To see his original book counterpart, see Scarloup.
Howler is an antagonist and one of the nighttime villains, but sometimes an anti-hero, in the television series PJ Masks. He is one of the two male members of the Wolfy Kids and one of the drivers of Wolf Wheelz.
Physical Appearance
Howler's daytime appearance is unknown, but in the nighttime, he appears in werewolf form along with Rip and Kevin. He has dark gray spiky hair with two white streaks in the front, sideburns, violet eyes, and claws on his fingers and toes. He also wears a black jacket over a red shirt and blue jeans.
Howler is quite rude and antagonistic towards the PJ Masks and all of the other villains.
Main powers
- Sonic Howl: Howler can create sonic waves with his howl.
- Superhuman agility: Howler is quite agile, and is able to leap over tall objects. He can run on his hands and feet for extra speed.
Temporary powers
Cartoon Continuity
| Catboy | Owlette | Gekko | PJ Robot |
| Catboy | Owlette | Gekko | PJ Robot | Armadylan | An Yu | Newton Star | Ice Cub | Lilyfay | Bastet |
PJ Animals
| PJ Pets (Alley Cat, Owly, & Lionel) | PJ Riders (Cat Stripe King, Eagle Owl, & Power Lizard) |
| Romeo | Luna Girl | Night Ninja | Wolfy Kids (Howler, Rip, & Kevin) | Motsuki | Octobella | Pharaoh Boy | Speedy Twins (Carly & Cartoka) | Gloop the Third |
| Robot | Moths | Ninjalinos | Spy-Bot | Robo-Masks | Robette | Percival | Baby Pumpkins | Flybot Sally | Gloopets (Gloopet I, Gloopet II, and Gloopet III) |
| Cameron | Marie | Jenny | Meg | Timmy | Steven | Tommy | Tanya | Peter | Kate |
| Jayden Houston | Narrator | Teacher | Amaya's aunt | Connor's Mom | Greg's uncle | Santa Claus | Ivan's Mom | Mrs. Taylor |
| Birdie | Butterflies | Moths | Munki-gu | PJ Pets (Cat, Owly, and Lionel) | PJ Riders (Cat Stripe King, Eagle Owl, and Power Lizard) | Ruffles | Reindeer | Santa's Reindeer (Blitzen and Comet) |
In-universe comic book characters
| Detecto-Tron | Flossy Flash | Kick McGee | Master Fang | Muscle Wolf | Melvin Muscles | Sharko-droid | Slither Boy | Sploshy Splash | Titanium Groundhog | Robo Giraffe | Frasal Pik | The Mighty Mechamus | Sniffer Boy | Trunk-A-Tron | Super Snout | Growly Gertrude | Fuzzily the Fierce |
| Naughty Bots | Robot | Robo-Masks | PJ Robot | Mabel | Fly Bots | Robette | Spy-Bot | Flybot Sally |
Other Heroes
| Santa Claus | Teeny Weeny | Pirate Robot | Orticia |
Scrapped characters
| Firefly (redacted due to DMCA) |