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This is a song article.

"History of Rock" was a song sung by Danny of Love Händel to Phineas and Ferb in "Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together". The song progresses through five different genres, telling the history of rock: first blues (40's), then rock and roll (50's), than psychedelia (60's), followed by funk ('70s), and finally heavy metal ('80s to present).


Danny: Sit down, I'll tell you a little story.

(40's Blues)
Danny: When I was a boy, down in South Illinois, I heard a man playing blues, oh, what a wonderful noise
He had an old guitar, but not a dollar to his name, making music so sad, but he was happy just the same
He gave me a wink, and said: "Son, let me share the news...if you want a happy life, you gotta learn to sing the blues!"

(50's Rock and Roll)
I asked my daddy for a guitar, ah, I begged and I plead, I said I wanted to play the blues, and he just nodded his head.
Daddy said when he was my age,  "Boogie-Woogie" was the thing...
Phineas: Just take the blues, throw out your hip, and add a little swing...
Danny: Ah, music has the power, that without it, he'd a-sworn that he'd a never met my mom and I'd a-never been born...

(60's Psychedelic)
Phineas: So what's this?
Danny: This is Psychedelia; It's where the guitar solo came from.
Phineas: No, I mean what's with all the colors?
(Music suddenly stops)
Danny: I have no idea.

(70's Funk)
Ha!  I kept learning all the powers my guitar had...
I made it go "wakka-wakka"  'till it was so good it was bad
Phineas: Just make a face, and slap that bass, you can make that rhythm bump...
But this is just the blues, put in a way that makes you wanna shake your rump!
Danny: It can make you clap your hands, it can make you get up and dance...
If you wanna shake your booty, my friend, you gotta give the funk a chance....

(80's Heavy Metal)
Metal! Pound your fist in the air!  Metal!  Bang your head full of hair!
It's grungy, and it's nasty, full of bad attitude...
Phineas: Your parents will think you're crazy, your neighbors will think you're rude
Danny: Believe it or not, it's all the blues again; you just add a little fuzz and turn your amp up to 10!...
Music has the power to change your life forever! (Whoa!)



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Background Information[]

  • History Lesson - In response to when Phineas asks about the colors, the answer to it is back in the 60s, a man would stand in the back of the stage and pour paint onto a projector so that colors would swirl on the background of the bands playing. This was meant to counteract side effects of fans who were using LSD.
    • Phineas breaks the fourth wall by asking about the colors.
  • This is the only song to accumulate 5 different styles of music through five different decades of rock, starting with how rock originated from blues in the 40s, then became popular in the 50s, and then heavy metal starting to rise in the 60s, and funk and disco becoming the trend of the 70s, and then the current heavy metal style usage since the 80s.
  • In a way, the visual performance of the song may be a homage to the video for Red Hot Chili Peppers' song "Dani California" as it also features a music through the ages theme.
  • In the 70s funky part of the song, Phineas is dressed like Elton John, including his star-shaped sunglasses.
  • During the 80's Metallica esque scene of the video, Ferb is dressed as Slash from the band "Guns N' Roses" but strangely, he is playing the drums, while Slash is known as one of the world's most well-known guitar players. Phineas is dressed as Guns N' Roses' lead singer Axl Rose from the 88 Ritz show. Danny is wearing a fishnet shirt, a homage to Mötley CrĂĽe's drummer Tommy Lee from the Shout at The Devil album cover, which is based on The Beatles' "Let It Be". The "Shuh!" noise Danny makes at the end is used by Axl at the end of "Welcome to the Jungle".
  • Animation Error: When Danny plays the guitar solo in the psychedelic section, if you look closely, it's actually a Fender P-Bass that he plays. It shares the same animation model as bandmate Bobbi Fabulous's bass.
  • During the 60's "psychedelia" part of the song, Ferb looks like John Lennon. Phineas has a double-neck guitar during the Thrash Metal part of the song.
  • The title of this song was originally thought to be "Danny's Story" since Danny introduces it by saying "Sit down, I'll tell you a little story". Song title was confirmed as "History of Rock" via BMI website (BMI Work #9855080).
  • All of the songs that the members of Love Händel performed from their debut episode made it onto the Phineas and Ferb Soundtrack except for this one. Originally, the soundtrack contained 28 songs, including "History of Rock". "History of Rock" didn't appear in "Phineas and Ferb-ulous: The Ultimate Album" either.
  • Right before the 60's psychedelic portion of the song, Danny switches guitars from the original red one to a purple one.


  • The red guitar is a Taylor.


BMI Work #9855080

See also[]

"Evil Jingle" (Abandoned Self-Storage Version) ("Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together")
Songs Next:
"Funky Robot Romance" (Instrumental 2)
"Not Knowing Where You're Going"
Songs (Instrumental 1) Next:
"Kick My Way Into Her Heart" (Instrumental)
"Watchin' and Waitin'" (Instrumental 7)
Songs (Instrumental 2) Next:
"My Cruisin' Sweet Ride"
v - e - dSongs
Season 1
"Phineas and Ferb Theme" | "If Summer Only Lasted One Day" | "Backyard Beach" | "Our Song"
"Perry the Platypus" | "Audition Medley" | "Gitchee Gitchee Goo" | "Evil Jingle"
"I'm Lindana and I Wanna Have Fun" | "Go, Go, Phineas" | "Gunther Goat Cheese's" | "He's a Bully"
"It's Going So Badly" | "She's Candace" | "Phinedroids and Ferbots" | "Forever Summer" | "On the Trail"
"In the Mall" | "S'Winter" | "E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S." | "My Undead Mummy" | "Betty Jam" | "Phineas and Ferb"
"Ready for the Bettys" | "Busted" | "Shimmy Jimmy" | "Ferb Tango" | "Quirky Worky Song" | "Brick"
"Bigfoot" | "Truck Drivin' Girl" | "Eggs and Bacon" | "I Love You Mom" | "Hemoglobin Highway"
"When We Didn't Get Along" | "My Nemesis" | "Fossils" | "History of Rock"
"It's Your Anniversary Jingle" | "Fabulous" | "Ain't Got Rhythm"
"You Snuck Your Way Right Into My Heart" | "Music Makes Us Better"
"My Goody Two-Shoes Brother" | "The Ballad of Badbeard" | "My Chariot" | "Paul Bunyan"
"Leave the Busting to Us!" | "Gotta Make Summer Last" | "Ring of Fun" | "Do Nothing Day"
"Happy Sandwich Man" | "Lookin So Fly" | "Fish Out of Water" | "Ballad of the Black Knight"
"And the Animals Go" | "Herman the Hedgehog" | "Pin Bowlin'" | "F-Games"
"S.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants)" | "Disco Miniature Golfing Queen" | "Slushy the Clown"
"Perry the Teenage Girl" | "Dirge" | "Flying Fishmonger" | "It's Candace" | "One Good Scare"
"He's Eviler" | "Impress My Professor" | "Busted Conga" | "Pinhead Pierre" | "Hail Doofania!"
"Let's Take A Rocketship To Space" | "Shooting Star Milkshake Bar" | "The Good Life" | "Little Brothers"
"Chains on Me" | "Corndog Jingle" | "Sleepy Ending" | "Baliwood" | "Queen of Mars"
Season 2
"Phineas and Ferb Theme"| "Evil Jingle" | "Mission Song" | "Save You Save Me" | "My Wettest Friend"
"Quirky Worky Song" | "Perfect Day" | "A-G-L-E-T" | "Flawless Girl" | "When Will He Call Me?"
"Come On, Kids!" | "It's Elementary" | "Watchin' and Waitin'" | "Do Nothing Day"
"Happy Evil Love Song" | "Technology vs. Nature" | "Let's Go Digital" | "My Ride From Outer Space"
"Bango Ru" | "Kick My Way Into Her Heart" | "Loser Let's Boogie" | "So Peanutty"
"Big Ginormous Airplane" | "Let's Take a Quiz" | "Flip Flop Jingle" | "Phintastic Ferbulous Car Wash"
"Come Home Perry" | "Carl, the Intern" | "When You're Small" | "Boat of Romance"
"Gotta Make Summer Last" | "Gimme a Grade" | "I'm Me" | "X-Ray Eyes" | "Spa Day" | "Dr. Coconut"
"Today is Gonna Be a Great Day" | "Also Sprach Zarathustra" | "Charmed Life" | "Ready for the Bettys"
"Queen of Mars" | "Ain't Got Rhythm" | "I Love You Mom" | "E.V.I.L. B.O.Y.S."
"S.I.M.P. (Squirrels In My Pants)" | "Little Brothers" | "Busted" | "Backyard Beach"
"My Name is Doof" | "His Name is Doof" | "Gitchee Gitchee Goo" | "Yodel Odel Obey Me"
"Important to Look Your Best" | "Fireside Girls Anthem" | "Stiff Beauty" | "Mix and Mingle Machine"
"Go Candace" | "He'll Do Anything But Go Away" | "Not So Bad A Dad"
"Mexican-Jewish Cultural Festival" | "There is No Candy in Me" | "Let's All Dance Until We're Sick"
"Evil Hand Rap" | "That's Wings, You Turkey" | "What Do It Do?" | "Bust Em Beat Em Frenzy"
"Funky Robot Romance" | "Atlantis" |"Bobblehead Perry the Platypus" | "Winter Vacation"
"Twelve Days of Christmas" | "I Really Don't Hate Christmas" | "That Christmas Feeling"
"That Christmas Feeling (Reprise)" | "We Wish You A Merry Christmas (Carolers' Version)"
"Where Did We Go Wrong?" | "Danville for Niceness"
"Christmas Cannot Be Destroyed Not Even by a Naughty-Inator" | "Christmas is Starting Now"
"Thank You Santa" | "What Does He Want?" | "Just Passing Through" | "Wedding Adventure"
"Bubble Gum" | "Tuff Gum" | "Alabama Bound" | "Carl, Incognito" | "When You Levitate"
"Tri-State Area Unification Day" | "You're Not Ferb" | "So Busted" | "Ain't No Kiddie Ride"
"Space Adventure" | "Busted Dance" | "Bust Your Brothers" | "Robot Rodeo" | "Izzy's Got the Frizzies"
"Yippy Ki Yi Yay!" | "The Beak" | "Pioneer Quirky" | "Ordinary Day" | "You're My Better Best Friend"
"Prime Calypso" | "Bad Luck" | "Agent W Theme" | "Doof 'N' Puss" | "Ducky Momo is My Friend"
"Glorf" | "To War" | "Ducky Momo Theme Song" | "Yellow Sidewalk" | "I Wish I Was Cool"
"Tree Related Wish" | "Want Nothing" | "Guard Song" | "Red Rubber Boots" | "Rusted"
"Not Knowing Where You're Going" | "I'm Lindana and I Wanna Have Fun" | "Alien Heart"
"All Terrain Vehicle" | "Gimme Your Money" | "Keep on Building" | "I'm Through with Me"
"I Want to Sing" | "There's a Platypus Controlling Me" | "Hey Ferb" | "You're Going Down"
"What'cha Doin'?" | "Monogram Box Song" | "Mom Look" | "Aren't You a Little Young?"
"Back in Gimmelshtump" | "Rollercoaster" | "Carpe Diem" | "Breath" | "Candace Party"
Season 3
"Phineas and Ferb Theme" | "Evil Jingle" | "Rain-Inator" | "Set the Record Straight" | "Do the Moan"
"Brahms's Lullaby" | "Just the Two of Us" | "Run, Candace, Run" | "Give Up"
"Doofenshmirtz Vacation Condo" | "Ferb" | "Mission Song" | "Ballad of Badbeard"
"Also Sprach Zarathustra" | "Quirky Worky Song" | "F-Games" | "Fireside Howl"
"A-G-L-E-T" | "Gotta Make Summer Last" | "Yippy Ki Yi Yay!" | "Shark of Danville Harbor"
"The Mermaid Brought My Boots" | "Moon Farm" | "Super Computer" | "Shangri-La" | "Funhouse"
"Dance Baby" | "Pinhead Pierre" | "Aerial Area Rug" | "Dart Song" | "Meatloaf" | "Blueprints" | "Snacks"
"Gumshine" | "Real Boy" | "The Truckers Saved Christmas" | "Alabama Bound" | "Home on the Road"
"Bust is in the Bag" | "Tour de Ferb" | "Skiddley Whiffers" | "Poison Sumac" | "Not as Much"
"Lady Song" | "Football X-7" | "Victory Dance" | "Nostrils on the Bus" | "Evil Tonight"
"Were-Cow" | "Vampire Song" | "Breakin' Out" | "Frenemies" | "Ferb Latin"
"Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow" | "Oh, Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated"
"Good King Wenceslas" | "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" | "Zubada" | "The Way of the Platypus"
"Mid Summer Harvest" | "Questing Song" | "Epic Monster Battle" | "Don't Look Down"
"Perry in a Fez" | "Cereal Tune" | "Deep Into Your Mind‎‎" | "Ants" | "Cheesetopia"
"Perry's Hat" | "Perry Tronic" | "Let's Spend Half a Day" | "Lies" | "Free"
"Big Honkin' Hole in My Heart" | "I'm Handsome" | "Drusselstein DMV" | "Looking for Books"
"Drusselstein Driving Test Waltz" | "Big Mitch" | "Peter and Perry" | "Wee Wee Wee"
"Sucker for Mass Transit" | "You Snuck Your Way Right Into My Heart" | "He's Driving Safe"
"He's on His Way" | "Sci Fi Speculative" | "Going to City Hall" | "Kitty in a Box"
"He's Not Sure" | "We Wanna Eat" | "Sliding Down a Tube" | "Paul's Revelation Operetta"
"Alouette" | "Home on the Range" | "Runnin' from Love (In a Bear Suit)" | "Awesome"
"Mallet Song" | "We Are the Moms" | "Big Brain" | "Here's Why It is Great to Be a Baby"
"S'Fall" | "Horse in a Bookcase" | "Subterranean Crocodile Apprehension Expedition"
"I'm Unconsciously Creating Truly Evil Inators" | "Jetpack Volleyball"
"Monogram Rap This Old Man" | "Non-Reaction Song" | "Won't Keep Us Apart" | "Swap Meet"
"Carl, the Intern" | "He's Major Monogram" | "When Platypi Fight" | "Weaponry"
"On the Savannah" | "Highly Unconventional Vehicle" | "Evil for Extra Credit" | "Livin' with Monkeys"
"That's the Norm" | "Ducky Momo Theme Song" | "Bicentennial Crab" | "Whalemingo"
"Double Dutch Song" | "Be a Squirrel" | "Heck of a Day" | "Kick My Way Into Her Heart"
"Not So Bad A Dad" | "That's Wings, You Turkey" | "What Do It Do?"
"Happy Evil Love Song" | "My Nemesis" | "What Is This Thing?"
Season 4
"Phineas and Ferb Theme"| "Evil Jingle" | "Phineas and Ferb Winter Vacation" | "Hockey Z-9"
"Quirky Worky Song" | "Happy New Year" | "Summer (Where Do We Begin?)" | "Fly On the Wall"
"Van Stomm's Rule One" | "If We Don't Succeed" | "My Cruisin' Sweet Ride (Opening Version)"
"My Cruisin' Sweet Ride" | "Kinderlumper" | "Handcar" | "New Greenland Anthem" | "Helicopter Fight"
"Improbably Knot" | "Buford is in Trouble" | "Square Dance" | "Shake Your Body"
"Animal Agents' Birthday Song" | "Backyard Hodge Podge" | "Pi" | "Bee Song" | "Waggle Dance"
"Extraordinary" | "History of the Tri-State Area" | "Candace Party" | "Come Home Perry"
"I'm Me" | "A-G-L-E-T" | "City of Love" | "Summer (Where Do We Begin?)"
"Brand New Best Friend" | "There's a Platypus Controlling Me" | "Summer Belongs to You"
"Everything's Better with Perry" | "Gordian Knot" | "Rock Climbing Wall" | "Get Back Hair"
"Chupacabra Ho" | "Isabella's Birthday Song" | "Robot Love Song"
"I am the Very Model of a Modern Major Monogram" | "Humiliating Stumblegimp Dance of Contrition"
"Dance of Contrition" | "The K-I-S-S-I-N-G Song" | "Pyramid Sports" | "Troy" | "Foot Stomp Mash Up"
"Vampire Queens Love Pimpernels" | "No Mo Mo" | "Rusty Britches Song 1" | "Rusty Britches Song 2"
"Rusty Britches Song 3" | "Foam Town" | "Irish Rover" | "Giant 3D Scrapbook"
"Regular Sized Scrapbook" | "Professor Elemental Future Past" | "Trudgin' to Get Some Water"
"Dancing in the Sunshine" | "Extremely Extreme" | "Gonna Get My Bust On"
"Doof's Evil Hideout Vacation Swap" | "Fletcher Family Flying Circus" | "Du Bois Jingle"
"Straight Up Bust" | "Babyface Trucking" | "Giant Puppet Show" | "Pic-A-Nic Bust"
"Ducky Momo Theme Song" | "Punky Momo" | "Trees are Made of Wood"
"Flashing Back To Fashion Forward" | "The Ballad of Klimpaloon" | "I Need My Letter Back"
"Leave the Busting to Us!" | "Cool Song"| "Talk to Him" | "Inator Method" | "Awesome"
"Playing a Game of Sports"|"ABC Song" | "All the Convoluted Reasons We Pretend to be Divorced"
"Doof 101" | "Scary Teenage Monster" | "Mid-Life Crisis" | "What Might Have Been"
"I Believe We Can" | "J-Pop (Welcome to Tokyo)" | "Rubber Bands, Rubber Balls"
"Bouncin' Around the World" | "Sad French Song" | "City of Love" | "Follow the Sun"
"Summer Belongs to You" | "Surfin' Asteroids" | "My Streets" | "My Evil Buddies and Me"
"Only Trying to Help" | "Feelin' Super" | "Feeling Froggy" | "Summer All Over the World"
"Battle Hymn of the Republic" | "Irving's Camp Fire Song" | "O.W.C.A.'s Goin' Down"
"Tatooine" | "Sith Roast" | "Socks" | "Sith Roast Decaf" | "Fully Operational Death Star"
"In the Empire" | "Imperial March" | "Cantina Band" | "I'm Feelin' So Low" | "Sith-Inator"
"Rebel, Let's Go!" | "Jump Right to It" | "Army of Me" | "Triangulation" | "Lots of Me"
"Serious Fun" | "To Do Today" | "There's No One I'd Rather Go Nowhere With"
"When Tomorrow is This Morning Again" | "The Muffin Man" | "Platypus Walk"
"Gotta Get Back in Time" | "Curtain Call/Time Spent Together" | "O.W.C.A. Files"
"Beautiful Lunchtime" | "They Left Me Standing Outside" | "Friend Like Mine" | "Bits of All of Us"
"Chop Away at My Heart" | "Lot of Pressure" | "How Do I Do It?"
Across the 2nd Dimension
"Everything's Better with Perry" | "Quirky Worky Song" | "He's Doof" | "Brand New Best Friend"
"Victory Gum" | "Summer (Where Do We Begin?)" | "I Walk Away" | "Baljeet Explanation"
"Brand New Reality" | "Robot Riot" | "Takin' Care of Things" | "Kick It Up A Notch"
Candace Against the Universe
"Such a Beautiful Day" | "The Universe is Against Me" | "Meet Our Leader" | "Unsung Hero" | "Adulting"
"Girls Day Out" | "This Is Our Battle Song" | "Us Against the Universe" | "Silhouettes" | "We're Back"
"We Wish You a Perry Christmas" | "Dodger Etiquette Song" | "Phineas and Ferb's Song"
"Vanessa's Song" | "Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Agent P's Song" | "Isabella's Song"
"The Twelve Days of Christmas" | "Frosty the Snowman (Recorded as "Perry Saves Christmas")"
"Run Rudolph Run" | "The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)"
"Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town" | "Take Two with Phineas and Ferb"
"I'm Bringin' My Muffin Through a Dimensional Portal" | "Gotta Get Gone"
"Animatin' Rap" | "Gonna Put On A Show!" | "Doofenshmirtz's Broadway Medley"
"My Secret Agent" | "Just Want to See You Smile" | "Y.M.C.A. (Phineas and Ferb Remix)"
Doofenshmirtz's Daily Dirt
"I'm Done Really" | "Open Quantum Style" | "The Doof Raps On Rap" | "What Does the Fox Say?"
"Greenland Song" | "Answer This"
"Limbo" | "Sir Phineas and Ferb" | "Walking Through an Alien Landscape" | "How We Make Phineas and Ferb"
"You're Wrong" | "This is Our Inspirational Song" | "The Elf Police" | "Where the Heck Were We?"
"Farmer's Wife Song" | "Princess" | "Mysterious Force" | "This Is Your Backstory"
"Good Guy" | "Step into the Great Unknown"