Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

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Near Pure Good Hero Wiki

Asuka (飛鳥) is the main protagonist and central focus of the Senran Kagura video game and anime series. She is the leader of the the shinobi Hanzō National Academy.

She was voiced by Hitomi Harada in the Japanese version and Felecia Angelle in English version of the anime.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Close to Being Pure Good?[]

  • Her entire motive for deciding to train to become a shinobi at Hanzo was so that she could make the world a better place and help people in need by becoming the greatest ninja in the world.
  • In spite of her occupation as a ninja, she doesn't truly believe in hurting others unless it's 100% necessary.
  • She believes highly in teamwork and always makes sure to help her teammates during battles together due to this.
  • Even after the members of Homura's Crimson squad tried to attack her and her teammates and outright declared themselves as evil ninjas, she still tried to befriend them and insisted that there was some good in them. This is what played a large part in their ultimate decisions to redeem themselves.
  • While she originally tried to kill Kagura, she, along with the other Hanzo girls, decided to instead try and save her from having her body will wither away and return to the form of the Reincarnation Sphere for another 100 years before being reincarnated again.
  • Similar to her treatment of Homura's Crimson Squad, she gave the Hebijo girls a chance to redeem themselves as well rather than just writing them off as nothing more than enemies to be defeated.

What Prevents Her From Being Pure Good?[]

  • She, like the other Hanzo elites, originally went along with their orders to kill Kagura without hesitation before being confronted about it by Homura's Crimson Squad.
  • She can be a control freak at times.


  • She's the only Senran Kagura hero to be Near Pure Good.

External Links[]
