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Battle Without A Quirk ("å€‹ę€§"ē„”ćęˆ¦ć„ "Kosei" Naki Tatakai?) is the one hundred and fifty-ninth episode of the My Hero Academia anime and the twenty-first and final episode of the seventh season.


The onslaught threatened by Sad Man's Legion comes to an end, as more of the Twice doubles created by Himiko continue to disappear into the sky. One of the partially transformed ones manage to slice Hawks on the shoulder before disappearing too. The exhausted Hawks accepts the assault and his avenger's rage, as the real Twice was a great guy. The exhausted hero then passes out.

Himiko walks up and picks up her tattered Blood Sucking Machine, and accepts that taking up the knife to become like the people she loved, has twisted itself into anger and hatred in pursuit of making the world easier for her to live in.

Himiko then doubles over in pain, realizing that the recoil of accessing Quirks through Transform was taking effect. She then looks over a beaten and bloodied Uravity, and notices that she's still using Zero Gravity to float her allies down safely after her Quirk awakened. The fight has caused the hero to lose an exuberant amount of blood, and she's unable to move and can barely maintain consciousness, but Uravity forces herself awake to get everyone to safety.

Himiko says that the League of Villains will destroy everything and create that easy world she's always wants to live in, but she also thinks about what Uravity said to her and how happy it made her feel. Himiko then drinks some of Uravity's spilled blood and messily transforms into her, and says that the hero-in-training isn't going to die. Using the needles from the Blood Sucking Machine, Himiko sticks two of them into her and Uravity's arms. Taking a page from when Twice saved her in the League's fight in Deika City, Himiko gives Uravity an impromptu blood transfusion, as Transform allows Himiko to mimic blood type as well. Uravity tries to protest as the procedure might kill her, but she's unable to speak.

Himiko breaks of one of the needles from her cannisters and begins stitching Uravity's wounds closed, and wonders if the latter would still give her blood for the rest of her life as promised, even if she were imprisoned. Himiko says Uravity should've just stuck to catching Villains and following the usual mindset of how Heroes deal with problems. Though she's grateful that she stuck her neck out to reach out to someone who's hurt her friends.

Himiko lays down next to Uravity, and says she's still determined to live how she wants, in the same way that the other girl was focused on catching her. Himiko cries and apologizes for stabbing and yelling at Uravity, and thanks her for not trying to sweep her tainted memories under the rug, unlike when Dabi burned her old house down.

She says the process was difficult, but after Uravity reached out to her, her heart felt lighter and a great weight was lifted off her. Himiko thanks Uravity once more, as Uravity weakly calls out her name as the blood transfusion continues. As Himiko loses more blood, she wonders that if she was able to find this feeling earlier, if it would motivate her to give blood with the same passion she feels when drinking it. And if it would still allow her to reach that easier life. Either way, Himiko says she's lived exactly how he wanted: as a normal with the cutest smile in the world.

About twenty minutes before this, in Ido City, All Might, with a briefcase in hand, stares down and mentally prepares for what seems to be his final fight with All For One, who is en route to make contact with Tomura. All Might thinks about Nighteye's last use of Foresight on him, in which afterward he said All Might will end up dying gruesomely during a fight with a Villain if he continues his Hero Career. The retired Hero realizes that this moment is what his ex-sidekick was warning him about, though he doubts he recognized the Villain as a de-aging All For One.

Both men stare each other down intensely, as All Might declares that he is here. The briefcase, with some additional parts sent by Hercules, then splits off and creates a state-of-the-art mechanized suit around the ex-hero: The Armored All Might. Thinking back to his late master's advice, All Might shows off that signature smile, and cocks his fights in preparation for battle.

Hercules starts streaming a live video of All Might and his fight directly to Naomasa and the rest of the Counter-Force. La Brava takes the opportunity to make a proxy livestream of the feed as well, to the rest of the staff's annoyance. Naomasa realizes what All Might's planning, and believing that effort his futile due to All Might being Quirkless, asks La Brave to cut the stream. In his opinion, this will only broadcast the brutal maiming of his friend in an attempt to stall for a few minutes at most so his students can continue their fight.

All For One looks down at All Might, and despite knowing how seemingly futile his plan is, and how easy it is to toy with him, can't ignore the ex-Hero standing up to him as All Might predicted. He flies down and prepares an attack in a blind rage, asking why he's laughing so confidently.

All Might runs towards his archenemy at an incredible speed, and asks Hercules for "Red Riot", as the car shapes a cocoon of metal panels around his owner. All For One fires a laser at All Might, slicing through him and several buildings. "Red Riot's" panels burst open as All Might begins flying upward towards the Villain. Hercules signals that the strength of the Hercules Shield has been depleted by two thirds, and that his previous technique won't work a second time. All Might confidently shakes off the warning and keeps flying.

All For One, with his arm blown off from his previous attack, flies further down and yells that his signature head-to-head fighting style won't work without One For All. All Might calls for "Blackwhip" and several metal cables shoot out of the suit and stab All For One throughout his body. The former then activates "Chargebolt", which electrocutes the Villain and interferes with his regeneration. All Might says that his opponent's method of using long-range attacks and tiring out his foes before stealing their Quirks won't work on a Quirkless person like him. Naomasa looks at All Might getting the upper hand in this seemingly hopeless fight and reminds himself that he's still the same person who's protected everyone without fail for years, even without any powers.

All Might commissioned Hercules and the Armored All Might, for the purpose of aiding others in this current fight for a little bit. When All Might escaped to the United States following his earlier confrontation with All For One along with Nana, he met a friend there, who is watching this battle unfold. She would end up helping him make this very suit to challenge his aforementioned grim fate with everything he's got. He proudly yells to Naomasa that he's never walked into a fight expecting to lose and reminds him that that isn't any different.

All Might reels All For One in with "Cellophane", and calls Hercules for "Sugarman", and the car fires a giant metal foot which latches on to the suit. All Might pull himself towards a Villain and hits him with a Shoot Style Smash, landing a devastating kick on the Villain.

All Might flies forward and continues pummeling the Villain, saying how wrong it is that he's in his 50s and is now relentlessly bullying a "helpless young man". He thinks about All For One harbored so much hatred in order to steal One For All, and that him exploiting that and stealing the Villain's attention is what's making this fated battle possible. All Might then taunts him over the fact that any so-called Demon Lord would be shocked at the fact that they're getting beaten up by a Quirkless man.

All For One was using this time to store up an attack in the palm of his right hand. A combination of Spring-ify, Brawn Boost, Air Cannon, Rivet Stab, Dark Ball, and Impure Beam. He then fires the combined beam at All Might, which envelops him and a decimates a massive chunk of the city.

All Might get blown black into a building but cushions a lot of the impact with "Utility Cape Auto-Guard: Tsukuyomi". Despite his injuries, All Might confirms that his stall tactics were paying off. All For One was getting agitated and diverting all his attention on to him, and his attacks were growing sloppy.

All Might asks Hercules to max out the Armored All Might's movement assistance. As he does this, All For One looms over him and says to not to let his ego get the best of him, and that this trashed power suit won't help him in this fight.

All Might remembers his past conversion with Deku about over relying on support items in combat, and then thinks back to the first time he met Nana, after she quickly defeated a gaggle of Villains that he was planning on taking on singlehandedly with a metal pipe.

All Might tells All For One that they're seeing eye-to-eye and rockets up and collides his fist with the Demon Lord's head. The latter, resisting the punch, says he's not playing into All Might's plan to buy time, but is choosing to spend his time picking up the trash. All For One fires another blast of energy from his chest at All Might.

The ex-Pro Hero flies into the beam, and stabs a syringe with a purple fluid sent by Hercules into All For One's abdomen: "Superacid Injection: Pinky". The serum turns the Villain's skin a grotesque purple and begins to bubble and violently corrode his body.

As the Villain buckles under the attack's effect, All Might smiles and asks about All For One's comment about him being trash. He thinks about what proceeded his first meeting with him and his future master, as a younger Toshinori follows Nana and begs her to take him under his wing. Nana rejects him as she floats away, telling him to stop following her and that training a Quirkless person is ridiculous.

Nana tells him he's better off using that pipe from earlier to protect himself. Toshinori tells the woman that his family was killed a while back, and Nana simply says that hers was too, and she doesn't have time to help someone seek revenge.

Toshinori stops walking and says he can't just sit idle and allow the world to continue making evil prosper in these current times. As it allows victims' sorrow to morph into hatred and eventually an endless downward spiral. He wants this world to be a place where everyone can live with a smile. He feels that in order to do that, there needs to be a symbol for people to look up to.

Nana stops ignoring him and turns around to ask the boy what kind of symbol he is referring to. Toshinori calls it a 'Symbol of Peace'. He explains that even if things like buildings and collateral damage are fixed, people's hearts are still shrouded in darkness forcing them to live in fear.

Nana deduces that Toshinori is thinking about putting on a grand display of power for others. The young man says that everyone is busy protecting themselves, so he'll play the part of this so-called symbol. Because a Quirkless person doesn't have a role to play to begin with.

Back in the present, All Might is flung into the ruins of Tatooin Station, with All For One ignoring his course towards U.A. in favor of fighting All Might. All Might thinks back to the day he met Izuku, when the boy asked him if he could be a hero without a Quirk, and latter on rushing in to save Katsuki from the Sludge Villain. All Might weakly smiles, and remembers that he was lot like that when he was younger.

All Might stands up at the now caught up All For One, and notices that the Villain appears younger after "Pinky" coursed through his body and used his Quirks to try and nullify it. He realizes that the more damage he takes, the younger All For One gets due to the Rewind drug speeding up in response to it. All Might cackles loudly, as he's happy that he's still able to help others, even now. His opponent grows even more frustrated at the laughing, and begins piling up Quirks inside his body to further drag on the fight as planned.

All Might tells Hercules to keep the add-ons coming and activates "Thrusters: Uravity and Ingenium" at Full Throttle. In his heart, he says that he and his students will win this and asks Class 1-A to lend him their strength.

As the students continue fighting or reeling from their earlier battles, Chargebolt looks down from the U.A. Coffin at Deku, who's occupied with holding back Tomura on the ground. Deku feels All Might's vestige through One For All and realizes he and All For One are fighting somewhere else.

Their battles continue to heat up with seemingly no end in sight, and as Deku calls for All Might, All Might proclaims to his successor and himself to win this.

Characters In Order of Appearance[]


All Might's Technology[]


Battles & Events[]

Anime & Manga Differences[]

  • In the manga, all of the assisting Pro Heroes have reached the ground by the time Himiko pointed out Uravity's continued usage of Zero Gravity. In the anime, a few Heroes are still seen floating downward, and Uravity is implied to still be using her Quirk when its mentioned.
  • The anime adds flashbacks of All Might and All For One's previous fight when the latter starts getting enraged at All Might confronting him.
  • The anime has several shots showing the inner workings of the Armored All Might, depicting several holographic readings whenever All Might attacks or is injured, and a final shot of its mechanics when he's preparing the "Uravity and "Ingenium" Thrusters.
  • In the manga, All Might starts criticizing the flaws in All For One's fighting style while he was transitioning from "Chargebolt" to his Shoot Style Smash. In the anime, All Might says this while "Chargebolt" was still active, before moving on to reeling in All For One with "Cellophane".
  • In the manga, the enhancement, "Tsukuyomi", was named "Dark Shadow" instead, which Kohei Horikoshi pointed out that it was a mistake.[1] This was corrected in the anime.
  • When the Counter-Force says that All For One has diverted his course towards U.A. in favor of chasing All Might, Naomasa is shown tearing up in the anime.
  • When All Might is laughing at "Pinky" speeding up All For One's de-aging, his numerous flashbacks are absent in the anime.
  • When All Might activates the "Uravity and Ingenium" Thrusters, he proclaims that "they" will win in the manga. In the anime, he specifically asks Class 1-A to lend him their strength, followed by a montage of his students' current actions during the war.
    • Yuga and Toru are seen fighting earlier than they are in the manga.
    • The montage ends on Chargebolt (with Mandalay and Yuyu) on the U.A. Coffin, worringly looking down at Deku while he continues restraining Tomura on the ground.



  1. ā†‘ My Hero Academia Manga: Chapter 396, Author's Comment

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