Phineas and Ferb Wiki
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“ Do you think you could look after Suzy for a few hours? ”

— Jeremy Johnson

Candace panics when she inadvertently agrees to babysit Jeremy's little sister Suzy, only for Suzy to be docile in the absence of her brother. Meanwhile, the boys build a replica of Niagara Falls. Elsewhere, Dr. Doofenshmirtz decides to increase his carbon footprint.

Episode Summary[]

Candace is talking to a paper mache version of Jeremy in her room when Jeremy actually calls her. He asks her to look after Suzy, since his parents aren't home and he got called into work. Candace, in a love-induced daze, agreed without really listening to him; she realizes her mistake only after he hangs up. Candace rushes to ask Linda for advice, but Linda only sees it as a babysitting job for Candace. Linda then proceeds to the store to get a replacement part for the sprinkler, comparing it to Niagara Falls in front of Phineas and Ferb. Ferb tells Phineas that Niagara Falls is a huge attraction for daredevils, which gets Phineas thinking.

Candace, in preparation for Suzy's visit, removes anything even remotely dangerous from the house, and greets them wearing a large foam suit. Suzy asks Candace if she wants to have fun, and Candace fears the worst, though Suzy does nothing harmful. Suzy then tells Candace she only humiliates her as a means to control her brother. Candace is amazed by this ability, and when Suzy learns that Candace cannot control her brothers, she considers this unacceptable and declares that they are going to the backyard.

Meanwhile, Major Monogram and Carl are unshaven as they warn Perry that Dr. Doofenshmirtz has NOT bought anything in bulk from the internet, which concerns them. Doofenshmirtz is interested in increasing his own carbon footprint; he doesn't know what that means, so he builds himself a large carbon foot made by carbon paper saved from the 70's. He traps Perry by tying him up in giant shoelaces.

Phineas and Ferb are busy making a replica of Niagara Falls in their backyard, with the assistance of Buford, Baljeet, and Isabella. Buford is chewing Tuff Gum, a super-strong gum for bullies. When Suzy comes out, she uses her sweetness, having the boys give her a glass of lemonade. Candace is in awe of Suzy's skill, and after being coached by Suzy, tries to get the boys to bust themselves. She starts by imitating Suzy's method, but it makes Phineas uncomfortable. She gives up and asks Phineas to call their mother himself, which he thinks is a great idea. He borrows Candace's cell phone to call Linda, convincing her to come home. Linda receives the call in a store, at first believing it's Candace. She's astounded when she hears Phineas's voice, talking about his and Ferb's Big Ideas the way Candace usually does.

The boys try out the waterfall ride, with Isabella and Baljeet in the barrel. Isabella tells Buford to leave his gum on the side as it is a choking hazard. Buford later jumps into the pool at the bottom, landing on Baljeet. Candace is excited at the prospect of the boys busting themselves. Everyone rushes out to greet Mom as she gets home.

Doofenshmirtz takes his carbon foot out via his dirigible. When Perry frees himself, he lunges at Doofenshmirtz, but he flies out a sliding window in the blimp. Instead, he follows by becoming a truck driver of a banana truck to the tune of Alabama Bound. Doofenshmirtz first tries to stomp on the waterfall the boys built, but it sticks to the bottom of his foot thanks to Buford's gum. Complaining that nature always gets stuck to the bottom of feet, he shakes it off, causing it to crash into a spring water bottling plant. Doofenshmirtz's second attempt to destroy nature is foiled as Perry dumps his giant banana on top of his truck on the ground. The carbon foot slips on the peel, swings around and crashes through the top of his blimp.

Linda fixes the broken sprinkler in the backyard, which had been feeding the waterfall earlier, and offers Phineas and his friends some pie. Candace, upset at being foiled, blames Suzy, who responds lightly that "Results may vary." Jeremy returns to the backyard, prompting Suzy to once more embarrass Candace, asking her to hold the hose and then turning it on, wetting Candace's hair. Candace sighs and says, "Guess we're back on the clock."


Read the transcript of Suddenly Suzy.


End Credits[]

A repeat of Alabama Bound


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Running Gags[]

The "Too Young" Line[]


Ferb's Line/I know what we're gonna do today!/Hey, where's Perry?[]

Phineas: Niagara Falls? Know anything about that, Ferb-meister?
Ferb: It's over 167 feet high. It's also tremendously popular with daredevils.
Phineas: Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today! Hey, where's Perry?
Ferb grunts as he throws a boulder at the top of the replica Niagara Falls.
Phineas: You know, even though I know that's paper-maché, that's still an impressive throw.

What'cha doin'?[]

By Isabella:

Isabella: Hey, Phineas. What'cha doin'?
Phineas: Hey, guys! What's with the baby carrier?
Baljeet: Ask him.
Buford: My chiropractor recommended it, it's just as humiliating as a half nelson and easier on my tennis elbow.

By Suzy:

Suzy: Hey guys. (giggles) What'cha doin'?
Isabella: Um, hello?
Phineas: Hey Suzy! We were just putting the finishing touches on our waterfall ride.

By Candace:

Candace: Hey boys! What'cha doin'?
Isabella: Ugh, do I even need to be here?
Phineas: Going over Niagara Falls in a barrel. Wanna come? It's gonna be sweet.

Oh, there you are, Perry[]


Perry's entrance to his lair[]

Perry lays on the grass and it flips for a second to a bunny in a patch of snow, then it flips again and Perry appears in his lair.

Evil Jingles[]

Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated and Doofenshmirtz Carbon Footprint

Memorable Quotes[]

Candace: (talking to her Jeremy statue) It's you! (picks up phone) Hello, Jeremy!
Jeremy: Hi, Candace. I was wondering if you could do me a favor?
Candace: (dreamily) Yeah...
Jeremy: Listen, I got called into work and my parents aren't home... do you think you could look after Suzy for a few hours?
Candace: (dreamily) Yeah...
Jeremy: I'll be right over. Thanks!
Candace: Yeah... huh? Oh! Wait, what did you say? Jeremy? No Jeremy!
Major Monogram: Agent P, you're here, we're getting very suspicious about Doofenshmirtz. He hasn't ordered any bulk items off the Internet lately. Get over there, and put a start to it!
Major Monogram: Carl, you disgust and fascinate me.
Phineas: What's that grinding sound?
Buford: Tuff Gum! Like the song says...
Pound nerds like a drum,
Stop a train with your thumb,
It's Tuff Gum!
Phineas: Wow. Can I have some?
Buford: Nah, I don't think so. It's for bullies only.
Phineas: (to Ferb) You got any regular gum? (Ferb pulls out a stick of gum and hands it to Phineas)
Male Singer: Regular Gum!
Phineas: All right everyone, Ferb and I built a giant waterfall ride and we want to do a test run. Who's in?
Isabella and Buford: Me!
Baljeet: Can I go?
Buford: Well just be careful, 'cause I worry about you.
Doofenshmirtz: (referring to carbon paper) I always thought that was going to come back. Shame.
Suzy: So, Candace, are you ready to have some fun?
Candace: N-n-n-no. I'm good. I hate fun.
Suzy: (threateningly) I've got a little game we can play!
Candace: G-g-g-game?
Suzy: It's called making...
Candace: M-m-making?
Suzy: Paper...
Candace: P-p-p-paper?
Suzy: (sweetly) Dolls!
Candace: (scared) PAPER DOLLS?! Huh?
Suzy: Oh, no. Making you look bad is one of the ways I control Jeremy. When he's not here, I'm off the clock.
Candace: I have so much to learn.
Buford: Tough guys don't drop stuff. TUFF GUM!
Linda: Phineas? You sound just like Candace. I mean, you sound like you but the things you're saying sound...
Phineas: Hurry up, you gotta see it.
Linda: All right, all right! Just as soon I find the right sprinkler part.(hangs up cell phone) I curse the day these things were invented.
Isabella: Better eighty-six the gum. It's a choking hazard.
Buford: Oh, all right. (pulls gum out of mouth and sticks it on faucet) But I'll be back for that bad boy!
Mr. Banana Manager: Congratulations, you are now an official driver for the Mr. Banana company. (Perry drives off) Man, that is so funny. I literally just wrote a song about a platypus driving a banana truck...(looks around) Hmm? Hmm? Wait! My demo!
Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Okay, see, this is why I hate nature. It always gets stuck to the bottom of your foot.
Farmer's Wife: I can't believe it. You walk away from a profitable miniature golf course franchise to open up a spring water bottling plant in the middle of downtown. What, did you expect a mountain spring to just fall out of the sky?
Phineas and Ferb's replica of Niagara Falls falls behind the shop
Farmer: You've never believed in me.
Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Okay, we'll try this again. Blah, blah, blah, carbon footprint!
Candace: Don't you have anything to say?
Suzy: Results may vary?

Background Information[]

  • This episode may happen before "Perry Lays an Egg" because Major Monogram has facial hair that is obviously real.
  • The "Tuff Gum" jingle is heard 3 times, and one parody, "Regular Gum".
  • This episode implies that Suzy does not love Jeremy at all and only loves the control she has over him.
  • Carl plays the Perry the Platypus theme on his one whisker.
  • Phineas asks Ferb for some gum. This time, Ferb complies. ("Thaddeus and Thor")

Production Information[]

  • The episode was aired first in Latin America (January 27, 2010) on Disney Channel entitled "De Pronto, Suzy" (Suddenly Suzy).
  • Alyson Stoner posted a video of her recording session for this episode and "I Was a Middle Aged Robot" on YouTube.[1]
  • This is the episode that beat out the previous record episode count of 87 held by Kim Possible, turning Phineas and Ferb into the Disney Channel animated series with the most episodes produced.

International Premieres[]

  • January 27, 2010 (Disney Channel Latin America)
  • March 24, 2010 (Disney XD Spain)
  • September 11, 2010 (Disney XD Scandinavia)


  • When Phineas asks his friends about making a trial run on the Niagara Falls, Buford's shorts turn black instead of brown.
  • Buford put his gum on the side of the Niagara Falls hose, but when Dr. Doofenshmirtz picks it up with his giant carbon foot it's on top of the hose.
  • In the Tuff Gum jingle, the lyric "stop a train with your thumb" is in all italic except for the 'w' in 'with.'
  • When Doofenshmirtz hits Niagara Falls, it should have been crushed, because earlier in the episode, Ferb throws a rock all the way to the top of it, then Phineas says, "...Even though I know that's paper-mache, that's still an impressive throw."
  • Candace is wearing a protective suit when Suzy arrives to the house, but when Suzy's asking her to make paper dolls, she's back in her normal clothes.
  • When Suzy drinks her lemonade, the lemonade didn't get less.
  • Though the Nagging Wife mentions to her husband that he walked away from a "profitable miniature golf franchise" (seen in "Put That Putter Away"), he is clearly not exactly the same person as seen in that episode (having gone from an Irish-Scottish appearance to a plainer-looking man in glasses). She may be referring to an opportunity to invest with the Irish-Scottish owner in Little Duffer's that he declined.
  • When Perry drives the truck, the camera faces on its feet and when the camera faces Perry slowly, Perry's hat is not the fedora but the worker's hat that he didn't wear at first.
  • Perry shouldn't be able to get sunburn, because he's got fur.
  • When Perry sticks his arm back in the banana truck, his sunburn is gone.
  • When Doofenshmirtz hits the Banana smoosh with the carbon footprint, Perry is driving the truck. A few seconds later, when everyone walks into the backyard, Perry is already there.
  • After Phineas and Ferb ride Niagara Falls, they were soaked. However, when mom got home a few seconds later, they were completely dry.
  • When Suzy says "If he's not here, I'm off the clock," her foot overlaps the wall.



  • The title may be a parody of the song "Suddenly Seymour" from Little Shop of Horrors. A more direct allusion may be the 1990s sitcom Suddenly Susan, staring Brooke Shields.
  • Carbon paper is a type of paper (which, as Dr. Doofenshmirtz points out, is no longer used that much) which is placed in between two sheets of paper to create a copy of the original document as it's being written, from which the term "carbon copy" originates. This was eventually phased out in favor of Xerox machines. Doofenshmirtz is taking literally the phrase "carbon footprint", which actually represents the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by a household or corporation. Reducing carbon footprints is a major part of the environmental movement popularized by Albert Gore and others in the late 2000s.
  • Niagara Falls is a large waterfall stationed between two towns sharing that name in New York and Ontario, Canada. Jumping Niagara Falls- especially in a barrel- is a popular stunt both in reality and fiction.
  • The mudflaps on Perry's truck mimic a popular mudflap design depicting the Warner Bros. character Yosemite Sam brandishing two guns with the inscription "Back Off!"
  • "Tuff Gum" may reference the popular sports gum "Quech Gum."
  • Hancock - The manner by which the brute stopped the commuter train with his thumb in the Tuff Gum ad was reminiscent to how John Hancock halted a freight train in the film.
  • When Carl is making music by plucking the hair on his face, it may be a reference to the film adaptation of The Cat in the Hat, where, in one scene, the Cat plays a tune on his whiskers.
  • The "Mr. Banana" company was based on the same company in Kim Possible, where Monique works.
  • Caterpillar, Incorporated - Perry's trucker cap says, "PLAT." The color scheme of the logo and style of the letters resembles the classic CAT trucker cap.
  • The song "Alabama Bound" may be a parody of the song "East Bound and Down" from the movie Smokey & the Bandit.



Main article: Credits
♦ designates a character that did not appear in this episode


"I Was a Middle Aged Robot"
Episodes Next:
"Undercover Carl"
v - e - dPhineas and Ferb
Season 1
"Rollercoaster" | "Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror" | "Flop Starz" | "The Fast and the Phineas"
"Lights, Candace, Action!" | "Raging Bully" | "Candace Loses Her Head" | "I, Brobot"
"Run Away Runway" | "The Magnificent Few" | "S'Winter" | "Jerk De Soleil" | "Are You My Mummy?"
"Ready for the Bettys" | "I Scream, You Scream" | "Toy to the World"
"Get That Bigfoot Outa My Face!" | "It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World" | "Mom's Birthday"
"Journey to the Center of Candace" | "It's About Time!"
"Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together" | "Tree to Get Ready" | "The Ballad of Badbeard"
"Greece Lightning" | "Leave the Busting to Us!" | "Crack That Whip" | "The Best Lazy Day Ever"
"Boyfriend From 27,000 B.C." | "Voyage to the Bottom of Buford" | "A Hard Day's Knight"
"Traffic Cam Caper" | "Bowl-R-Ama Drama" | "Got Game?" | "Comet Kermillian"
"Put That Putter Away" | "Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?" | "The Flying Fishmonger"
"One Good Scare Ought to Do It!" | "The Monster of Phineas-n-Ferbenstein" | "Oil on Candace"
"Out of Toon" | "Hail Doofania!" | "Out to Launch" | "Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!"
"Unfair Science Fair" | "Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story)"
Season 2
"The Lake Nose Monster" | "Interview With a Platypus" | "Tip of the Day"
"Attack of the 50 Foot Sister" | "Backyard Aquarium" | "Day of the Living Gelatin"
"Elementary My Dear Stacy" | "Don't Even Blink" | "Chez Platypus" | "Perry Lays an Egg"
"Gaming the System" | "The Chronicles of Meap" | "Thaddeus and Thor" | "De Plane! De Plane!"
"Let's Take a Quiz" | "At the Car Wash" | "Oh, There You Are, Perry" | "Swiss Family Phineas"
"Hide and Seek" | "That Sinking Feeling" | "The Baljeatles" | "Vanessassary Roughness"
"No More Bunny Business" | "Spa Day" | "Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo"
"Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown" | "Bubble Boys" | "Isabella and the Temple of Sap"
"Cheer Up Candace" | "Fireside Girl Jamboree" |"The Bully Code" | "Finding Mary McGuffin" | "Picture This"
"Nerdy Dancin'" | "What Do It Do?" | "Atlantis" | "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!"
"Just Passing Through" | "Candace's Big Day" | "I Was a Middle Aged Robot" | "Suddenly Suzy"
"Undercover Carl" | "Hip Hip Parade" | "Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers" | "Ain't No Kiddie Ride"
"Not Phineas and Ferb" | "Phineas and Ferb-Busters!" | "The Lizard Whisperer" | "Robot Rodeo" | "The Beak"
"She's the Mayor" | "The Lemonade Stand" | "Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation" | "Nerds of a Feather"
"Wizard of Odd" | "We Call it Maze" | "Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem!" | "The Secret of Success"
"The Doof Side of the Moon" | "Split Personality" | "Brain Drain" | "Rollercoaster: The Musical!"
"Make Play" | "Candace Gets Busted"
Season 3
"The Great Indoors" | "Canderemy" | "Run, Candace, Run" | "Last Train to Bustville"
"Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!" | "The Belly of the Beast" | "Moon Farm"
"Ask a Foolish Question" | "Misperceived Monotreme" | "Candace Disconnected"
"Magic Carpet Ride" | "Bad Hair Day" | "Meatloaf Surprise" | "Phineas and Ferb Interrupted"
"A Real Boy" | "Mommy Can You Hear Me?" | "Road Trip" | "Tour de Ferb" | "Skiddley Whiffers"
"My Fair Goalie" | "Bullseye!" | "That's the Spirit" | "The Curse of Candace"
"Escape from Phineas Tower" | "Lotsa Latkes" | "Ferb Latin"
"A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas" | "Tri-Stone Area" | "Doof Dynasty" |"Excaliferb"
"Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon" | "Monster from the Id" | "Gi-Ants"
"The Remains of the Platypus" | "Mom's in the House" | "Perry The Actorpus" | "Let's Bounce"
"Bully Bromance Breakup" | "Quietest Day Ever" | "The Doonkelberry Imperative‎‎"
"Meapless in Seattle" | "Delivery of Destiny" | "Buford Confidential" | "The Mom Attractor"
"Cranius Maximus" | "Agent Doof" | "Minor Monogram" | "What A Croc!" | "Sleepwalk Surprise"
"Sci-Fi Pie Fly" | "Sipping with the Enemy" | "Tri-State Treasure: Boot of Secrets" | "Doofapus"
"Norm Unleashed" | "Where's Perry?" | "Where's Perry? (Part Two)" |"Ferb TV"
"When Worlds Collide" | "What'd I Miss?" | "Road to Danville"
"This Is Your Backstory" | "Blackout!"
Season 4
"For Your Ice Only" | "Happy New Year!" | "Fly On the Wall" | "Bully Bust" | "My Sweet Ride"
"Der Kinderlumper" | "Sidetracked" | "Primal Perry" | "Mind Share" | "Backyard Hodge Podge"
"Bee Day" | "Bee Story" | "Great Balls Of Water" | "Where's Pinky?"
"Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown Hosted by Kelly Osbourne"
"Knot My Problem" | "Just Desserts" | "La Candace-Cabra" | "Happy Birthday, Isabella"
"Love at First Byte" | "One Good Turn" | "Thanks But No Thanks" | "Troy Story"
"Druselsteinoween" | "Terrifying Tri-State Trilogy of Terror" | "Face Your Fear" | "Cheers for Fears"
"Steampunx" | "Just Our Luck" | "Return Policy" | "Live and Let Drive" | "Father's Day"
"Imperfect Storm" | "The Return of the Rogue Rabbit" | "It's No Picnic" | "The Klimpaloon Ultimatum"
"Operation Crumb Cake" | "Mandace" | "Lost in Danville" | "The Inator Method"
"Tales from the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension" | "Doof 101" | "Act Your Age"
Season 5
"Summer Block Buster" | "Cloudy with a Chance of Mom" | "Appetite for Adventure" | "License to Bust"
"Dry Another Day" | "Deconstructing Doof" | "Tropey McTropeface" | "Biblio-Blast!" | "A Chip to the Vet"
"More Than an Intern" | "The Aurora Perry-Alis" | "Agent T (For Teen)" | "The Haberdasher"
"The Candace Suit" | "Out of Character" | "Meap Me in St. Louis"
"Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You!" | "Phineas and Ferb Save Summer"
"Night of the Living Pharmacists" | "Last Day of Summer" | "O.W.C.A. Files"
Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension
Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe
"Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel" | "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars" | "The Phineas and Ferb Effect"