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PJ Masks Wiki


PJ Comet


This article features notable quotes from Season 3, Episode 4A "PJ Comet".

  • Connor: "I can't believe we saw a real comet last night."
  • Amaya: "Comet - it's a special kind of rock that flies through outer space."

  • Owlette: "The PJ Masks heading off on a comet mystery."
  • PJ Robot: (Beeps and gives directions)
  • Owlette: "Yes, sir."

  • Gekko: (Gasps) "Guys! I see something!"
  • Owlette: "Tire tracks."
  • PJ Robot: (Beeps and buzzes)
  • Owlette: "That's not Luna."
  • PJ Robot: (Suggests Romeo's Lab)
  • Owlette: "Romeo's lab?"
  • Catboy: "No, he's back in the city. We saw him."
  • Owlette: "These tracks must be from the last time he came here."
  • PJ Robot: (Suggests that they should keep looking for the comet)
  • Owlette: "PJ Robot's right. There's nothing here. Let's get back to chasing the comet."

  • Romeo: "How do you like the big PJ Comet?"
  • Owlette: "Romeo?! But you were on Earth fixing Robot?!"
  • Romeo: "It was a hologram of me projected by Robot. I'm in the city, which you left unprotected. And look who else is here."
  • Luna Girl: "Yoo-hoo!"
  • PJ Masks: "Luna?!"
  • Owlette: "But you can't get to the moon on your own?!"
  • Luna Girl: "Romeo gave me a lift in his lab. What'd you think of his neat little box, too? Stuck to your HQ, making it all fake glowy?"
  • PJ Masks: (Sighs in defeat)
  • Romeo: "We've been working on this for a while. Flying up here, connecting my lab to her magnet--"
  • Luna Girl: "--to make a comet. I mean sucky-in force field."
  • Romeo: "Which will now blow it off into space with you inside."
  • Gekko: "Why would you do that?"
  • Luna Girl: "Cause it means no more Pesky PJs wrecking our plans."
  • Romeo: "Plus with your HQ gone, we can build a new villain HQ where it used to be."
  • Luna Girl: "It'll blast me up to the moon whenever I want!"
  • Romeo: "Bye-bye, PJ Masks!"

  • Luna Girl: "But you said I get the moon launcher! You promised!"
  • Romeo: "Did I? I don't remember. But I do remember promising myself a nice shiny office."
  • Luna Girl: "I want a landing pad! And... a tower!"
  • Romeo: "Tower!? We're not living in some fairy tale."

  • Catboy: "See you later, villains. The PJ Masks are home sweet home."
  • PJ Robot: "So sorry."
  • Owlette: "No need for apologies, PJ Robot. You were great! We couldn't have broken that force field without you."
  • Catboy: "And our PJ powers. All used together."
  • Gekko: "Don't have to go into outer space for it, either. Got it right here."

Episode quotes list
| Blame it on the Train, Owlette | Catboy's Cloudy Crisis | Owlette and the Flash Flip Trip | Catboy and the Pogo Dozer | Gekko and the Super Ninjalinos | Owlette's Terrible Pterodactyl Trouble | Catboy and the Shrinker | Owlette and the Moon-Ball | Catboy and the Butterfly Brigade | Owlette the Winner | Speak UP, Gekko! | Catboy and Master Fang's Sword | Catboy VS. Robo-Cat | Owlette and the Giving Owl | Catboy and the Great Birthday Cake Rescue | Gekko and the Snore-A-Saurus | Looking After Gekko | Catboy and the Teeny Weeny Ninjalino | Catboy's Tricky Ticket | Gekko and the Missing Gekko-Mobile | Catboy's Flying Fiasco | Gekko's Stay-at-Home Sneezes | Gekko Saves Christmas | Gekko's Nice Ice Plan | Gekko and the Mighty Moon Problem | Clumsy Catboy | Catboy and Gekko's Robot Rampage | Owlette's Feathered Friend | Owlette and the Battling Headquarters | Gekko and the Mayhem at the Museum | Catboy Takes Control | Owlette's Two Wrongs | Gekko Floats | Catboy's Two-Wheeled Wonder | Catboy's Great Gig | Owlette's New Move | Supersonic Owlette | Catboy and the Sticky Splat Slingshot | Owlette of a Kind | Beat the Drum, Catboy | Catboy Squared | Gekko's Super Gekko Sense | Owlette and the Owletteenies | Gekko's Blame Campaign | Owlette and the Moonflower | Slowpoke Gekko | Catboy and the Lunar Dome | Gekko and the Rock of All Power | Super-Sized Gekko | Take to the Skies, Owlette | Slow Down, Catboy! | Gekko's Special Rock |
| Moonfizzle Balls | Soccer Ninjalinos | Lionel-Saurus | Catboy's Cuddly | Night of the Cat | Catboy Does It Again | Terrible Two-Some | Owlette's Luna Trouble | Ninja Moths | Who's Got the Owl Power? | PJ Pinball | Bounce-a-Tron | Wacky Floats | Romeo's Disguise | PJ Robot | PJ Power Up | Moonstruck: Race to the Moon | Moonstruck: Lunar Fortress | Robot's Pet Cat | Gekko, Master of the Deep | May the Best Power Win | Moonbreaker | Race Up Mystery Mountain | The Mountain Prisoner | The Wolfy Kids | Wolf-O-Saurus | Catboy No More | Gekko Vs. the Splatcano | Meet Armadylan | Invisible Owlette | Wolfy Mountain | Romeo's Crystal Clear Plan | Nobody's Sidekick | Armadylan Menace | Power Pondweed | Owlette Comes Clean | Halloween Tricksters | The Wolfies Take HQ | The Good Wolfy | The Wolfy Plan | The Lizard Theft | PJ Dylan | Armadylan'd and Dangerous | Romeo's Action Toys | The Dragon Gong | Flight of the Ninja | Romeocoaster | Gekko and the Opposite Ray | PJ Masks Vs. Bad Guys United | Easter Wolfies | Luna and the Wolfies |
| Moon Madness | Armadylan and Robette Rule | Armadylan Zen | Way of the Woofy | Werejalinos | PJ Comet | Glowy Moths | Teacher Goes Ninja | Robot Goes Wrong | Lionel's Powers | Best Friends Forever | Meet An Yu | The Moon Prix | Pirates Ahoy! | The Secret of the Pagoda | Storm of the Ninja | Arma-Leader | Owlette Slips Up | The Splat Monster | Moth on the Moon | Fly Me To The Moon | Luna's Cosmic Tantrum | Motsuki The Best | Wheels of a Hero | Moonwolfy | Clash on Mystery Mountain | A Teeny Weeny Problem | Take Romeo Off The Road | Mission: PJ Seeker | Wolfy Powers | Do The Gekko | Armadylan, Action Hero | Super Muscles Show Off | The Prank Wheelz | Where's The Wolf Wheelz? | Villain of the Sky | Protector of the Sky | The PJ Masks Save Christmas | Romeo's Melody | PJ Robot Takes Control | PJ Sky Pirates | The Disappearing Ninjas | Gekko Everywhere | Gekko Takes Charge | Big Sister Motsuki | PJ Party Crasher | Master of the Moat | PJ Robot Vs Romeo |
| Heroes of the Sky | Who Let the Moths In? | Commander Meow | Motsuki's Missing Sister | Not so Ninja | PJ Party Mountain | Wolfies of the Pagoda | Master Fang's Secret | Aerodylan | Asteroid Accident | All About Asteroids | Romeo's Space Machine | Newton and the Ninjas | Missing Space Rock | Flying Factory Out of Control | Munki-gu | Munki-gu in the City | Mission Munki-gu | Legend of the Wolfy Bone | Gekko Vs Armavillain | Super Super Cat Speed | Munki-gu's Dragon | Gekko Loves Lionel | Octobella | Octo-Trouble | Star Buddies | To the Moon and Back | Magnet in the Moat | Motsuki Bugs Out | Octobella's Garden | Sploshy Splash | Teeny Weeny Returns | Robo-Wolf | The Labours of Armadylan | Lost in Space | The Power of Monkey Chatter | The Secret of Monkey Goodness | Pharaoh Boy | By My Pharaoh Feathers | Pharaoh's Chariot | PJ Robot Malfunction | The Mysterious Masks | Battle Of The Fangs | Catboy's Cat | Mad With Moon Power | Pharaoh and The Ninjalinos | Pharaoh's Boomerangs | Bubbles Of Badness |
| Ninja Power Up | Luna Goes Too Far | Owly Tricks | Newton The Destructor | Luna Kazoomer | Baddie Bots | Newton and the Animals | Octobella Strikes Again | Octobella on the Loose | Teeny Weeny to the Rescue | Invisible Munki-Gu | Orticia Blooms | Orticia and the Pumpkins | Pirate Robot | Owlette, the Pirate Queen | Catboy's Magic Trick | Gekko The Croc | The Camping Trip | Pondweed Party | A Percival Problem | Luna Girl's Sleepover | Dragon Dance | An Yu and the Cave Stones | Midnight Snack Attack | The Voyage of the Golden Asteroid | Carly and Cartoka | The PJ Riders | Flashcar in the Sky | Luna's Mega Moth | Captain Pirate Robot | Crash Track Trick | Gekko's Speedy Lizard | Night Ninja's School of Naughtiness | The Jolly Ninjalino | The Power of Mystery Mountain | Slow and Sneaky | The PJ Riders Save the Day | Moon Marooned | Newton and the Star Splat | Trick or Treat | Heroes of the Road | Newton's Discovery | Romeo's Pirate Trap | Luna's Moon Attack |
| Heroes Everywhere | The Whiff of Badness | An Yu's Birthday | Newton's New Asteroid | Moon Music | I Scream for Wolfies | An Yu and the Gekkos | Pirate Ice Storm | Lilyfay | Iceworld | It's a Cat Thing | The Dance of Two Cats | Space Fairy Hero | Lilyfay and the Lake | Luna the Sun Girl | Cats on Wheels | Heroes of Iceworld | Gloop the Third | Wolfy Riders | Gekko Muscles In | The Christmas Ninjalinos | The Super Gloopster | Gloop in the Moat | Pharaoh's Mountain | Robot the Hero | Heroes of Space | Let it Howl | Wolfy Treasure Hunt | Bastet by the Book | Romeovision | Moth Boy | The Curse of Armadylan | Flashcar to the Moon | Catboy's Tiny Problem | The Sun Factory | Catboy Does it All | The Catastrophe Stone | The Legend of Moon Pirate | Return to Planet Gloop |
| Super Cat Speed | Super Gekko Muscles | Owl Eyes | Reinvention | Moth's Day | Super Moves Dance Party | Super Gekko Camouflage | Team Work | All Skills | Determination | Gekko Improvises | Super Singing Heroes | Team Night Ninja | Super Cat Ears | Owlette Improvises | A Job For All | Bravery | Catboy Improvises | Taking Turns | Training with the PJ Masks | Moon Rocked | Play Date on the Moon | Space Race | Cat Car Chaos | Gekko Mobile Mischief | Robots Wash Up | Owl Glider Gliding | Armadylan Style | Wolfy Garden | Bye Bye Bad Luna | Catboy Power Up | Owlette Power Up | Gekko Power Up | Masters of the Mountain | Moon Cuddly | The PJ Rovers | PJ Racing | An Yu's Bird Rescue | PJ Masks Surprise | Ninjability | HQ Tour | Minding Motsuki | It's A PJ Masks Christmas | Learning the Planets |