The Transformation is a scene that happens during the transformation sequence of the PJ Masks series when they get ready to fight crime.
The Transformation Sequence
- PJ Masks, we're on our way, into the night to save the day!
- Night in the city, and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day. Amaya becomes...
- Owlette!
- Greg becomes...
- Gekko!
- Connor becomes...
- Catboy!
- The PJ Masks!
- PJ Masks, we're on our way, into the night to save the day!
- Night in the city, and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day. Greg becomes...
- Gekko!
- Connor becomes...
- Catboy!
- Amaya becomes...
- Owlette!
- The PJ Masks!
As of the Season 6/PJ Masks: Power Heroes episode "The Whiff of Badness," a new transformation sequence has been implemented to include the current line-up of new heroes added to it, the heroes being Armadylan, An Yu, Newton Star, Bastet, Lilyfay, and Ice Cub. The order in which the heroes are called varies each episode.
- PJ Masks/Power Heroes, we're on our way, into the night to save the day!
- Night in the city, and a brave new band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day.
- Catboy!
- Gekko!
- Owlette!
- Ice Cub!
- An Yu!
- Lilyfay!
- Newton Star!
- Bastet!
- Armadylan!
- PJ Masks, Power Heroes!
There are currently five different variations of the song.
"Catboy VS. Robo-Cat," "Octobella Strikes Again," and "Luna Girl's Sleepover" feature the transformation sequence where either one or two PJ Mask members are present. The remaining who have been absent for particular reasons (e.g., getting captured, staying behind) are announced later.
"Baddie Bots" changes the lyrics to announce Romeo, Robot, and Robette as the Baddie Bots after Romeo's inventions gained power from the PJ Crystal Totem.
"Iceworld" features Ice Cub announcing that he's solely going to save the day.
Catboy VS. Robo-Cat
- This PJ Mask is on his way, into the night to save the day!
- Night in the city, and a brave hero is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day. Connor becomes...
- Catboy! The PJ Mask!
- Amaya becomes...
- Owlette!
- Greg becomes...
- Gekko!
- The PJ Masks!
Baddie Bots
- Baddie Bots, we're on our way! Into the night to ruin the day! Night in the city, and a bothersome band of bad guys are ready to cause mischief and mayhem. Robot becomes...
- Gorilla Gizmo!
- Robette becomes...
- Croc-a-lette!
- And I become... Roo-Meo!
- The Baddie Bots!
Octobella Strikes Again
- PJ Masks, we're on our way!
- Into the night to save the day!
- Night in the city, and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day. Amaya becomes...
- Owlette!
- Connor becomes...
- Catboy!
- The PJ Masks!
- Greg becomes...
- Gekko!
Luna Girl's Sleepover
- PJ Masks, we're on our way!
- Into the night to save the day!
- Night in the city, and a brave band of heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day. Greg becomes...
- Gekko!
- Connor becomes...
- Catboy!
- The PJ Masks!
- Amaya becomes...
- Owlette!
- Ice Cub's on his way, into the night to save the day!
The following are modifications to the lines, "PJ Masks, we're on our way! Into the night to save the day!" This is sometimes done to fit the theme of the mission.
- PJ Masks, let's go as a team...
- ... into the night to save Halloween!
- PJ Masks, we're on our way!
- Into the night--
- --to make Romeo pay!
- And save the day?
- PJ Masks, we're on our way!
- Into the night--
- --to race in the night! I mean, uh, into the night to save the day!
- PJ Masks, we're on our way!
- Into the night to par-tay!
- PJ Robot and me, we're on our way!
- Into the night to make his day!
- PJ Masks, we're on our way!
- Into the night--
- --to take on Romeo! Uh... (Laughs nervously) ... I mean, save the day!
- PJ Masks, we're on our way, into the night...
- ... to find out what's up with Newton!
- PJ Masks, shout 'Yo-ho-ho'...
- ... into the night we go, go, go!
- PJ Masks, we're on our way...
- ... into the night we go, go, go!
- PJ Masks, we're super keen...
- ... into the night to save Halloween!
- PJ Masks, you're on your way...
- ... into the night to save the day!
- PJ Masks, we're on our way...
- ... into the night to teach Bastet to drive!
PJ Riders Transformation Sequence
As of Season 5, another transformation sequence is introduced after the PJ Riders' debut at the end of "Carly and Cartoka." The chant and the sequence where the PJ Riders are summoned are first introduced in "The PJ Riders," while the sequence where the PJ Masks call out their PJ Riders in their PJ Rider suits is added as of "Flashcar in the Sky." "Luna's Mega Moth" later introduces the sequence where the PJ Masks change from their regular superhero outfits into their armor.
Although the order of the PJ Riders being summoned varies each episode, the lyrics are usually as follows:
- By the power of speed! Cat Stripe King! Yeah!
- By the power of flight! Eagle Owl! Yay!
- By the power of a lizard's might/muscles! Power Lizard! Yeah!
The following are different variations to the usual lyrics:
- By the power of muscles! Power Lizard! Yeah!
- By the power of muscles! (Grunts) On it! Power Lizard! Yeah!
- By the power of speed!
- By the power of flight!
- Cat Stripe King!
- Let's go! Eagle Owl!
- By the power of muscles!
- By the power of speed!
- By the power of flight!
- Power Lizard! Yeah!
- Cat Stripe King! Yeah!
- Eagle Owl! Yay!
- By the power of speed!
- By the power of flight!
- By the power of muscles!
- Cat Stripe King! Yeah!
- Eagle Owl! Yay!
- Power Lizard! Yeah!
- PJ Riders!
The Transformation Sequence (Season 1-Season 5)
Without Owlette and Gekko With Romeo, Robot and Robette
Season 6/PJ Masks: Power Heroes
PJ Riders Transformation Sequence
Owlette's PJ Rider suit transformation Catboy's PJ Rider suit transformation Gekko's PJ Rider suit transformation Two PJ Riders in the PJ Rider transformation sequence at the same time