Owlette Slips Up Quotes
This article features notable quotes from Season 3, Episode 10B "Owlette Slips Up".
- Greg: "Are you okay?"
- Connor: "Did you even hear us?"
- Rip: "That birdy just gave me an even funnier idea."
- Robot: "Master is innocent!"
- Kevin: "Who'd thought the Wolf Wheelz could be so roomy?"
- Rip: "How come everything got big?"
- Howler: "Why is your toy better than mine?"
- Robot: "You think you are a good investigator but you do not know everything!"
- Robot: "Robot was telling the truth!"
- Owlette: "Thanks, Robot. You and me together, we really did work it out."
- Robot: "Thank you."
- Owlette: "And Romeo, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I guess you weren't actually so bad tonight."
- Romeo: "Don't get used to it."
- Romeo: "It gets my hair just so."