta and Rika discussed Liko's training results with Liko. She also watched the battle between Roy and Liko. After congratulating Liko, Geeta, along with Rika, suggested her to challenge the Paldean Pokémon League in the future.[5]

To decide whether the Rising Volt Tacklers were allowed to the Great Crater of Paldea, Geeta challenged Liko, Roy and Dot to a battle. Although initially her Glimmet and Glimmora posed advantage against all three of her opponents, Geeta lost to the three kids fair and square, so she allowed them and the Rising Volt Tacklers to enter the crater.[6]


On hand[]

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Glimmet (2x)

