Together As One Released September 16, 2021
"Together As One" is a 2-minute song that was posted in the form of an audio video to PJ Masks' Topic YouTube channel on September 16, 2021. It was then posted in the form of a music video to PJ Masks' official YouTube channel on September 17, 2021.
- "Catboy!"
- "Owlette!"
- "Gekko!"
- "Let's go!"
- "Together as one!"
- With caring friends, we learn to help each other
- We're there for those in need
- Just do your best through rain and stormy weather
- You'll learn how to succeed
- Every day we learn a valuable lesson
- When we listen to our friends
- Got a problem and we solve it together
- When we save the day again
- Let's go (Go!)
- Working together as one
- Let's go (Go!)
- So many good deeds to be done
- Heroes! The villains are all on the run
- So have no fear, the PJ Masks are here!
- Do good things for each other
- You can never go wrong
- Sharing toys with your friends
- Is how we get along
- Let's go (Go!)
- Working together as one
- Let's go (Go!)
- So many good deeds to be done
- Heroes! The villains are all on the run
- So have no fear, the PJ Masks are here!
- Let's go!
- "PJ Masks, all shout 'hooray'!"
- "'Cause in the night, we saved the day!"
- This is the last song to be released in 2021.