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Type Fighting
Type Fighting HOME

The Fighting type (Japanese: かくとうタイプ, HepburnKakutou taipu) is one of the eighteen Pokémon elemental types.

Pokémon of this type are specialists in melee attacks, such as punches and kicks. It could be said that they're the opposite to Psychic-type Pokémon because while Pokémon of that type depend primarily on special attacks, Pokémon of the Fighting type depend mostly on physical attacks. In particular, every Fighting-type attack introduced before Generation IV remained a physical attack, with special Fighting attacks only being introduced from Generation IV onwards.

Most Fighting-type Pokémon have a human-like body shape because they represent practitioners of various martial arts, which tend to be real-world humans. Some Fighting-type Pokémon are represented by looking like fighters (Machamp looks like a bodybuilder and Crabrawler looks like a French-wrestler) while other are represented by being based on a certain type of fighting style (Hitmontop is based on capoeira fighting and Gallade is based on sword-fighting). A considerable number of Fighting-type Pokémon are predominantly or exclusively male. They can also be represented by simply just having incredible strength (such Pokémon such as Bewear, Pangoro, Crabominable, Conkeldurr and others have this).

Fighting-type Pokémon have varied ways to evolve as this represents a fighter going on a journey to get stronger and find out who he/she is supposed to be.

Every generation has introduced at least one Fighting-type specialist: Bruno, the second member of the Kanto and Johto Elite Four; Chuck, the fifth Gym Leader of the Johto region; Brawly, the second Hoenn Gym Leader; Maylene, the third Gym Leader of Sinnoh; Marshal, a member of the Unova Elite Four; Korrina, the third Gym Leader of the Kalos region; Hala, the Melemele Island Kahuna of the Alola region, Bea, the fourth Gym Leader of Galar in Pokémon Sword, and Eri the boss of Team Star's Caph Squad in Paldea.

Quick Answers

What makes Fighting type Pokémon unique in their attack style? toggle section
Fighting type Pokémon, such as Machamp and Crabrawler, are distinctive for their physical attack style. They represent practitioners of various martial arts and often have a human-like body shape. Introduced before Generation IV, their attacks were exclusively physical, with special Fighting attacks only emerging from Generation IV. They employ a unique martial arts style involving all limbs, using their speed to confound opponents.
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How does the Fighting type Pokémon contrast with Psychic-type Pokémon? toggle section
Fighting type Pokémon, specialists in melee attacks like punches and kicks, are primarily physical attackers, often represented with human-like forms embodying various martial arts. This contrasts with Psychic-type Pokémon, who rely mainly on special attacks. Notably, special Fighting attacks were only introduced from Generation IV onwards, with all previous Fighting-type attacks being physical.
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What was the nature of every Fighting-type attack introduced before Generation IV? toggle section
All Fighting-type Pokémon attacks introduced prior to Generation IV were physical in nature, involving direct contact like punches or kicks. Special Fighting attacks were not introduced until Generation IV. Fighting-type Pokémon, embodying various martial arts practitioners, typically have a human-like physique.
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Why do Fighting type Pokémon depend mostly on physical attacks? toggle section
Fighting type Pokémon, specialists in melee attacks such as punches and kicks, primarily use physical attacks. This is due to their representation of various martial arts practitioners, often human-like in form. Until Generation IV, all Fighting-type attacks were physical, with special attacks introduced only from that generation. Even special moves deal damage based on the defending Pokémon's Defense stat, indicating physical contact.
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What are some examples of Fighting type Pokémon? toggle section
Among the 82 Fighting type Pokémon, examples of pure Fighting type include Mankey, Primeape, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Tyrogue. Pokémon like Combusken and Blaziken acquire the Fighting type upon leveling up. Certain Pokémon have alternate forms, such as Gigantamax Machamp and Mega Mewtwo X, that are classified as Fighting type.
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Fighting-type moves[]

  • There are 57 Fighting-type moves.
  • In battles: Physical moves stand out.
    • 41 moves are of the Physical type.
    • 6 moves are of the Special type.
    • 7 moves are of the Other type.
  • In contests: Cool moves stand out.
    • 23 moves are of the Cool type type.
    • 16 moves of the Tough type type.
    • 2 moves are of the Beautiful type type.
    • 1 move is of the Clever type type.
    • There are no moves of the Cute type type.

List of Fighting-type moves[]

Name Category Contest Generation Power
All-Out Pummeling - - Generation VII -
Arm Thrust Physical type Tough type Generation III 30-75
Aura Sphere Special type Beautiful type Generation IV 80[1]
Axe Kick Physical type - Generation IX 120
Body Press Physical type - Generation VIII 80
Brick Break Physical type Cool type Generation III 75
Bulk Up Other type Cool type[2] Generation III -
Circle Throw Physical type Cool type Generation V 60
Close Combat Physical type Tough type[3] Generation IV 120
Coaching Other type - Generation VIII -
Collision Course Physical type - Generation IX 100
Combat Torque Physical type - Generation IX 100
Counter Physical type Tough type Generation I Double the damage taken
Cross Chop Physical type Cool type Generation II 100
Detect Other type Cool type Generation II -
Double Kick Physical type Cool type Generation I 30 (x2)
Drain Punch Physical type Tough type[2] Generation IV 75[4]
Dynamic Punch Physical type Cool type Generation II 100
Final Gambit Special type Tough type Generation V Damage equal to the user's HP
Flying Press Physical type Tough type Generation VI 80
Focus Blast Special type Cool type Generation IV 120
Focus Punch Physical type Tough type Generation III 150
Force Palm Physical type Cool type Generation IV 60
G-Max Chi Strike - - Generation VIII -
Hammer Arm Physical type Tough type[5] Generation IV 100
High Jump Kick Physical type Cool type Generation I 130[6]
Jump Kick Physical type Cool type Generation I 100[7]
Karate Chop[8] Physical type Tough type Generation I 50
Low Kick Physical type Tough type Generation I 20-200 depending on the opponent's weight
Low Sweep Physical type Clever type Generation V 60
Mach Punch Physical type Cool type Generation II 40
Mat Block Other type Cool type Generation VI -
Max Knuckle - - Generation VIII -
Meteor Assault Physical type - Generation VIII 150
No Retreat Other type - Generation VIII -
Octolock Other type - Generation VIII -
Power-Up Punch Physical type Tough type Generation VI 40
Quick Guard Other type Cool type Generation V -
Revenge Physical type Tough type Generation III 60
Reversal Physical type Cool type Generation II 20-200 depending on the user's HP
Rock Smash Physical type Tough type Generation II 40[9]
Rolling Kick Physical type Cool type Generation I 60
Sacred Sword Physical type Cool type Generation V 90
Secret Sword Special type Beautiful type Generation V 85
Seismic Toss Physical type Tough type Generation I 1-100 depending on the user's level
Sky Uppercut Physical type Cool type Generation III 85
Storm Throw Physical type Cool type Generation V 40
Submission Physical type Cool type Generation I 80
Superpower Physical type Tough type Generation III 120
Thunderous Kick Physical type - Generation VIII 90
Triple Arrows Physical type - Generation VIII 90
Triple Kick Physical type Cool type Generation II 60
Upper Hand Physical type - Generation IX 65
Vacuum Wave Special type Cool type[3] Generation IV 40
Victory Dance Other type - Generation VIII -
Vital Throw Physical type Cool type Generation II 70
Wake-Up Slap Physical type Tough type[3] Generation IV 60

Effectiveness of Fighting-type moves[]

Super effective against Pokémon of the types: Type Dark, Type Ice, Type Normal, Type Rock and Type Steel.
Not very effective against Pokémon of the types: Type Bug, Type Fairy, Type Flying, Type Psychic and Type Poison.
Ineffective against Pokémon of the type: Type Ghost

Weaknesses and resistances of the Fighting type[]

A type chart displaying the weaknesses and resistances of a Pokémon when damaged by a move. Empty fields are moves that do normal damage.

Doubly super effective
Super effective
Very resistant
Type of the move
Bug type vertical Dark type vertical Dragon type vertical Electric type vertical Fairy type vertical Fighting type vertical Fire type vertical Flying type vertical Ghost type vertical Grass type vertical Ground type vertical Ice type vertical Normal type vertical Poison type vertical Psychic type vertical Rock type vertical Steel type vertical Water type vertical
Type Fighting
Type FightingType Bug
Type FightingType Dark
Type FightingType Dragon
Type FightingType Electric
Type FightingType Fairy
Type FightingType Fire
Type FightingType Flying
Type FightingType Ghost
Type FightingType Grass
Type FightingType Ground
Type FightingType Ice
Type FightingType Normal
Type FightingType Poison
Type FightingType Psychic
Type FightingType Rock
Type FightingType Steel
Type FightingType Water

Fighting-type-Pokémon Trainers[]

Fighting-type-Pokémon Gym Leaders[]

Leader Location Badge
Cianwood City, Johto Storm Badge
Storm Badge
Brawly VS ORAS
Dewford Town, Hoenn Knuckle Badge
Knuckle Badge
Veilstone City, Sinnoh Cobble Badge
Cobble Badge
Shalour City, Kalos Rumble Badge
Rumble Badge
Bea League Card
Stow-on-Side, Galar Fighting Badge
Fighting Badge

Fighting-type-Pokémon Kahunas[]

Leader Location Z-Crystal
VS Hala SM
Melemele Island, Alola Fightinium Z
Fightinium Z

Fighting-type-Pokémon Elite Four members[]

Competence Category
Kanto Elite Four/Johto Elite Four
Marshal VS BW
Unova Elite Four
VS Hala SM
Alola Elite Four

Fighting-type-Pokémon Special Trainers[]

Competence Category
Leader of Team Star Caph Squad
Naranja/Uva Academy's Battle Studies Teacher

Fighting type records[]

  • Falinks is the tallest Fighting-type.
  • Mankey and Stufful are the smallest Fighting type.
  • Zamazenta (Crowned Shield) is the heaviest Fighting type.
  • Clobbopus is the lightest Fighting type.
  • Tyrogue evolves at the lowest level (20)
  • Mienfoo evolves at the highest level (50)
  • Iron Hands has the most HP of all Fighting-types (154)
  • Hariyama has the highest HP of all non-Paradox Fighting type Pokémon (144)
  • Mega Mewtwo X has the most Attack & Sp. Atk of all Fighting-types (190 & 154)
  • Conkeldurr has the highest Attack of all non-Mega Evolved, and non-Paradox Fighting types (140)
  • Mega Lucario has the highest Special Attack of all non-Legendary Fighting types (140)
  • Zamazenta (Crowned Shield) has the most Defense and Sp. Def of all Fighting-types (140)
  • Pheromosa has the most Speed of all Fighting-types (151)
  • Mega Mewtwo X has the highest base stat total of all Fighting-types (780)

Fighting-type Pokémon[]

82 Pokémon are Fighting type.

Pure Fighting-type Pokémon[]

Primary Fighting-type Pokémon[]

Secondary Fighting-type Pokémon[]

Pokémon with Fighting-type alternate formes[]

The following alternate formes of some Pokémon are also of the Fighting type.

Relations with other types[]

  • They have no effect against the Ghost type because it's impossible to hit an incorporeal being. However, the Fighting type is neutral to the Ghost type.
  • They're strong against the Dark type because it's a common theme in martial arts and fighting fiction that heroism always wins, and a fighter must be prepared to face his/her fears, some of which are represented by the Dark type.
  • They're strong against the Normal type because a fighter can easily beat a normal person.
  • They're strong against the Ice, Rock and Steel types in terms of textures because ice can be shattered with a strong punch, some fighters are trained to destroy rocks, and steel objects can be easily bent.
  • They're weak against the Psychic type because the brain also regulates all muscle functions in most animals, and the most skilled master minds can overpower the most skilled fighters, hence the term "brains over brawn" and "mind over matter".
  • They're weak against the Flying type because it's been long said that height is a large advantage when it comes to battle, as it's difficult to hit something that's moving in the air and that dropping attacks have the advantage of gravitational acceleration when it comes to attacking. It may also be due to the fact that doves are symbols of peace.
  • They're weak against the Fairy type because physical strength can't do anything against magic, especially when the welders of magic can put a spell on them.
  • They resist the Bug type because fighters, with their strength, can easily withstand bugs.
  • The Bug type resists them because bugs generally have an exoskeleton which can protect them from blows. This is also evident as these Pokémon of that type are much bigger than average insects.
  • The Poison type resists them because the body is a fighter's weapon, and it can be damaged by poison. Interestingly, they're not weak to the Poison-type.



  1. ^ 90 until Generation V.
  2. ^ a b Before Generation VI, this was a Beautiful type-type move.
  3. ^ a b c Before Generation VI, this was a Clever type-type move.
  4. ^ 60 until Generation V.
  5. ^ Before Generation VI, this was a Cool type-type move.
  6. ^ 85 from Generation I to III and 100 in Generation IV
  7. ^ 70 from Generation I to III and 85 in Generation IV
  8. ^ In Generation I, this was a Normal-type move.
  9. ^ 20 until Generation III
  10. ^ Before Generation VI, Fighting/Steel-type Pokémon were very resistant to Dark-type moves.
  11. ^ Before Generation VI, Fighting/Steel-type Pokémon were resistant to Ghost-type moves.
  12. ^ Due to the ability Multitype, equipped with the Fist Plate.
  13. ^ In its Resolute Forme.
  14. ^ Only in its Pirouette Forme.
  15. ^ Due to the ability RKS System, equipped with the Fighting Memory.